




Honeycomb-Layered Oxides With Silver Atom Bilayers and Emergence of Non-Abelian SU(2) Interactions
マセセ タイタス, G. M. Kanyolo, 宮﨑吉宣, 伊藤美優, 田口 昇, J. Rizell, 橘慎太朗, 多田幸平, Z.-D. Huang, A. Alshehabi, 生方宏樹, 窪田啓吾, 吉井一記, 妹尾 博, C. Tassel, 折笠有基, 陰山 洋, 齋藤智浩 Advanced Science, 10巻 6号 2204672 (2023)

Implications of coordination chemistry to cationic interactions in honeycomb layered nickel tellurates
多田幸平, マセセ タイタス, G. M. Kanyolo
Computational Materials Science, 207巻 111322 (2022)

Cationic vacancies as defects in honeycomb lattices with modular symmetries
G. M. Kanyolo, マセセ タイタス
Scientific Reports, 12巻 1号 6465 (2022)

On local conservation of information content in Schwarzschild black holes
G. M. Kanyolo, マセセ タイタス
Journal of Physics Communication, 6巻 4号 041001 (2022)

An idealised approach of geometry and topology to the diffusion of cations in honeycomb layered oxide frameworks
G. M. Kanyolo, マセセ タイタス
Scientific Reports, 10巻 1号 13284 (2020)