What is GREEN?
Greetings from Director, Research Institute

The Research Institute for Geo-Resources and Environment (GREEN) is the only research unit that has continued since the inception of AIST in April 2001. In the 22 years since its establishment, various major events have occurred, including the terrorist attacks in the United States, the Lehman Shock, the Great East Japan Earthquake, the pandemic of a new type of coronavirus, and Russia's invasion of the Ukraine. The impact of these events has been enormous, and the problems of underground resources and the environmental aspects that support them have completely changed since the establishment of this division.
In particular, securing "mineral resources and energy" is clearly stated in the (Purpose of the Institute) of the "National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Law," and I fear that our country is quietly but surely entering an era of upheaval. At the time of my appointment in April 2023, I stated, "The international environment on which our country was premised is changing at a rapid pace, with the normalization of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the rise of the resource-rich BRICS and the Global South, and the increase in resource and energy transactions in non-dollar currencies, and the possibility that simply having money is not enough to secure resources. We cannot deny that simply having money may make it more difficult to secure resources and even threaten the loss of our country's affluence." I wrote here. Since then, the BRICS resource-rich countries have expanded, and the use of non-dollar currencies is spreading to Southeast Asia.
Recognizing these trends, I still consider the future role of this division to be extremely important. I believe that accumulating the results (value) of priceless academic research and technological development and building them up as sincere measures for social implementation is important as a preparation for securing stable resources both domestically and internationally. I say "sincere" not simply to maximize the number of resources acquired, but also to consider environmental conservation and regional development in conjunction with development, which I believe will be Japan's weapon in an increasingly severe international environment. On the other hand, there is a definite trend toward carbon neutrality and an emphasis on natural capital, starting with the G7 countries, and I believe that a balanced development is necessary with an eye to both resources and the environment.
Under the mission, the division promotes a variety of research activities, such as participation in the interdisciplinary projects of the entire institute, various research and development related to geosphere assessment for industrial use, development of intellectual infrastructure such as basic surface soil assessment maps and hydrological environment maps, and standardization of testing methods for soil contamination assessment and remediation. The fifth period of the Firm's research activities was the final year and the first year of the fifth fiscal year. As the fifth and final year of our institute, we are required to steadily produce results and to be conscious of the development of our activities in the next fiscal year. As a public research institute, we will continue to catch up with social conditions and changes at home and abroad, take the initiative in identifying important social issues in these turbulent times, and create results that contribute to society as a group of researchers with a variety of abilities and intellectual curiosity.
We look forward to your continued guidance, encouragement, and cooperation in our activities.
April 1, 2024
Director, Research Institute for Geo-Resources and Environment
Nobukazu Soma
"Research and Studies for the Development Use and Conservation of Sustainable Georegions."
- 1.Research and utilization of geo-resources (Geo Resource)
- 2.Research and studies for the utilization and conservation of the geo-environment
- 3.Development and deployment of geo-exploration and analysis technology (Geo Exploration & Analysis)
This division is a research unit of the Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ). Along with the development of technologies to achieve harmony between environmental conservation and development/utilization, the division aims to contribute to the sustainable development of national resource and energy policies and industries. The unit conducts a variety of studies, research, and technological development on the stable securing and utilization of underground resources, utilization of barrier functions of the underground environment, conservation of the underground environment for industrial use, and other related Geo-Environmental and analytical methods.

The division has nine groups, which focused on resources, environment, and technology. Cross-disciplinary and fusion research activities beyond the groups are also active. In addition to research projects that respond to national policies and corporate needs, as well as research and development that is based on original technological seeds, the division is also working to develop intellectual base information, including the development of maps and databases on the hydrological environment, surface soils, and mineral resources, and standardization of technologies for soil contamination and environmental remediation.
Research group
- Groundwater Research Group
- Mineral Resources Research Group
- Fuel Resources Geology Research Group
- Geomicrobiology Research Group
- Geo-Environmental Evaluation Research Group
- Exploration Geophysical Research Group
- CO2 Geological Storage Research Group
- Geo-Environmental Risk Research Group
- Geomechanics Research Group
Groundwater Research Group
We conduct research using a variety of techniques to learn about the invisible nature and flow of underground water.
Mineral Resources Research Group
We conduct research on assessing the development potential of mineral resources and reusing waste ore both domestically and internationally.
Fuel Resources Geology Research Group
We conduct research on exploration methods and evaluation technologies for fuel resources such as oil and natural gas.
Geomicrobiology Research Group
We investigate the activities of geosphere microorganisms and conduct reserch that is useful for resource development and environmental conservation.
Geo-Environmental Evaluation Research Group
We conduct research on the evaluation of the geosphere environment, including nonmetallic mineral resources and environmental risk assessment.
Exploration Geophysical Research Group
We develop geophysical exploration technologies that contribute to assessment techniques for social infrastructure maintenance management, resource exploration, CCS leakage monitoring, etc.
CO2 Geological Storage Research Group
We are developing technologies related to CO2 geological storage, mineral fixation and etc..
Geo-Environmental Risk Research Group
The Geo-Environmental Risk Research Group focuses on developing advanced technologies for assessing and solving various kinds of Geo-Environmental risk problems.
Geomechanics Research Group
We conduct fundamental research and develop applied technologies on geomechanics.