
Antoine André obtained his Ph.D. in Automatics and Computer Vision in 2021 from University Burgundy Franche-Comté (Besançon, France), at the FEMTO-ST Institute of research, in the department of Mechanics and Mechatronics. His Ph.D. subject was focusing on the pose measurement at small scale, using encoded periodic patterns to obtain a range of measure larger than the field of view allowed in microscopy. These periodic patterns also allow a highly resolute retrieval of the position through the study of their phase evolution, with resolution up to 1 nm in translation and a few microradians in rotation. Prior to that, he received an engineering degree in robotics from the National Institute of Mechanics and Microtechnologies (Besançon, France). He joined the JRL in 2022 as a JSPS postdoctoral fellow to study the visual servoing capabilities of large field of view cameras. The core idea of this study is to enhance the servoing capabilities in robotics and avoid self-collision and joints limits while providing both a large convergence domain and a high resolution in the final positioning. He is now a permanent researcher at CNRS-AIST JRL and his current research interests are focused on computer vision for robotics, including visual servoing with omnidirectional cameras and deformation estimation from images.

The publication list may not be complete, especially for publications prior to 2017. We are working on updating it.
Title Authors Conference/Book Year bib pdf
On the Impact of the Camera Field-Of-View to Direct Visual Servoing Robot Trajectories When Using the Photometric Gaussian Mixtures As Dense Feature S. Schulte, A. André, N. Crombez, G. Caron IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration 2025
A Study on Learned Feature Maps Toward Direct Visual Servoing M. Quaccia, A. André, Y. Yoshiyasu, G. Caron IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration 2024
Dual-Hemispherical Photometric Visual Servoing N. Crombez, J. Buisson, A. André, G. Caron IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2024
Visual Gyroscope: Combination of Deep Learning Features and Direct Alignment for Panoramic Stabilization B. Berenguel-Baeta, A. André, G. Caron, J. Bermudez-Cameo, J. Guerrero IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops 2023
Photometric Visual Gyroscope for Full-View Spherical Camera A. André, G. Caron IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops 2022