Geo-environmental Risk Research Group

AISTGSJInstitute for Geo-Resources and EnvironmentGeo-Environmental Risk Research Group > About Us

About Us

  The Geo-Environmental Risk Research Group at GSJ, AIST is a professional group that focuses on developing advanced technologies for assessing and solving various kinds of geo-environmental risk problems associated with soil and groundwater contamination, CO2 capture and storage, geological disposal of radioactive wastes, as well as landfill of solid wastes.

  For a wide range of applications, the research group has been performing continuous improvements to a specialized software package entitled Geo-Environmental Risk Assessment System (GERAS) for quantitative risk assessment, investigations for publication of Geochemical and Risk Assessment Map of Subsurface Soils, and development of low-cost and environmentally-friendly remediation technologies for cleanup of contaminated soils.

  In addition, the research group has been striving to contribute to international society through technical training and technical support to developing countries, international collaborations, and involvement in committee activities for developing internal standards. 

Management Philosophy

  To maximize the efficiency of challenging research activities towards solving complicated geo-environmental issues, we promote collaborations with research scientists having different disciplines whereas the originality, initiative, leadership and social impact are emphasized. In addition, we try to publish our research findings as soon as possible for practical applications.

Management Policy

  The ideas and personalities of individual group members are highly respected, but a close cooperation and scientific exchange within and outside research group are emphasized to increase the total efficiency, potentialities and impacts of research activities. Collaborative research projects are especially promoted through maximum utilization of the advanced research facilities and diverse scientific expertise within the research group. Safety, compliance and research ethics are strengthened during all research activities. 


What's New

Updated the member list


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