
Dorian Kempf obtained his Master's degree in Robotics from the Institut Supérieur des Sciences et Techniques (INSSET) of Saint-Quentin, France in 2022. He completed his studies with an internship as a research engineer working on Visual Odometry, followed by a position as a research engineer working on Visual SLAM in the Laboratoire des Technologies Innovantes of Amiens, France. In September 2023, he began a thesis with the MIS (Modélisation, Information & Systèmes, Amiens, France) and CNRS-AIST JRL (Joint Robotics Laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan) laboratories. His thesis focuses on the 3D-3D and 2D-3D point clouds registration that include non-static elements, aiming to improve their accuracy and completeness even when only a minority of the captured scene remains static. This approach will enable the application of 3D-3D and 2D-3D point cloud registration to robot localization and navigation within a common, unified paradigm. His research interests include robotic perception, especially 3D reconstruction, 3D computer vision, and SLAM.

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