




Elucidating the mechanism of microscopic conduction in cathode composites for all-solid-state batteries through scanning spreading resistance microscopy
蒲生浩忠, 前田 泰, 清林 哲, 城間 純, 佐野 光
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 12巻 24号 14380–14388頁 (2024)

Ability of Li4Ti5O12 to suppress Li metal deposition under overpotential conditions confirmed by electrochemical surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy
橘田晃宜, 片岡理樹
International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 18巻 9号 100223 (2023)

Capacity Decay Mechanism of Lithium–Sulfur Batteries Using a Microporous Activated Carbon–Sulfur Composite as the Cathode Material
殿納屋剛, 安藤尚功, 竹市信彦, 妹尾 博, 小島敏勝, 日名子英範, 松井由紀子, 石川正司
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127巻 21号 10038-10044頁 (2023)

Enhancing the Reversibility of Li Deposition/Dissolution in Sulfur Batteries Using High-Concentration Electrolytes to Develop Anode-Less Batteries with Lithium Sulfide Cathode
浅野日花莉, 劉 佳麗, 上野和英, 獨古 薫, 小島敏勝, 竹市信彦, 幸 琢寛, 山川幸雄, 渡邉正義
Journal of Power Sources, 554巻 232323 (2023)

"Local Structure and Electrochemical Performances of Sulfurized Polyethylene Glycol after Heat Treatment"
竹市信彦, 小島敏勝, 妹尾 博, 安藤尚功
Scientific Reports, 10巻 16918 (2020)
(key words: リチウム硫黄電池, 有機物電池)

"Sulfur in Mesoporous Tungsten Nitride Foam Blocks: A Rational Lithium Polysulfide Confinement Experimental Design Strategy Augmented by Theoretical Predictions"
Z.-D. Huang, Y. Fang, M. Yang, J. Yang, Y. Wang, Z. Wu, Q. Du, マセセ タイタス, R. Liu, X. Yang, C. Qian, S. Jin, Y. Ma
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11巻 22号 20013-20021頁 (2019)

"Improving the oxygen redox stability of NaCl-type Cation Disordered Li2MnO3 in a Composite structure of Li2MnO3 and Spinel-type LiMn2O4"
片岡理樹, 田口 昇, 小島敏勝, 竹市信彦, 清林 哲
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7巻 10号 5381-5390頁 (2019)
(リチウムイオン電池, 正極活物質, 酸化物)

"Electrochemical property of Li-Mn cation disordered Li-rich Li2MnO3 with NaCl type structure"
片岡理樹, 竹市信彦, 小島敏勝
(リチウムイオン電池, 正極活物質)