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Peer-reviewed Articles (AFP project)
- (92) Yamauchi, A., Arai, T., Kondo, H., Sasaki, Y.C., and Tsuda, S. : An ice-binding protein from an Antarctic ascomycete is fine-tuned to bind to specific water molecules located in the prism planes. Biomolecules 10 (5), 759, doi: 10.3390/biom10050759 (2020).
- (91) Tsuda, S., Yamauchi, A., Khan, U. N.M.-M., Arai, T., Mahabuddin, S., Miura, A., and Kondo, H.: Fish-derived antifreeze proteins and antifreeze glycoprotein exhibit a different ice-binding property with increasing concentration. Biomolecules 10 (3), 423. doi: 10.3390/biom10030423 (2020).
- (90) Aohara, T., Furukawa J., Miura, K., Tsuda, S., Poisson J.S., Ben R.N., Wilson P.W., and Satoh S.: Presence of a basic secretory protein in xylem sap and shoots of poplar in winter and its physicochemical activities against winter environmental conditions. J. Plant Res. doi: doi.org/10.1007/s10265-019-01123-9 (2019).
- (89) Kuramochi, M., Takanashi, C., Yamauchi, A., Doi, M., Mio, K., Tsuda, S., and Sasaki, Y.: Expression of ice-binding proteins in Caenorhabditis elegans improves the survival rate upon cold shock and during freezing. Scientific Reports, 9, 6246, doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-42560-8 (2019).
- (88) Arai, T., Nishimiya, Y., Ohyama, Y., Kondo, H., and Tsuda, S.: Calcium-binding generates the semi-clathrate waters on a type II antifreeze protein to adsorb onto an ice crystal surface. Biomolecules, 9, 162, doi:10.3390/biom9050162 (2019).
- (87) Yamazaki, A., Nishimiya, Y., Tsuda, S., Togashi, K., Munehara, H.: Freeze tolerance in sculpins (Pisces; Cottoidea) inhabiting north pacific and Arctic oceans: Antifreeze activity and gene sequences of the antifreeze protein. Biomolecules, 9, 139, doi:10.3390/biom9040139 (2019).
- (86) Rahman, A.T., Arai, T., Yamauchi, A., Miura, A., Kondo, H., Ohyama, Y., and Tsuda, S.: Ice recrystallization is strongly inhibited when antifreeze proteins bind to multiple ice planes. Sci Rep, 9 (1): 2212. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-36546-2 (2019).
- (85) Arai, T., Fukami, D., Hoshino, T., Kondo, H., and Tsuda, S.: Ice-binding proteins from the fungus Antarctomyces psychrotropicus possibly originate from two different bacteria through horizontal gene transfer. FEBS J. doi: 10.1111/febs.14725 (2018).
- (84) Yamazaki, A., Nishimiya, Y., Tsuda, S., Togashi, K., Munehara, H.: Gene expression of antifreeze protein in relation to historical distributions of Myoxocephalus fish species. Marine Biology, 165: 181. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-018-3440-x (2018).
- (83) Mahatabuddin, S. and Tsuda, S.: Applications of Antifreee Proteins: Practical Use of the Quality Products from Japanese Fishes. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., 1081, 321-327. doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-1244-1_17 (2018).
- (82) Azuma, N., Miyazaki Y., Nakano, M., and Tsuda, S.: Unexpected Rise of Glass Transition Temperature of Ice Crystallized from Antifreeze Protein Solution. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9, 4512-4515 (2018).
- (81)Mahatabuddin S., Fukami, D., Arai,T., Nishimiya, Y., Shimizu, R., Shibazaki, C., Kondo, H., Adachi, M., and Tsuda, S.: Polypentagonal ice-like water networks emerge solely in an activity-improved variant of ice-binding protein. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA,115 (21), 5456-5461 (2018).
- (80) Orii, R., Sakamoto, N., Fukami, D., Tsuda, S., Izumi, M., Kajihara, Y., and Okamoto, R. Total Synthesis of O-GalNAcylated Antifreeze Glycoprotein using the Switchable Reactivity of Peptidyl-N-pivaloylguanidine. Chem. Eur. J., 9253-9257 (2017).
- (79) Mahatabuddin, S., Hanada, Y., Nishimiya, Y., Miura, A., Kondo, H., Davies, P.L., and Tsuda, S. : Concentration-dependent oligomerization of an alpha-helical antifreeze polypeptide makes it hyperactive. Scientific Reports 7, 42501 (2017).
- (78) Cheng, J., Hanada, Y., Miura, A., Tsuda, S., and Kondo, H.: Hydrophobic Ice-Binding Sites confer Hyperactivity of an Antifreeze Protein from a Snow Mold Fungus. Biochem. J. 473 (21), 4011-26 (2016).
- (77) Tsuda, S.: Mass preparation of fish antifreeze protein. J. Bioprocess Biotechniq. 6 (7), 30 (2016).
- (76) Mahatabuddin S., Nishimiya, Y., Miura, A., Kondo, H., and Tsuda, S.: Critical Ice Shaping Concentration (CISC): A New Parameter to Evaluate the Activity of Antifreeze Proteins. Cryobiology and Cryotechnology 62 (2), 95-103 (2016).
- (75) Arai, A., Cheng, J., Mahatabuddin, S., Kondo, H., and Tsuda, S.: Observation of Inhibitory Effect of Antifreeze Protein on Progressive Freeze-Concentration. Cryobiology and Cryotechnology 61 (2) 121-124 (2015).
- (74) Ideta, A., Aoyagi, Y., Tsuchiya, K., Nakamura, K., Shirasawa, A., Sakaguchi, K., Tominaga, N., Nishimiya, Y., and Tsuda, S. : Prolonging hypothermic storage (4oC) of bovine embryos with fish antifreeze protein. J. Reprod. Dev. 61, 1-6 (2015).
- (73) Hanada, Y., Nishimiya Y., Miura, A., Tsuda, S., and Kondo, H. : Hyperactive antifreeze protein from an Antarctic sea ice bacterium Colwellia sp. has a compound ice-binding site without repetitive sequences. FEBS J. 281 3576-3590 (2014).
- (72) Xiao, N., Hanada, Y., Seki, H., Kondo, H., Tsuda, S., and Hoshino, T. : Annealing condition influences thermal hysteresis of fungal type ice-binding proteins. Cryobiology 68 159-161 (2014).
- (71) Singh, P., Hanada, Y., Singh, S., and Tsuda, S. : Antifreeze protein activity in Arctic Cryoconite bacteria. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 351, 14-22 (2014).
- (70) Sakaki, K., Cristov N., Tsuda, S., and Imai, R. : Identification of a novel LEA protein involved in freezing tolerance in wheat. Plant and Cell Physiology, 55 (1) 136-147 (2014).
- (69) Tsuchiya, K., Ideta, A., Nishimiya, Y., and Tsuda, S. and Aoyagi, Y. : Artificial dormancy of bovine embryos for a maximum of 7 days using a simple medium. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 26 (1) 139-140 (2013).
- (68) Basu, K., Garnham, C.P., Nishimiya, Y., Tsuda, S., Braslavsky, I., and Davies, P.L. : Determining the ice-binding planes of antifreeze proteins by fluorescence-based ice plane affinity. Journal of Visualized Experiments 83, e51185 (2014).
- (67) Fukami, D., Hanada, Y., Cheng, J., Tsuda, S., and Kondo, H. : Functional Analysis of Antifreeze Protein from Ascomycete. Cryobiology and Cryotechnology 59 (2), 157-160 (2013).
- (66) Kamijima, T, Sakashita, M., Miura, A., Nishimiya, Y., and Tsuda, S. :Antifreeze Protein Prolongs the Life-Time of Insulinoma Cells during Hypothermic Preservation. PLoS ONE 8 (9), e73643 (2013).
- (65) Tsuji, M., Fujiu, S., Xiao N, Hanada, Y., Kudoh, S., Kondo, H., Tsuda, S.,and Hoshino, T. : Cold adaptation of fungi obtained from soil and lake sediment in the Skarvsnes ice-free area, Antarctica. FEMS Microbiol Lett 346 121-130 (2013).
- (64) Ideta, A., Aoyagi, Y., Tsuchiya, K., Kamijima, T., Nishimiya, Y., and Tsuda, S. : A simple medium enables bovine embryos to be held for seven days at 4 ℃. Scientific Reports, 3 (1173) 1-5 (2013).
- (63) Fukushima, M., Tsuda, S., and Nishizawa, Y.-I. : Fabrication of highly porous alumina prepared by gelation freezing route with antifreeze protein. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 96 (4), 1029-1031 (2013).
- (62) Kumeta, H., Ogura, K., Nishimiya, Y., Miura, A., Inagaki, F., and Tsuda, S. : A defective isoform and its activity-improved variant of a type III antifreeze protein from Zoarces elongatus Kner. J. Biomol. NMR, 55 (2), 225-230 (2013).
- (61) Izumi, R., Matsushita, T., Ohyabu, N., Fujitani, N., Naruchi, K., Shimizu, H., Tsuda, S., Hinou, H., and Nishimura, S.-I. : Microwave-assisted solid-phase synthesis of antifreeze glycopeptides. Chem. Eur. J.,19, 3913-3920 (2013).
- (60) Yamanouchi, T., Xiao, N., Hanada, Y., Kamijima, T., Sakashita, M., Nishimiya, Y., Miura, A., Kondo, H., and Tsuda, S. : Dependence of freeze-concentration inhibition on antifreeze protein. Low Temperature Science 71, 91-96 (2013).
- (59) Garnham, C.P., Nishimiya, Y., Tsuda, S., and Davies, P.L. : Engineering a naturally inactive isoform of type III antifreeze protein into one that can stop the growth of ice. FEBS Letters, 586, 3876-3881 (2012).
- (58) Kondo, H., Hanada, Y., Hoshino, T., Garnham, C.P., Davies, P.L., and Tsuda, S. : Ice-binding site of snow mold fungus antifreeze protein deviates from structural regularity and high conservation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 109 (24), 9360-9365 (2012).
- (57) Ishiwata, A., Sakurai, A., Nishimiya, Y., Tsuda, S., and Ito, Y. : Synthetic study and structural analysis of the antifreeze agent xylomannan from Upis ceramboides. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 19524-19535 (2011).
- (56) Xiao, N., Suzuki, K., Nishimiya, Y., Kondo, H., Miura, A., Tsuda, S., and Hoshino, T. : Comparison of functional properties of two fungal antifreeze proteins from Antarctomyces psychrotrophicus and Typhula ishikariensis. FEBS J. 277, 394-403 (2010).
- (55) Yamawaki, H., Fujihisa, H., Sakashita, M., Honda, K., and Gotoh, Y. : Vibration and structural study in phase I of Rb3H(SO4)2. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 405, 291-295 (2010).
- (54) Yaoi, K., Kondo, H., Hiyoshi, A., Noro, N., Sugimoto, H., Tsuda, S., and Miyazaki, K. : The crystal structure of a xyloglucan-specific endo-beta-1,4-glucanase from Geotrichum sp. M128 xyloglucanase reveals a key amino acid residue for substrate specificity. FEBS J. 276, 5094-5100 (2009).
- (53) Yasuda, K., Takeya, S., Sakashita, M., Yamawaki, H., and Ohmura, R. : Binary Ethanol-Methane Clathrate Hydrate Formation in the System CH4-C2H5OH-H2O: Confirmation of Structure II Hydrate Formation. J. Phys. Chem. C, 113, 12598-12601 (2009).
- (52) Yasuda, K., Takeya, S., Sakashita, M., Yamawaki, H., and Ohmura, R. : Characterization of the Clathrate Hydrate Formed with Methane and Propan-1-ol. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 48, 9335-9337 (2009).
- (51) Kodama, Y., Masaki, K., Kondo, H., Suzuki, M., Tsuda, S., Nagura, K., Shimba, N., Suzuki, E. and Iefuji, H. : Crystal Structure and Enhanced Activity of a Cutinase-like Enzyme from Cryptococcus sp. Strain S-2. Proteins 77 (3), 710-717 (2009).
- (50) Sakae, Y., Matsubara, T., Aida, M., Kondo, H., Masaki. K., and Iefuji, H. : ONIOM Study of the Mechanism of the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Biodegradable Plastics. Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 82 (3), 338-346 (2009).
- (49) Hachisu, M., Hinou, H., Takamichi, M., Tsuda, S., Koshida, S., and Nishimura, S.-I.. : One-pot synthesisof cyclic antifreeze glycopeptides. Chem. Commun. 1641-1643 (2009).
- (48) Takamichi, M., Nishimiya, Y., Miura, A., and Tsuda, S. : Fully active QAE isoform confers thermal hysteresis activity on a defective SP isoform of type III antifreeze protein. FEBS J. 276 1471-1479 (2009).
- (47) Nishimiya, Y., Kondo, H., Sugimoto, H., Suzuki, M., Takamichi, M., Miura, A., and Tsuda, S. : Crystal Structure and Mutatiuonal Analysis of Ca2+-independent Type II Antifreeze Protein from Longsnout poacher, Brachyopsis rostatus. J. Mol. Biol., 382 (3), 734-746 (2008).
- (46) Warashina, A., Hirano, Y., Takamichi, M., Nishimiya, Y., Kondo, H., and Tsuda, S. : Hypothermic preservation of cultured cells with using fish type III antifreeze protein from Notched-fin eelpout. Cryobiology and Cryotechnology 54 (2). 93-96 (2008).
- (45) Iwasaki, K., Kondo, H., Nishimiya, Y., Takamichi, M., Miura, A., and Tsuda, S. : Enhancement of the activity of antifreeze protein by addition of a water-soluble polymer. Cryobiology and Cryotechnology 54 (2). 89-92 (2008).
- (44) Hirano, Y., Nishimiya, Y., Kowata, K., Mizutani, F., Tsuda, S., and Komatsu, Y. : Construction of Time-Lapse Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy with Temperature Control and Its Application to Evaluate the Preservation Effects of Antifreeze Proteins on Living Cells. Anal. Chem. 80, 9349-9354 (2008).
- (43) Nishimiya, Y., Mie, Y., Hirano, Y., Kondo, H., Miura, A., and Tsuda, S. : Mass preparation and technological development of an antifreeze protein - Toward a practical use of biomolecules ? Synthesiology 1 (1), 7-14 (2008).
- (42) Yasui, M., Takamichi, M., Miura, A., Nishimiya, Y., Kondo, H., and Tsuda, S. : Hydroxyl groups of threonines contribute to the activity of Ca2+-dependent type II antifreeze protein. Cryobiology and Cryotechnology 54 (1). 1-8 (2008).
- (41) Nakanishi, T., Tsumoto, K., Yokota, A., Kondo, H., and Kumagai, I. : Critical contribution of VH-VL interaction to rehaping of an antibody: The case of humanization of anti-lysozyme antibody, HyHEL-10. Protein Sci. 17 (2), 261-270 (2008).
- (40) Makabe, K., Nakanishi, T., Tsumoto, K., Tanaka, Y., Kondo, H., Umezu, M., Sone, Y., Asano, R., and Kumagai, I. : Thermodynamic consequences of mutations in Vernier Zone residues of a humanized anti-human epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) murine antibody, 528. J. Biol. Chem. 283 (2), 1156-1166 (2008).
- (39) Sakashita, M., Fujihisa, H., Suzuki, K., Hayashi, S., and Honda, K. : Using X-ray diffraction to study thermal phase transitions in CS5H3(SO4)4 xH2O. Solid State Ionics, 178, 1262-1267 (2007).
- (38) Takamichi, M., Nishimiya, Y., Miura, A., and Tsuda, S. : Effect of annealing time of an ice crystal on the activity of type III antifreeze protein. FEBS J. 274, 6469-6476 (2007).
- (37) Matsumoto, S., Matsushita, M., Nishimiya, Y., Hirano, Y., Tsuda, S. and Todo, S. : Type III antifreeze protein extremely enhances viability of cultured endothelial cells during hypothermic preservation. Am. J. Transplant, 7, 506 (2007).
- (36) Yaoi, K., Kondo, H., Hiyoshi, A., Noro, N., Sugimoto, H., Tsuda, S., Mitsuishi, Y., and Miyazaki, K. : The Structural Basis for the Exo-mode of Action in GH74 Oligoxyloglucan Reducing End-speicific Cellobiohydrolase. J. Mol. Biol., 370, 53-62 (2007).
- (35) Shiroishi, M., Tsumoto, K., Tanaka, Y., Yokota, A., Nakanishi, T., Kondo, H., and Kumagai, I. : Structural consequences of mutations in interfacial Tyr residues of a protein antigen-antibody complex: The case of HyHEL-10-HEL. J. Biol. Chem. 282, 6783-6791 (2007).
- (34) Hara, I., Ichise, N., Kojima, K., Kondo,H., Ohgiya, S., Matsuyama, H., and Yumoto, I. : Relationship between Size of Bottleneck 15 Angstrome Away from Iron in Main Channel and Reactivity of Catalase Corresponding to Molecular Size of Substrates. Biochemistry, 46, 11-22 (2007).
- (33) Uchida, T., Ikeda, I.Y., Ohmura, R., and Tsuda, S. : Effects of additives on formation rates of CO2 hydrate Films. Proceedings of 11th International Conference of Physical Chemistry of Ice, 609-618 (2007).
- (32) Holland, N.B., Nishimiya, Y., Tsuda, S., and Sonnichsen, F.D. : Activity of a Two-domain Antifreeze Protein is Not Dependent on Linker Sequence. Biophys. J., 46, 11-22 (2007).
- (31) Nishimiya, Y., Kondo, H., Yasui, M., Sugimoto, H., Noro, N., Sato, R., Suzuki, M., Miura, A., and Tsuda, S. : Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of Ca2+-independent and Ca2+-dependent species of the type II antifreeze protein. Acta Crystallographica., F62, 538-541 (2006).
- (30) Miyazaki, K., Takenouchi M., Kondo, H., Noro, N., Suzuki, M., and Tsuda, S. : Thermal Stabilization of Bacillus Subtilis Family-11 Xylanase by Directed Evolution. J. Biol. Chem., 281, 10236-10242 (2006).
- (29) Kobashigawa, Y., Nishimiya, Y., Miura, K., Ohgiya, S., Miura, A., and Tsuda, S. : A part of ice nucleation protein exhibits the ice-binding ability. FEBS Letters., 579(6), 1493-1497 (2005).
- (28) Nishimiya, Y., Sato, R., Takamichi, M., Miura, A., and Tsuda, S. : Co-operative effect of the isoforms of type III antifreeze protein expressed in Notched-fin eelpout, Zoarces elongatus Kner. FEBS J. (Eur. J. Biochem.), 272, 482-492 (2005).
- (27) Yaoi, K., Kondo, H., Noro, N., Suzuki, M., Tsuda, S., and Mitsuishi, Y. : A part of ice nucleation protein exhibits the ice-binding ability. FEBS Letters., 579(6), 1493-1497 (2005).
- (26) Tachibana, Y., Fletcher, G.L., Fujitani, N., Tsuda, S., Monde, K., and Nishimura, S.-I.: Antifreeze Glycoproteins: Elucidation of the Structural Motifs That Are Essential for Antifreeeze Activity. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 43, 856-862 (2004).
- (25) Hoshino, T., Kiriaki, M., Ohgiya, S., Fujiwara, M., Kondo, H., Nishimiya, Y., Yumoto, I., and Tsuda, S. : Antifreeze proteins from snow mold fungi. Can J. Bot., 81, 1175-1181 (2003).
- (24) Nishimiya, Y., Ohgiya, S., and Tsuda, S. : Artificial Multimers of The Type III Antifreeze Protein: Effects on Thermal Hysteresis and Ice Crystal Morphology. J. Biol. Chem., 278(34), 32307-32312 (2003).
- (23) Yaoi, K., Kondo, H., Suzuki, M., Noro, N., Tsuda, S., and Mitsuishi, Y. : Crystallization and Preliminary X-Ray Crystallographic Study on Xyloglucan-Specific exo-beta-glycosidase, oligoxyloglucan reducing-end specific cellobiohydrolase. Acta Crystal., D59, 1838-1839 (2003).
- (22) Yamashita, Y., Miura, R., Takemoto, Y., Tsuda, S., Kawahara, H., and Obata, H. : Type II Antifreeze Protein from a Mid-Latitude Freshwater Fish, Japanese Smelt (Hypomesus nipponesis). Biosci. Biotech. Biochem., 67(3), 461-466 (2003).
- (21) Kumeta, H., Miura, A., Kobashigawa, Y., Miura, K., Oka, C., Nemoto, N., Nitta, K., and Tsuda, S : Low-Temperature-Induced Structural Changes in Human Lysozyme Elucidated by Three-Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy. Biochemistry, 42(5), 1209-1216 (2003).
- (20) Tachibana, Y., Matsubara, N., Nakajima, F., Tsuda, T., Tsuda, S., Monde, K., and Nishimura, S-I. : Efficient and versatile synthesis of mucin-like glycoprotein mimics. Tetrahedron, 58, 10213-10224 (2002).
- (19) Koike, M., Okamoto, T., Tsuda, S., and Imai, R. : A novel plant defensin-like gene of winter wheat is specifically induced during cold acclimation. Biochecm. Biophys. Res. Commun., 298, 46-53 (2002).
- (18) Suetake, T., Aizawa, T., Koganesawa, N., Osaki, T., Kobashigawa, Y., Demura, M., Kawabata, S., Kawano, K., Tsuda, S., and Nitta, K. : Production and Characterization of Recombinant tachycitin, the Cys-rich chitin-binding protein. Protein Engineering, 15(9), 763-769 (2002).
- (17) Kawasaki, K., Kondo, H., Suzuki, M., Ohgiya, S., and Tsuda, S. : Alternate conformations observed in catalytic serine of Bacillus subtilis lipase determined at 1.3 angstrome resolution. Acta Cryst., D58, 1168-1174 (2002).
- (16) Kumeta, H., Kobashigawa, Y., Miura, K., Nishimiya, Y., Oka, C., Nemoto, N., Miura, A., Nitta, K., and Tsuda, S: Assignment of 1H, 13C, and 15N resonances of human lysozyme at 4oC. J. Biomol. NMR, 22(3), 183-184 (2002).
- (15) Uedaira Hisashi, Okouchi S., Tsuda, S., and Uedaira Hatsuho. : Hydration of Glucose and Galactose Derivatives. Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 74, 1857-1861 (2001).
- (14) Kobashigawa, Y., Miura, K., Demura, M., Nemoto, N., Koshiba, T., Nitta, K., and Tsuda, S. : Assignment of 1H, 13C, and 15N resonances of canine milk lysozyme. J. Biomol. NMR, 19(4), 387-388 (2001).
- (13) Miura, K., Ohgiya, S., Hoshino, T., Nemoto, N., Suetake, T., Miura, A., Spyracopoulos, L., and Tsuda, S. : NMR Analysis of Type III Antifreeze Protein Intramolecular Dimer: Structural Basis for Enhanced Activity. J. Biol. Chem., 276(2), 1304-1310 (2001).
- (12) Miura, K., Ohgiya, S., Hoshino, T., Nemoto, N., Nitta, K., and Tsuda, S. : Assignments of 1H, 13C, and 15N NMR resonances of intramolecular dimer antifreeze protein RD3. J. Biomol. NMR, 16, 273-274 (2000).
- (11) Suetake, T., Tsuda, S., Kawabata, S., Kawano, K., Miura, K., Iwanaga, S., Hikichi, K., and Nitta, K. : Chitin-binding Proteins in Invertebrates and Plants Comprise a Common Chitin-binding Structural Motif. J. Biol. Chem., 275(24), 17929-17932 (2000).
- (10) Hoshino, T., Odaira, T., Yoshida, M., and Tsuda, S. : Physiological and biochemical significance of antifreeze substances in plants. J. Plant Res., 112, 255-261 (1999).
- (9) Miura, K., Ohgiya, S., Hoshino, T., Nemoto, N., Nitta, K., and Tsuda, S. : Determination of the solution structure of the N-domain plus linker of antarctic eel pout antifreeze protein RD3. J. Biochem., 126, 387-394 (1999).
- (8) Tsuda, S., Miura, A., Gagne, S.M., Spyracopoulos, L., and Sykes, B.D. : Low-Temperature-Induced Structural Changes in The Apo Regulatory Domain of Skeletal Muscle Troponin C. Biochemistry, 38(18), 5693-5700 (1999).
- (7) Gagne, S.M., Tsuda, S., Spyracopoulos, L., and Sykes, B.D. : Backbone and Methyl Dynamics of the Regulatory Domain of Troponin C: Anisotropic Rotational Diffusion and Contribution of Conformational Entropy to Calcium Affinity. J. Mol. Biol., 278, 667-686 (1998).
- (6) Tsuda, S., Ito, A., and Matsushima, N. : A hairpin-loop conformation in tandem repeat sequence of the ice nucleation protein revealed by NMR spectroscopy. FEBS Letters, 409, 227-231 (1997).
- (5) John, G., Tsuda, S., and Morita, M. : Synthesis and Modification of New Biodegradable Co-polymers: Serine/Glycolic acid Alternating Polymer abd Copolymers of L-Lactide or e-Caprolactone. J. Polym. Sci., A62, 1901-1907 (1997).
- (4) Ohki, S., Miura, K., Saito, M., Nakashima, K., Maekawa, H., Yazawa, M., Tsuda, S., and Hikichi, K. : Secondary Structure and Ca2+-Binding Property of the N-Terminal Half Domain of Calmodulin from Yeast Saccaromyces cerevisiae as Studied by NMR. J. Biochem., 119, 1045-1055 (1996).
- (3) Sykes, B.D., Audette, G., Gagne, S.M., Li, M.X., Slupsky, C.M., and Tsuda, S. : NMR Studies of the Calcium-Induced Structural lChanges that Triggers Muscle Contraction. Proceedings of 34th. Hanford Symposium on Health and the Environment, "Biomolecules: From 3-D Structure to Applications"(ed. Ornstein, R.L.) pp. 11-19, Pasco, Washington (1995).
- (2) Gagne, S.M., Tsuda, S., Li, M.X., Smillie, L.B., and Sykes, B.D. : Structures of the troponinC regulatory domains in the apo and calcium-saturated states. Nature Struct. Biol., 2, 784-789 (1995).
- (1) Li, M.X., Gagne, S.M., Tsuda, S., Kay, C.M., Smillie, L.B., and Sykes, B.D. : Calcium Binding to the Regulatory N-Domain of Skeletal Muscle Troponin C Occurs in a Stepwise manner. Biochemistry, 34, 8330-8440 (1995).
Inviting and keynote Lectures (AFP project)
- (53) Sakae Tsuda: Molecular function and application of Antifreeze protein. Annual meeting at Ishikawa Prefectural University, Kanazawa, JPN. Dec 4th, 2017.
- (52) Sakae Tsuda: Antifreeze proein – from functional analysis to industrial applications -. Inviting lecture at National Defense Academy, Yokosuka, JPN. Nov.28th, 2017.
- (51) Sakae Tsuda: Molecular function and application of antifreeze proteins. 15th Annual meeting of Spring-8 advanced research workshop. Kyoto, JPN. Aug 24th, 2017.
- (50) Sakae Tsuda:Molecular biology of antifreeze protein. 2017 Annual meeting of the Ichthyological Society of Japan. Hakodate, JPN. Sep 18th, 2017.
- (49) Sakae Tsuda:A new type I antifreeze protein BpAFP undergoes oligomerization to bind to whole surface of an ice crystal. 2nd International Conference on Bioscience. London, UK (2017/6/19).
- (48) Sakae Tsuda: Antifreeze Science. 3rd meeting of the Low- temperature science community, Tokyo, JPN. Jan 20th, 2017.
- (47) Sakae Tsuda: Antifreeze Science. New cell-preservation technique utilizing extremely purified antifreeze protein. Cryopreservation Conference 2016, Okazaki, JPN. Nov.10th, 2016.
- (46) Sakae Tsuda:Mass preparation of fish antifreeze protein. 4th International conference on Bioprocess and Bio Therapeutics (Bioprocess2016). Houston, USA. Oct 21st, 2016.
- (45) Sakae Tsuda:Structure of antifreeze protein –Ice binding mechanism and its application-. 2016 Annual meeting of the vacuum society of Japan. Sapporo, JPN. Oct 6th, 2016.
- (44) Sakae Tsuda:What is antifreeze protein? – Ice binding function operated by different structural motifs –. Special seminar at the Osaka University. Osaka, JPN. Nov 5th, 2016.
- (43) Sakae Tsuda: Development of cell-preservation technique on the basis of the functional analysis of antifreeze protein. Cryopreservation Conference 2014, Okazaki, JPN. Oct.24th, 2014.
- (42) Sakae Tsuda* : The membrane-binding ability of fish IBP prolongs the life-time of a cell dramatically. 2nd International Ice-Binding Protein (IBP) Conference, Sapporo, JPN. Aug.7th. 2014. (* ST is the host-organizer of this conference).
- (41) Sakae Tsuda: Development of new cryotechnology utilizing the antifreeze protein. 1st Open facility symposium of Hokkaido University. Sapporo, JPN. Mar 10th, 2014.
- (40) Sakae Tsuda: Analysis of molecular mechanism of antifreeze protein for its application. Training for technical staffs employed in Universities & Institutes of Hokkaido in 2013. Sapporo, JPN. Aug 27th 2013.
- (39)○Tsuda, S., Kondo, H., Ideta, A., Aoyagi, Y., and Nishimiya, Y. Antifreeze Protein from Japanese Organisms: Functional Analyses for the General Use. 50th Annual meeting of the society for cryobiology (CRYO2013), Washingon D.C. USA (2013/7/29).
- (38) Sakae Tsuda : Antifreeze protein -Applicational aspect in cryotechnlogy, The Science Forum in Tokyo, "Application of antifreeze protein in industry - Milestone for the practical use of the protein -. JPN. Feb.14th. 2013.
- (37) Sakae Tsuda : Analysis of structure and function of a new fungal antifreeze protein, 2012 Industrial technology seminar in Hirosaki. JPN. Dec. 13th. 2012.
- (36) Sakae Tsuda : Functional analysis of antifreeze protein and its industrial appications, 2012 Industrial technology seminar in Yonago. JPN. Dec. 7th. 2012.
- (35) Sakae Tsuda : Study of antifreeze protein and its industrial appications, 9th Meeting of industrial innovation utilizing Methane-hydrate. JPN. Nov. 5th. 2012.
- (34) Sakae Tsuda : Applications of antifreeze proteins in food industry, Nihon-Syokuhin-Kougyou Club. JPN. Apr.24th. 2012.
- (33) Sakae Tsuda : Mass preparation and technological developments of antifrreze protein, 2012 training for new AIST researchers, Tsukuba, JPN. Apr.11th. 2012.
- (32) Sakae Tsuda : Recent technological developments utilizing antifreeze protein, 1st International Ice-Binding Protein (IBP) conference and workshop, Kingston (ON), CAN. Aug.6th, 2011.
- (31) Hidemasa Kondo : Crystal structure of antifreeze protein from a snow mold fungus, 1st International Ice-Binding Protein (IBP) conference and workshop, Kingston (ON), CAN. Aug.5th, 2011.
- (30) Sakae Tsuda : New technologies utilizing the functions of antifreeze protein, 12th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Extremophiles, Tsukuba, JPN. Jun.13th, 2011.
- (29) Sakae Tsuda : Functional analyses of antifreeze protein and its practical applications, 65th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Enzyme Engineering, Kyoto, JPN. Apr.22th, 2011.
- (28) Sakae Tsuda : New technologies utilizing antifreeze protein, 12th. International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI-2010), Sapporo, JPN. Sep.10th, 2010.
- (27) Mami Sakashita, Yoshiyuki Nishimiya, Hidemasa Kondo, and Sakae Tsuda : Interaction between ice and a type III antifreeze protein under high pressure, 12th International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI-2010), Sapporo, JPN. Sep.10th, 2010.
- (26) Sakae Tsuda : Molecular analyses of antifreeze protein for its industrial applications, 5th alliance seminar for methane-hydrate research laboratory of AIST, Sapporo, JPN. Sep.2nd, 2010.
- (25) Sakae Tsuda : Functional analyses of antifreeze protein for a new technology, 10th annual meeting of protein science society of Japan, Sapporo, JPN. Jun.16th, 2010.
- (24) Sakae Tsuda : Structure and function analyses of antifreeze protein for a novel technology, Annual Seminar for the national newtron diffraction center of Ibaraki prefecture, Ibaraki, JPN. Mar.25th, 2010.
- (23) Yoshiyuki Nishimiya : A protein that ineteracts with ice - application of neutron diffraction-, Annual Seminar for the national newtron diffraction center of Ibaraki prefecture, Ibaraki, JPN. Jan.15th, 2010.
- (22) Sakae Tsuda : Analysis of antifreeze function for technological application, Annual seminar held at Division of Engineering for Composite Functions in Muroran Institute of Technology, Muroran, JPN. Nov.11th, 2009.
- (21) Sakae Tsuda : Functional analysis of antifreeze protein and its application to food technologies, 56th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology, Nagoya, JPN. Sep.12th, 2009.
- (20) Sakae Tsuda : New technologies developed for practical use of antifreeze protein, 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology (CRYO2009), Sapporo, JPN. Jul 20th. 2009.
- (19) Yoshiyuki Nishimiya : Purification and functional analysis of antifreeze protein from Japanese fish, Dou-ou bioresearch community, Eniwa, JPN. Feb 27th. 2009.
- (18) Yoshiyuki Nishimiya : Mass-purification of antifreeze proteins from fish muscles, AIST-Fair, Hakodate, JPN. Jan 23rd. 2007.
- (17) Sakae Tsuda : Development of practical freezing techniques by using antifreeze protein, AIST Forum in Nagoya, JPN. Dec.5th, 2007.
- (16) Sakae Tsuda : Saving of the freezing energy by utilizing antifreeze protein, Kyusyu University WS-Forum "Current situation and future aspects of protein and peptides, Fukuoka, JPN. Nov.2nd,2007.
- (15) Sakae Tsuda : Antifreeze Protein from Japanese Fish: An epoch in biotechnology, The 234th American Chemical Society Meeting - Antifreeze Proteins: A Memorial Synposium for Robert Feeney. (*Program assigned to 'Division of Computers in Chemistry'), Boston, USA. Aug.19th, 2007.
- (14) Sakae Tsuda : Antifreeze Protein - from functional analysis to technological applications-, 2nd International Symposium on the Environmental Physiology of Ectotherms and Plants (ISEPEP2) . Duniden, NZ. Jul.2nd, 2007.
- (13) Sakae Tsuda : Functions of antifreeze protein (AFP) and its practical use in industry, Food Technology Forum, Tokyo, JPN. Apr.21st, 2006.
- (12) Sakae Tsuda : A special gift from nothern nature - antifreeze protein -, A forum for the citizen of Sapporo, Sapporo, JPN. Nov.26th, 2005.
- (11) Sakae Tsuda : Biotechnology utilizing Japan-original antifreeze protein, 2005 AIST Life Science Meeting, Fukuoka, JPN. Mar.3rd, 2005.
- (10) Sakae Tsuda : Antifreeze Protein - from structural basis to industrial application -, Hokkaido University Sousei-kagaku seminar, Sapporo, JPN. Oct.12th, 2004.
- (9) Katsuro Yaoi, Hidemasa Kondo, Mamoru Suzuki, Natsuko Noro, Sakae Tsuda, and Yasushi Mitsuishi : Structure and Function of xyloglucan hydrolases belonging to Glycoside Hydrolase Family 74, 12th symposium of applied glycoscience, Kagoshima, JPN. Sep.17th, 2004.
- (8) Sakae Tsuda : Antifreeze Protein - from structural basis to industrial application -, AIST-Korea Joint Workshop, Sapporo, JPN. Jun.29th, 2004.
- (7) Sakae Tsuda : Antifreeze Protein from Japanese Fish, The 30th. Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Low Temperature Medicine, Sapporo, JPN. Nov.29th, 2003.
- (6) Sakae Tsuda : Antifreze Protein from Japanese Fish - application for tissue preservation -, 2nd Hokkaido Marine Bioscience Symposium, Sapporo, JPN. Oct.31st, 2003.
- (5) Sakae Tsuda : Three-Dimensional Structure of Fish Antifreeze Protein and its Industrial Applications, 2003 AIST Life Science Meeting, Sapporo, JPN. Sep.18th, 2003.
- (4) Sakae Tsuda : Antifreeze Protein - from structural basis to industrial application -, 2003 Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Cryobiology and Cryotechnology, Sapporo, JPN. Jun.26th, 2003.
- (3) Sakae Tsuda : Antifreeze Protein from Japanese Organisms, 3rd Annual meeting of Japanese Society for Protein Science, Sapporo, JPN. Jun.24th, 2003.
- (2) Sakae Tsuda : Japanese Antifreeze Proteins, Symposium on Stress Proteins: From Antifreeze to Heat Shock.California, USA. Jun.26th, 2003.
- (1) Sakae Tsuda and Yoshiyuki Nishimiya : Cold Adaptation of Arctic Fish - Expression of Ice binding Protein -, Seminar at the Institute for Protein Research in Osaka University, Osaka, JPN. Mar.11th, 2003.