Mission and Research Fields

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) has launched a new research Institute named Bioproduction Research Institute on the 1st of April, 2010. After careful reviewing process and discussion, former two Institutes, Research Institute of Genome-based Biofactory and Research Institute of Biological Function have been merged into one that focuses bioscience and bioengineering research fields.
The Institute is;
- exploring microorganisms that have not been cultured and utilizing those organisms as genetic resources
- constructing new data mining platforms on genome informatics and trying to produce a wide array of active compounds based upon the genes discovered
- constructing plant and microbe platforms for producing enzymes, cytokines, vaccines, and other compounds for medical and industrial purposes
- discovering, synthesizing and modifying useful proteins, nucleic acids, polymers based on chemistry, chemical biology, and structural biology.

Bioproduction Research Institute has two branches in Sapporo and Tsukuba. Both branches are located in convenient settings for collaborating with a number of private companies and universities. Over 10 scientists in the Institute are currently dedicating themselves to students' education and research as visiting professors.
In March 11, 2011, the tragic quake disaster devastated the infrastructure of our Institute in Tsukuba. However, thanks to having two branches, we were able to take full advantage of this and research stuff could evacuate the Tsukuba branch to Sapporo branch to avert discontinuation of research. We also accepted other scientists who suffered from the quake. Our Institute should contribute to restoration not only by practical means but by giving dream and hope to scientific societies and general public.