
This project is a four-year research project funded by JSPS Kakenhi Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (19K20380). Our ultimate goal is enabling a robot to autonomously generate and perform a sequence of target tasks considering task dependencies, constraints of a robot and the surrounding environment.​ To achieve this goal, we will conduct research and development on the following three topics.​

  1. Task management system which can perform error recovery and parallel processing of a task sequence based on the dependency of tasks.
  2. Motion planning technology which can generate feasible whole-body motion for a robot to reach the destination and perform required tasks considering kinematics and dynamics constraints.
  3. Semantic environmental memorization to find objects which are neccesary for task execution.​




日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業(科研費) 若手研究
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