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地圏微生物研究グループ トップ


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Geomicrobiology Research Group.
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名前 読み方 職種 e-mail(*)
鈴木 正哉 すずき まさや グループ長 masaya-suzuki
持丸 華子 もちまる はなこ 主任研究員 h-mochimaru
片山 泰樹 かたやま たいき 上級主任研究員 katayama.t
眞弓 大介 まゆみ だいすけ 主任研究員 mayumi-daisuke
金子 雅紀 かねこ まさのり 主任研究員 m-kaneko
須田 好 すだ このみ 研究員 suda-konomi
宮嶋 佑典 みやじま ゆうすけ 研究員 yusuke.miyajima
坂田 将 さかた すすむ 招聘研究員 su-sakata
篠塚 由美 しのつか ゆみ テクニカルスタッフ
竹之内 美佐  たけのうち みさ テクニカルスタッフ
星 裕貴子 ほし ゆきこ テクニカルスタッフ
岩波 理恵子 いわなみ りえこ テクニカルスタッフ
万福 和子 まんぷく かずこ テクニカルスタッフ
濱崎 聡志 はまさき さとし テクニカルスタッフ
大原 真理 おおはら まり テクニカルスタッフ
石川 理美 いしかわ あやみ グループ秘書


鈴木 正哉 Dr. Masaya Suzuki
鈴木 正哉
[専門分野] 農業工学、材料化学
  • 微生物活動の代わりに必要な二酸化炭素施用装置の開発
  • 施設園芸栽培における除湿装置の開発
[コメント] 農家の方々に貢献できる低コストな施設園芸装置を開発します!


持丸 華子 Dr. Hanako Mochimaru
持丸 華子
[専門分野] 地圏微生物学、微生物生態学
  • 深部地下環境からのメタン生成古細菌を主とした新規微生物の分離同定
  • 油田における原油分解-メタン生成プロセスの解明
[コメント] 地圏微生物の発見から産業利用の可能性まで-地下のわくわくを追求します。

  • Tamazawa S., Mayumi D., Mochimaru H., Sakata S., Maeda H., Wakayama T., Ikarashi M., Kamagata Y., Tamaki H. (2017) Petrothermobacter organivorans gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel thermophilic, strictly anaerobic bacterium of the phylum Deferribacteres isolated from a deep subsurface oil reservoir. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 67, 3982-3986.
  • Mayumi D., Mochimaru H., Tamaki H., Yamamoto K., Yoshjoka H., Suzuki Y., Kamagata Y., Sakata S.(2016) Methane production from coal by a single methanogen. Science354 (6309), 222-225.
  • Mochimaru H., Tamaki H., Katayama T., Imachi H., Sakata S., Kamagata Y. (2016) Methanomicrobium antiquum sp. nov., a hydrogenotrophic methanogen isolated from deep sedimentary aquifers in a natural gas field. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 66, 4873-4877.
  • Yoshioka H., Mochimaru H., Sakata S. Takeda H., Yoshida S.(2015) Methane production potential of subsurface microbes in Pleistocene sediments from a natural gas field of the dissolved-in-water type, central Japan. Chemical Geology 419, 92-101.
  • Katayama T., Yoshioka H., Mochimaru H., Muramoto Y., Usami J., Ikeda H., Kamagata Y., Sakata S. (2014) Methanohalophilus levihalophilus gen. nov., sp. nov., a methylotrophic methanogen isolated from deep aquifers in a natural gas field, and an emended description of the genus Methanohalophilus. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 64, 2089-2093.
  • Nakamura K., Takahashi A., Mori C., Tamaki H., Mochimaru H., Nakamura K., Takamizawa K., Kamagata Y. (2013) Methanothermobacter tenebrarum sp. nov., a hydrogenotrophic thermophilic methanogen isolated from gas-associated formation water of a natural gas field in Japan. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 63, 715-722.
  • Nakamura K., Tamaki H., Kang M. S., Mochimaru H., Lee S. T., Nakamura K., Kamagata Y. (2011) A Six-well Plate Method: Less Laborious and Effective Method for Cultivation of Obligate Anaerobic Microorganisms. Microbes & Environments 26, 301-306.
  • Nakamura H., Narihiro T., Tsuruoka N., Mochimaru H., Matsumoto R., Tanabe Y., Hagiya K., Ikeba K., Maruyama A., Hanada S. (2011) Evaluation of the aflatoxin biosynthetic genes for identification of the Aspergillus section Flavi. Microbes & Environments 26, 367-369.
  • Mayumi D., Mochimaru H., Yoshioka H., Sakata S., Maeda H., Miyagawa Y., Ikarashi M., Takeuchi M., Kamagata Y. (2011) Evidence for syntrophic acetate oxidation coupled to hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis in the high-temperature petroleum reservoir of Yabase oil field (Japan). Environmental Microbiology 13, 1995-2006.
  • Mochimaru H., Tamaki H., Hanada S., Imachi H., Nakamura K., Sakata S., Kamagata Y. (2009) Methanolobus profundi sp. nov., a methylotrophic methanogen isolated from deep subsurface sediments in a natural gas field. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 59, 714-718.
  • Miyashita A, Mochimaru H, Kazama H, Ohashi A, Yamaguchi T, Nunoura T, Horikoshi K, Takai K, Imachi H. (2009) Development of 16S rRNA gene-targeted primers for detection of archaeal anaerobic methanotrophs (ANMEs). FEMS Microbiol Lett.297, 31-37.
  • Mochimaru H., Uchiyama H., Yoshioka H., Imachi H., Hoaki T., Tamaki H., Nakamura K., Sekiguchi Y., Kamagata Y. (2007) Methanogen diversity in deep subsurface gas-associated water at the Minami-kanto gas field in Japan. Geomicrobiology Journal 24. 93-100.
  • Mochimaru H., Yoshioka H., Tamaki H., Nakamura K., Kaneko N., Sakata S., Imachi H., Sekiguchi Y., Uchiyama H., Kamagata Y. (2007) Microbial diversity and methanogenic potential in a high temperature natural gas field in Japan. Extremophiles 11, 453-461.
  • 持丸華子、鎌形洋一 (2008) 天然ガス田でメタンを作る微生物を探る.月刊バイオインダストリー 25, 44-52.
  • 持丸華子、鎌形洋一(2006)天然ガス・油田地帯の地下古海水中に生息する微生物の生態解明 . 日本海水学会誌 60, 98-104.

片山 泰樹 Dr. Taiki Katayama
片山 泰樹
[専門分野] 地圏微生物学、微生物生理学
  • メタンハイドレート埋蔵海底堆積物・水溶性天然ガス田・沿岸域堆積岩における生物的メタン生成プロセス - 微生物多様性、メタン生成経路、それらに影響する環境因子の解明
  • 地下環境からの有機物分解・メタン生成に関与する未知未培養バクテリア・アーキアの分離培養
  • 水溶性ガス田における地下微生物を利用した天然ガス創生
[コメント] 平成23年度より地圏微生物グループの研究員として赴任しました。地球内部に広がる未知の微生物ワールドの解明を目指して頑張ります。

  • Katayama T., Nobu M. K., Imachi H., Hosogi N., Meng X.-Y., Morinaga K., Yoshioka H., Takahashi H. A., Kamagata Y., Tamaki H. (2024) A Marine Group A isolate relies on other growing bacteria for cell wall formation. Nature Microbiology, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41564-024-01717-7.
  • Kawamoto H., Watanabe M., Mochimaru H., Nakahara N., Meng X.-Y., Sakamoto S., Morinaga K., Katayama T., Yoshioka H., Nomura N., Tamaki H. (2024) Atrimonas thermophila gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel anaerobic thermophilic bacterium of the phylum Atribacterota isolated from deep subsurface gas field and proposal of Atrimonadaceae fam. nov. within the class Atribacteria in the phylum Atribacterota. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 47, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.syapm.2024.126515.
  • Gotore O., Watanabe M., Okano K., Miyata N., Katayama T., Yasutaka T., Semoto Y., Hamai T. (2024) Effects of batch and continuous-flow operation on biotreatment of Mn(II)-containing mine drainage. Journal of Environmental Sciences 152, 401-415, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2024.05.038.
  • Katayama T., Ikawa R., Koshigai M., Sakata S. (2023) Microbial methane formation in deep aquifers associated with the sediment burial history at a coastal site. Biogeosciences 20, 5199–5210, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-20-5199-2023.
  • Hirakata Y., Mei R., Morinaga K., Katayama T., Tamaki H., Meng X.-Y, Watari T., Yamaguchi T., Hatamoto M., Nobu K. M. (2023) Identification and cultivation of anaerobic bacterial scavengers of dead cells. The ISME Journal 17, 2279–2289, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-023-01538-2.
  • Katayama T., Yoshioka H., Kaneko M., Amo M., Fujii T., Takahashi H. A., Yoshida S., Sakata S. (2022) Cultivation and biogeochemical analyses reveal insights into methanogenesis in deep subseafloor sediment at a biogenic gas hydrate site. The ISME Journal, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-021-01175-7.
  • Yoshikawa M., Zhang M., Kawabe Y., Katayama T. (2021) Effects of ferrous iron supplementation on reductive dechlorination of tetrachloroethene and on methanogenic microbial community. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Volume 97, Issue 5, https://doi.org/10.1093/femsec/fiab069.
  • Takeuchi M., Fujiwara-Nagata E., Katayama T. et al. (2021) Skin bacteria of rainbow trout antagonistic to the fish pathogen Flavobacterium psychrophilum. Scientific Reports 11, 7518. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-87167-1.
  • Katayama T., Nobu M., Kusada H., Meng X., Hosogi N., Uematsu K., Yoshioka H., Kamagata Y., and Tamaki H. (2020) Isolation of a member of the candidate phylum ‘Atribacteria’ reveals a unique cell membrane structure. Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-20149-5.
  • Katayama T., Yoshioka H., Yamanaka T., Mio Takeuchi, Muramoto Y., Usami J., Ikeda H. and Sakata S. (2019) Microbial community structure in deep natural gas-bearing aquifers subjected to sulfate-containing fluid injection. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 127, 45-51.
  • Mochimaru H., Tamaki H., Katayama T., Imachi H., Sakata S., Kamagata Y. (2016) Methanomicrobium antiquum sp. nov., a hydrogenotrophic methanogen isolated from deep sedimentary aquifers in a natural gas field. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 66, 4873-4877.
  • Katayama T., Yoshioka H., Takahashi H., Amo M., Fujii T., Sakata S.(2016) Changes in microbial communities associated with gas hydrates in subseafloor sediments from the Nankai Trough.FEMS Microbiology Ecology 92, fiw093.
  • Takeuchi M., Yamagishi T., Kamagata Y., Oshima K., Hattori M., Katayama T., Hanada S., Tamaki H., Marumo K., Maeda H., Nedachi M., Iwasaki W., Suwa Y., Sakata S. (2015) Tepidicaulis marinus gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel marine bacterium reducing nitrate to nitrous oxide strictly under microaerobic conditions. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65, 1749-1754.
  • Kanno M., Katayama T. (equal contribution), Morita N., Tamaki H., Hanada S., Kamagata Y. (2015) Catenisphaera adipataccumulans gen. nov., sp. nov., a member of the family Erisipelotrichaceae isolated from an anaerobic digester. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65, 805-810.
  • Katayama T., Yoshioka H., Muramoto Y., Usami J., Fujiwara K., Yoshida S., Kamagata Y., Sakata S. (2015) Physicochemical impacts associated with natural gas development on methanogenesis in deep sand aquifers. The ISME Journal 9, 436-446.
  • Katayama T., Yoshioka H., Mochimaru H., Muramoto Y., Usami J., Ikeda H., Kamagata Y., Sakata S. (2014) Methanohalophilus levihalophilus gen. nov., sp. nov., a methylotrophic methanogen isolated from deep aquifers in a natural gas field, and an emended description of the genus Methanohalophilus. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 64, 2089-2093.
  • Takeuchi M., Katayama T., Yamagishi T., Hanada S., Tamaki H., Kamagata Y., Oshima K., Hattori M., Marumo K., Nedachi M., Maeda H., Suwa Y., Sakata S. (2014)Methyloceanibacter caenitepidi gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel facultatively methylotrophic bacterium isolated from marine sediments near a hydrothermal vent. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 64, 462-468.
  • Katayama T., Kanno M., Morita N., Hori T., Narihiro T., Mitani Y., Kamagata Y. (2014) An oleaginous bacterium that accumulates long-chain free fatty acids in its cytoplasm. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80, 1126-1131.
  • 片山泰樹, 菅野学, 森田直樹, 鎌形洋一(2013)新規真正細菌及びそれを用いた長鎖飽和脂肪酸の製造方法. 特開2013-17474.
  • Kanno M., KatayamaT. (equal contribution), Tamaki H., Mitani Y., Mou K., Hori T., Narihiro T., Morita N., Yumoto I., Kimura N., Hanada S., Kamagata Y. (2013) Isolation of butanol- and isobutanol-tolerant bacteria and physiological characterization of their butanol tolerance. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79, 6998-7005.
  • Puspita I.D., Uehara M., Katayama T., Kikuchi Y., Kitagawa W., Kamagata Y., Asano K., Nakatsu C.H., Tanaka, M. (2013) Resuscitation promoting factor (Rpf) from Tomitella biformata AHU1821T promotes growth and resuscitates non-dividing cells. Microbes and Environments 28, 58-64.
  • 片山泰樹 (2012)16S rRNAアンプリコンパイロシーケンス解析をレビューする. 日本微生物生態学会誌, 27, 11-12.
  • Katayama T., Tanaka M. (2012) Microorganisms in a permafrost ice wedge and their resuscitation promoting factors. Chapter 10, pp.177-188 in Cold-Adapted Microorganisms (Edited by Yumoto I.) Caister Academic Press.
  • Pudjiraharti S., Takesue N., Katayama T., Lisdiyanti P., Hanafi M., Tanaka M., Sone T., Asano K. (2011) Actinomycete Nonomuraea sp. isolated from Indonesian soil is a new producer of inulin fructotransferase. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 111, 671-674.
  • Katayama T., Kato T., Tanaka M., Douglas T. A.. Brouchkov A., Abe A., Sone T., Fukuda M. Asano K. (2010) Tomitella biformata gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of the suborder Corynebacterineae isolated from a permafrost ice wedge. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60, 2803-2807.
  • Katayama T., Kato T., Tanaka M., Douglas T. A.. Brouchkov A., Fukuda M. Tomita F., Asano K. (2009) Glaciibacter superstes gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of the family Microbacteriaceae isolated from a permafrost ice wedge. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 59, 482-486.
  • Katayama T., Tanaka M., Moriizumi J., Nakamura T., Brouchkov A., Douglas T.A., Fukuda M., Tomita F., Asano K. (2007) Phylogenetic analysis of bacteria preserved in a permafrost ice wedge for 25,000 years. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73, 2360-2363.

眞弓 大介 Dr. Daisuke Mayumi
眞弓 大介
[専門分野] 地圏微生物学
  • 油田の生物的原油分解メタン生成プロセスの解明
  • 油田を対象としたCO2地中貯留技術が及ぼす微生物生態系への影響評価
  • 油田からの新規嫌気性微生物の分離同定
  • メタンハイドレート成因解明を目指した同位体分別
[コメント] 未開の地下圏微生物生態系の産業利用への可能性を追求しています。

  • Mayumi D., Tamaki H., Kato S., Igarashi K., Lalk E., Nishikawa Y., Minagawa H., Sato T., Ono S., Kamagata Y., Sakata S. (2024) Hydrogenotrophic methanogens overwrite isotope signals of subsurface methane. Science, 386(6728), 1372-1376, DOI: 10.1126/science.ado0126.
  • Kurth J.M., Nobu M.K., Tamaki H., de Jonge N., Berger S., Jetten S.M., Yamamoto K., Mayumi D., Sakata S., Bai L., Cheng L., Nielsen J.L., Kamagata Y., Wagner T., Welte C.U. (2021) Methanogenic archaea use a bacteria-like methyltransferase system to demethoxylate aromatic compounds.The ISME Journal, 15, 3549–3565. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-021-01025-6.
  • Suda K., Ikarashi M., Tamaki H., Tamazawa S., Sakata S., Maeda H., Kamagata Y., Kaneko M., Ujiie T., Shinotsuka Y., Wakayama T., Iwama H., Mayumi D., Yonebayashi H. (2021) Methanogenic crude oil degradation induced by an exogenous microbial community and nutrient injections. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2021.108458.
  • Sakamoto S., Nobu M.K., Mayumi D., Tamazawa S., Kusada H., Ikarashi M., Wakayama T., Iwama H., Yonebayashi H., Maeda H., Sakata S., Tamura T., Nomura N., Kamagata Y., Tamaki H. (2021) Koleobacter methoxysyntrophicus gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel anaerobic bacterium isolated from deep subsurface oil field and proposal of Koleobacteraceae fam. nov. and Koleobacterales ord. nov. within the class Clostridia of the phylum Firmicutes. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.syapm.2020.126154.
  • Aoyagi T., Inaba T., Aizawa H., Mayumi D., Sakata S., Charfi A., Suh C., Lee J., Sato Y., Ogata A., Habe H., Hori T. (2020) Unexpected diversity of acetate degraders in anaerobic membrane bioreactor treating organic solid waste revealed by high-sensitivity stable isotope probing. Water Research 176, 115750.
  • Xiyang Dong, Chris Greening, Jayne E. Rattray, Anirban Chakraborty, Maria Chuvochina, Daisuke Mayumi, Jan Dolfing, Carmen Li, James M. Brooks, Bernie B. Bernard, Ryan A. Groves, Ian A.Lewis & Casey R. J. Hubert (2019). Metabolic potential of uncultured bacteria and archaea associated with petroleum seepage in deep-sea sediments. Nature Communications 10, 1816, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-09747-0.
  • 岩間弘樹・五十嵐雅之・若山 樹・米林英治・眞弓大介・前田治男・須田 好・玉木秀幸・坂田 将・鎌形洋一 (2018) 微生物原油分解EORフィールドパイロットに向けて~微生物培養実験からパイロット計画策定まで~.石油技術協会誌 83, 455-460.
  • Tamazawa S., Mayumi D., Mochimaru H., Sakata S., Maeda H., Wakayama T., Ikarashi M., Kamagata Y., Tamaki H. (2017) Petrothermobacter organivorans gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel thermophilic, strictly anaerobic bacterium of the phylum Deferribacteres isolated from a deep subsurface oil reservoir. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 67, 3982-3986.
  • Mayumi D., Mochimaru H., Tamaki H., Yamamoto K., Yoshjoka H., Suzuki Y., Kamagata Y., Sakata S.(2016) Methane production from coal by a single methanogen. Science354 (6309), 222-225.
  • Mayumi D., Dolfing, J., Sakata, S., Maeda, H., Miyagawa, Y., Ikarashi, M., Tamaki, H., Takeuchi, M., Nakatsu, CH., Kamagata, Y. (2013) Carbon dioxide concentration dictates alternative methanogenic pathways in oil reservoirs. Nature Communications 4:1998 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2998.
  • Mayumi D., Mochimaru, H., Yoshioka, H., Sakata, S., Maeda, H., Miyagawa, Y., Ikarashi, M., Takeuchi, M., Kamagata, Y. (2010) Evidence for syntrophic acetate oxidation coupled to hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis in the high-temperature petroleum reservoir of Yabase oil field (Japan). Environmental Microbiology 13(8), 1995-2006.
  • Mayumi D., Yoshimoto, T., Uchiyama, H., Nomura N., Nakajima-Kambe T. (2010) Seasonal change in methanotrophic diversity and populations in a rice field soil assessed by DNA-stable isotope probing and quantitative real-time PCR. Microbes and Environments 25, 156-163.
  • Mayumi D., Akutsu-Shigeno Y., Uchiyama H., Nomura N., Nakajima-Kambe T. (2008) Identification and characterization of novel poly(DL-lactic acid) depolymerases from metagenome. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 79, 743-750.

金子 雅紀 Dr. Masanori Kaneko
金子 雅紀
[専門分野] 有機地球化学,生物地球化学
[コメント] 新しい手法の開発と応用により地球の物質循環に関する新しい発見を目指します。

  • Katayama T., Yoshioka H., Kaneko M., Amo M., Fujii T., Takahashi H.A., Yoshida S., Sakata S. (2022) Cultivation and biogeochemical analyses reveal insights into methanogenesis in deep subseafloor sediment at a biogenic gas hydrate site. The ISME Journal, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-021-01175-7. Kaneko M., Takano Y., Kamo M., Morimoto K., Nunoura T., Ohkouchi N. (2021) Insights into the Methanogenic Population and Potential in Subsurface Marine Sediments Based on Coenzyme F430 as a Function-Specific Biomarker. JACS Au 2021, 1(10), 1743–1751, https://doi.org/10.1021/jacsau.1c00307.
  • Suda K., Ikarashi M., Tamaki H., Tamazawa S., Sakata S., Maeda H., Kamagata Y., Kaneko M., Ujiie T., Shinotsuka Y., Wakayama T., Iwama H., Mayumi D., Yonebayashi H. (2021) Methanogenic crude oil degradation induced by an exogenous microbial community and nutrient injections. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2021.108458.
  • Heuer V. B., Inagaki F., Morono Y., Kubo Y., Spivack A. J., Viehweger B., Treude T., Beulig F., Schubotz F., Tonai S., Bowden S. A., Cramm M., Henkel S., Hirose T., Homola K., Hoshino T., Ijiri A., Imachi H., Kamiya N., Kaneko M., Lagostina L., Manners H., McClelland H. -L., Metcalfe K., Okutsu N., Pan D., Raudsepp M. J., Sauvage J., Tsang M. -Y., Wang D. T., Whitaker E., Yamamoto Y., Yang K., Maeda L., Adhikari R. R., Glombitza C., Hamada Y., Kallmeyer J., Wendt J., Wörmer L., Yamada Y., Kinoshita M., Hinrichs K. -U. (2020) Temperature limits to deep subseafloor life in the Nankai Trough subduction zone. Science, Vol. 370, pp. 1230-1234.
  • Yoshinori Takano, Yoshito Chikaraishi, Hiroyuki Imachi, Yosuke Miyairi, Nanako O. Ogawa, Masanori Kaneko, Yusuke Yokoyama, Martin Krüger, Naohiko Ohkouchi(2018) Insight into anaerobic methanotrophy from 13C/12C-amino acids and 14C/12C-ANME cells in seafloor microbial ecology. Scientific reports 8:14070, DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-31004-5.
  • Kaneko, M., Takano, Y., Ogawa, N.O., Sato, Y., Yoshida, N., Ohkouchi, N. (2016) Estimation of methanogenesis by quantification of coenzyme F430 in marine sediments. Geochemical Journal, 50(6), 453-460.
  • 金子雅紀 (2015) 堆積物中のアーキア膜脂質同位体分析のメタン生成場への応用. Researches in Organic Geochemistry, 31, 1-14.
  • Inagaki, F., Hinrichs, K.-U., Kubo, Y., Bowles, W., M., Heuer, V., B., Hong, L., W., Hoshino, T., Ijiri, A., Imachi, H., Ito, M., Kaneko, M., Lever, A., M., Lin, S., Y., Methe, A., B., Morita, S., Morono, Y., Tanikawa, W., Bihan, M., Bowden, A., S., Elvert, M., Glombitza, C., Gross, D., Harrington, J., G., Hori, T., Li, K., Limmer, D., Liu, H., C., Murayama, M., Ohkouchi, N., Ono, S., Park, S., Y., Phillips, C., S., Prieto-Mollar, X., Purkey, M., Riedinger, N., Sanada, Y., Sauvage, J., Snyder, G., Susilawati, R., Takano, Y., Tasumi, E., Terada, T., Tomaru, H., Trembath-Reichert, E., Wang, T., D., Yamada, Y., (2015) Exploring deep microbial life in coal-bearing sediment down to similar to 2.5 km below the ocean floor. Science 349, 420-424.
  • Kaneko, M., Takano, Y., Chikaraishi, Y., Ogawa, N.O., Asakawa, S., Watanabe, K., Shima, S., Krueger, M., Matsushita, M., Kimura, H., and Ohkouchi, N. (2014) Quantitative analysis of coenzyme F430 in environmental samples: a new diagnostic tool for methanogenesis and anaerobic methane oxidation. Analytical Chemistry, 86(7), 3633-3638.         
  • 吉岡秀佳, 秋葉文雄, 金子雅紀, 北島弘子, 東陽介, 橋本善孝, Exp. 311乗船者一同 (2014) Exp. 311:ガスハイドレート成因解明に向けて-大陸縁辺域のGH掘削の成果-. 号外地球,64 (上巻), 88-95. 
  • Kaneko, M. and Poulson, S.R. (2013) The rate of oxygen isotope exchange between nitrate and water. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 118, 148-156.
  • Kaneko, M., Naraoka, H., Takano, Y., and Ohkouchi, N. (2013) Distribution and isotopic signatures of archaeal lipid biomarkers associated with gas hydrate occurrences on the northern Cascadia Margin. Chemical Geology, 343, 76-84.
  • Takano, Y., Kaneko, M., Kahnt, J., Imachi, H., Shima, S., and Ohkouchi, N. (2013) Detection of coenzyme F430 in deep sea sediments: A key molecule for biological methanogenesis. Organic Geochemistry, 58, 137-140.
  • Nishizawa, M., Koba, K., Makabe, A., Yoshida, N., Kaneko, M., Hirao, S., Ishibashi, J., Yamanaka, T., Shibuya, T., Kikuchi, T., Hirai, M., Miyazaki, J., Nunoura, T., Takai, K. (2013) Nitrification-driven forms of nitrogen metabolism in microbial mat communities thriving along an ammonium-enriched subsurface geothermal stream. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 113, 152-173.
  • Chikaraishi Y., Kaneko, M., and Ohkouchi N. (2012) Stable hydrogen and carbon isotopic compositions of long-chain (C21-C33) n-alkanes and n-alkenes in insects. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 95(15), 53-62.
  • Igisu, M., Takai, K., Ueno, Y., Nishizawa, M., Nunoura, T., Hirai, M., Kaneko, M., Naraoka, H., Shimojima, M., Hori, K., Nakashima, S., Ohta, H., Maruyama, S., and Isozaki, Y. (2012) Domain-level identification and quantification of relative prokaryotic cell abundance in microbial communities by Micro-FTIR spectroscopy. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 4, 42-49.
  • Kaneko, M. and Poulson, S. (2012) Rate of oxygen isotope exchange between selenate and water. Environmental Science and Technology, 46, 4539-4545.
  • 金子雅紀, 奈良岡浩 (2011) 微生物バイオマーカーの炭素・水素同位体組成. Researches in Organic Geochemistry, 27, 55-72.
  • Kaneko, M., Kitajima, F., and Naraoka, H. (2011) Stable hydrogen isotope measurement of archaeal ether-bound hydrocarbons. Organic Geochemistry, 42, 166-172.
  • Kaneko, M., Oba, Y., and Naraoka, H. (2010) Vertical carbon isotope change in acetate in a surface sediment from the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Research in Organic Geochemistry, 26, 73-79.
  • Kaneko, M., Shingai, H., Pohlman, J.W., and Naraoka, H. (2010) Chemical and isotopic signature of bulk organic matter and hydrocarbon biomarkers within mid-slope accretionary sediments of the northern Cascadia margin gas hydrate system. Marine Geology, 275, 166-177.
  • Pohlman, J.W., Kaneko, M., Heuer, V.B., Coffin, R.B., and Whiticar, M. (2009) Methane sources and production in the northern Cascadia margin gas hydrate system. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 287, 504-512.

須田 好 Dr. Konomi Suda
“須田 好”
[専門分野] 地球化学、地球史
  • 微生物による原油分解メタン生成
  • 蛇紋岩熱水系における低分子量有機化合物の起源
[コメント] 岩石-水-生物間のつながりを明らかにしていきたいです。

  • Suda K., Ikarashi M., Tamaki H., Tamazawa S., Sakata S., Maeda H., Kamagata Y., Kaneko M., Ujiie T., Shinotsuka Y., Wakayama T., Iwama H., Mayumi D., Yonebayashi H. (2021) Methanogenic crude oil degradation induced by an exogenous microbial community and nutrient injections. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2021.108458.
  • 岩間弘樹・五十嵐雅之・若山 樹・米林英治・眞弓大介・前田治男・須田 好・玉木秀幸・坂田 将・鎌形洋一 (2018) 微生物原油分解EORフィールドパイロットに向けて~微生物培養実験からパイロット計画策定まで~.石油技術協会誌 83, 455-460.
  • Suda, K., Gilbert, A., Yamada, K., Yoshida, Y., Ueno, Y. (2017) Compound- and position-specific carbon isotopic signatures of abiogenic hydrocarbons from on-land serpentinite-hosted Hakuba Happo hot spring in Japan. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 206, 201-215.
  • Gilbert, A., Yamada, K., Suda, K., Ueno, Y., Yoshida, Y. (2016) Measurement of position-specific 13C isotopic composition of propane at the nanomole level. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 177, 205-216.
  • Suda, K., Ueno, Y., Yoshizaki, M., Nakamura, H., Kurokawa, K., Nishiyama, E., Yoshino, K., Hongoh, Y, Kawachi, K, Omori, S., Yamada, K., Yoshida, N., Maruyama, S. (2014) Reply to comment on "Origin of methane in serpentinite-hosted hydrothermal systems: The CH4-H2-H2O hydrogen isotope systematics of the Hakuba Happo hot spring” by Suda et al. [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 386(2014) 112-125]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 401, 376-377.
  • Suda, K., Ueno, Y., Yoshizaki, M., Nakamura, H., Kurokawa, K., Nishiyama, E., Yoshino, K., Hongoh, Y, Kawachi, K, Omori, S., Yamada, K., Yoshida, N., Maruyama, S. (2014) Origin of methane in serpentinite-hosted hydrothermal systems: The CH4-H2-H2O hydrogen isotope systematics of the Hakuba Happo hot spring. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 386, 112-125.           

宮嶋 佑典 Dr. Yusuke Miyajima
“宮嶋 佑典”
[専門分野] 地球化学、有機地球化学、古生物学
  • メタンハイドレート分布域における微生物メタン生成・酸化プロセス
  • 現在・過去の海底メタン冷湧水域における水・物質循環
  • 冷湧水成炭酸塩岩の同位体地球化学
[コメント] 海底下の地球化学プロセスと生命活動との関係を明らかにしたいです。

  • Yusuke Miyajima, Ayaka Saito, Hiroyuki Kagi, Tatsunori Yokoyama, Yoshio Takahashi, Takafumi Hirata (2020) Incorporation of U, Pb, and rare earth elements in calcite through crystallization from amorphous calcium carbonate: simple preparation of reference materials for microanalysis. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 45, 189-205.
  • Krzysztof Hryniewicz, Yusuke Miyajima, Kazutaka Amano, Magdalena N. Georgieva, Michal Jakubowicz, Robert G. Jenkins, Andrzej Kaim (2020) Formation, diagenesis and fauna of cold seep carbonates from the Miocene Taishu Group of Tsushima (Japan). Geological Magazine, DOI: 10.1017/s001675682000103x.
  • Miyajima, Y., Watanabe, Y., Goto, A.S., Jenkins, R.G., Sakai, S., Matsumoto, R., Hasegawa, T. (2020) Archaeal lipid biomarker as a tool to constrain the origin of methane at ancient methane seeps: Insight into subsurface fluid flow in the geological past. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 189, 104134.
  • Amano, K., Miyajima, Y., Jenkins, R.G., Kiel, S. (2019) The Miocene to Recent biogeographic history of vesicomyid bivalves in Japan, with two new records of the family. The Nautilus 133, 48-56.
  • Amano, K., Miyajima, Y., Nakagawa, K., Hamuro, M., Hamuro, T. (2019) Chemosymbiotic bivalves from the lower Miocene Kurosedani Formation in Toyama Prefecture, central Honshu, Japan. Paleontological Research 23, 208-219.
  • Miyajima, Y., Ijiri, A., Miyake, A., Hasegawa, T. (2018) Origin of methane and heavier hydrocarbons entrapped within Miocene methane-seep carbonates from central Japan. Chemical Geology 498, 83-95.           
  • Miyajima, Y., Watanabe, Y., Jenkins, R.G., Goto, A.S., Hasegawa, T. (2018) Diffusive methane seepage in ancient deposits: examples from the Neogene Shin’etsu sedimentary basin, central Japan. Journal of Sedimentary Research 88, 449-466.
  • Miyajima, Y., Nobuhara, T., Koike, H. (2017) Taxonomic reexamination of three vesicomyid species (Bivalvia) from the middle Miocene Bessho Formation in Nagano Prefecture, central Japan., with notes on vesicomyid diversity. The Nautilus 131, 51-66.
  • Hryniewicz, K., Bitner, M.A., Durska, E., Hagstrom, J., Hjalmarsdottir, H.R., Jenkins, R.G., Little, C.T.S., Miyajima, Y., Nakrem, H.A., Kaim, A. (2016) Paleocene methane seep and wood-fall marine environments from Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 462, 41-56.
  • Miyajima, Y., Watanabe, Y., Yanagisawa, Y., Amano, K., Hasegawa, T., Shimobayashi, N. (2016) A late Miocene methane-seep deposit bearing methane-trapping silica minerals at Joetsu, central Japan. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 455, 1-15.

坂田 将 Dr. Susumu Sakata
坂田 将
[専門分野] 有機地球化学、生物地球化学
[コメント] 座右の銘:雨垂れ石を穿つ

  • Katayama T., Yoshioka H., Kaneko M., Amo M., Fujii T., Takahashi H.A., Yoshida S., Sakata S. (2022) Cultivation and biogeochemical analyses reveal insights into methanogenesis in deep subseafloor sediment at a biogenic gas hydrate site. The ISME Journal, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-021-01175-7.
  • 坂田 将(2021)地圏微生物によるメタン生成プロセスの解明 − 地球科学と生命科学の融合で創成される革新的資源技術への道標 Synthesiology, https://doi.org/10.5571/synth.2021.3_1.
  • Kurth J.M., Nobu M.K., Tamaki H., de Jonge N., Berger S., Jetten S.M., Yamamoto K., Mayumi D., Sakata S., Bai L., Cheng L., Nielsen J.L., Kamagata Y., Wagner T., Welte C.U. (2021) Methanogenic archaea use a bacteria-like methyltransferase system to demethoxylate aromatic compounds.The ISME Journal, 15, 3549–3565. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-021-01025-6.
  • Suda K., Ikarashi M., Tamaki H., Tamazawa S., Sakata S., Maeda H., Kamagata Y., Kaneko M., Ujiie T., Shinotsuka Y., Wakayama T., Iwama H., Mayumi D., Yonebayashi H. (2021) Methanogenic crude oil degradation induced by an exogenous microbial community and nutrient injections. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2021.108458.
  • Sakamoto S., Nobu M.K., Mayumi D., Tamazawa S., Kusada H., Ikarashi M., Wakayama T., Iwama H., Yonebayashi H., Maeda H., Sakata S., Tamura T., Nomura N., Kamagata Y., Tamaki H. (2021) Koleobacter methoxysyntrophicus gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel anaerobic bacterium isolated from deep subsurface oil field and proposal of Koleobacteraceae fam. nov. and Koleobacterales ord. nov. within the class Clostridia of the phylum Firmicutes. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.syapm.2020.126154.
  • Yoshioka H., Takeuchi M., Sakata S., Takahashi M., Tanabe S., Inamura A., Yasuhara M. (2020) Microbial methane production and oxidation in the Holocene mud beneath the Kanto Plain of central Japan. Geochemical Journal, Vol. 54 (No. 4), pp. 243-254.
  • Aoyagi T., Inaba T., Aizawa H., Mayumi D., Sakata S., Charfi A., Suh C., Lee J., Sato Y., Ogata A., Habe H., Hori T. (2020) Unexpected diversity of acetate degraders in anaerobic membrane bioreactor treating organic solid waste revealed by high-sensitivity stable isotope probing. Water Research 176, 115750.
  • Takeuchi Mio, Haruka Ozaki, Satoshi Hiraoka, Kamagata Yoichi, Sakata Susumu, Hideyoshi Yoshioka, Iwasaki Wataru (2019) Possible cross-feeding pathway between a methanotroph and a facultative methylotroph. PlosONE 14, e0213535.
  • Katayama T., Yoshioka H., Yamanaka, T., Takeuchi, M., Muramoto Y., Usami J., Ikeda, H., Kamagata Y., Sakata S. (2019) Microbial community structure in deep natural gas-bearing aquifers subjected to sulfate-containing fluid injection. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 127, 45-51.
  • 坂田 将 (2018) 天然ガス・石油の成因と微生物の寄与に関する有機地球化学的研究. Researches in Organic Geochemistry 34, 1-13.
  • 岩間弘樹・五十嵐雅之・若山 樹・米林英治・眞弓大介・前田治男・須田 好・玉木秀幸・坂田 将・鎌形洋一 (2018) 微生物原油分解EORフィールドパイロットに向けて~微生物培養実験からパイロット計画策定まで~.石油技術協会誌 83, 455-460.
  • Yuji Sano, Naoya Kinoshita, Takanori Kagoshima, Naoto Takahata, Susumu Sakata, Tomohiro Toki, Shinsuke Kawagucci, Amane Waseda, Tefang Lan, Hsinyi Wen, Ai-Ti Chen, Tsanyao F. Yang, Zheng Guodong, Yama Tomonaga, Emilie Roulleau and Daniele L. Pinti (2017) Origin of methane-rich natural gas at the West Pacific convergent plate boundary. Scientific Reports 67, Article number 15646.
  • Tamazawa S., Mayumi D., Mochimaru H., Sakata S., Maeda H., Wakayama T., Ikarashi M., Kamagata Y., Tamaki H. (2017) Petrothermobacter organivorans gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel thermophilic, strictly anaerobic bacterium of the phylum Deferribacteres isolated from a deep subsurface oil reservoir. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 67, 3982-3986.
  • 持丸華子・坂田 将・鎌形洋一(2017)石炭をメタンに変えるメタン生成古細菌の新機能.バイオサイエンスとインダストリー,75(3), 219-222.
  • Mayumi D., Mochimaru H., Tamaki H., Yamamoto K., Yoshjoka H., Suzuki Y., Kamagata Y., Sakata S.(2016) Methane production from coal by a single methanogen. Science354 (6309), 222-225.
  • Mochimaru H., Tamaki H., Katayama T., Imachi H., Sakata S., Kamagata Y. (2016) Methanomicrobium antiquum sp. nov., a hydrogenotrophic methanogen isolated from deep sedimentary aquifers in a natural gas field. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 66, 4873-4877.
  • Komatsu T., Takashima R., Shigeta Y., Maekawa T., Tran H.D., Cong T.D., Sakata S., Dinh H.D., Takahashi O. (2016) Carbon isotopic excursions and detailed ammonoid and conodont biostratigraphies around Smithian-Spathian boundary in the Bac Thuy Formation, Vietnam. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 454, 65-74.
  • Katayama T., Yoshioka H., Takahashi H.A., Amo M., Fujii T., Sakata S.(2016) Changes in microbial communities associated with gas hydrates in subseafloor sediments from the Nankai Trough. FEMS Microbiology Ecology92, flw093.
  • 田中敦子・坂本靖英・眞弓大介・東野晴行・坂田 将・中尾信典 (2015) CCSと微生物機能の融合技術 (Bio-CCS) リスク評価の試み. Journal of MMIJ 131, 524-532.
  • Yoshioka H., Mochimaru H., Sakata S. Takeda H., Yoshida S.(2015) Methane production potential of subsurface microbes in Pleistocene sediments from a natural gas field of the dissolved-in-water type, central Japan. Chemical Geology 419, 92-101.
  • Katayama T., Yoshioka H., Muramoto Y., Usami J., Fujiwara K., Yoshida S., Kamagata Y., Sakata S. (2015) Physicochemical impacts associated with natural gas development on methanogenesis in deep sand aquifers. The ISME Journal 9, 436-446.
  • Takeuchi M., Yamagishi T., Kamagata Y., Oshima K., Hattori M., Katayama T., Hanada S., Tamaki H., Marumo K., Maeda H., Nedachi M., Iwasaki W., Suwa Y., Sakata S. (2015) Tepidicaulis marinus gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel marine bacterium reducing nitrate to nitrous oxide strictly under microaerobic conditions. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology,65, 1749-1754.
  • Oba M., Sakata S., Fujii T. (2015) Archaeal polar lipids in deep marine sediments from the Nankai Trough. Archaeal polar lipids in subseafloor sediments from the Nankai Trough: Implications for the distribution of methanogens in the deep marine subsurface. Organic Geochemistry 78, 153-160.
  • Takeuchi M., Kamagata Y., Oshima K., Hanada S., Tamaki H., Marumo K., Maeda H., Nedachi M., Hattori M., Iwasaki W., Sakata S. (2014) Methylocaldum marinum sp. nov., a thermotolerant, methane oxidizing bacterium isolated from marine sediments, and emended description of the genus Methylocaldum. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 64, 3240-3246.  
  • Komatsu T., Kato S., Hirata K., Takashima R., Ogata Y., Oba M., Naruse H., Ta P.H., Nguyen P.D., Dang H.T., Doan T.N., Nguyen H.H., Sakata S., Kaiho K., Konigshof P. (2014) Devonian - Carboniferous transition containing a Hangenberg Black Shale equivalent in the Pho Han Formation on Cat Ba Island, northeastern Vietnam. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 404, 30-43.
  • Katayama T., Yoshioka H., Mochimaru H., Meng X.Y., Muramoto Y., Usami J., Ikeda, H., Kamagata Y., Sakata S. (2014) Methanohalophilus levihalodurans sp. nov., a slightly halophilic, methylotrophic methanogen isolated from natural gas-bearing deep aquifers, and emended description of the genus Methanohalophilus. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 64, 2089-2093.
  • Takeuchi M., Oshima K., Yamagishi T., Katayama T., Hanada S., Tamaki H., Kamagata Y., Marumo K., Nedachi M., Maeda H., Sakata S. (2014) Methyloceanibacter cenitepidus gen. nov., sp. nov., a facultatively methylotrophic bacterium isolated from marine sediments near a hydrothermal vent. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 64, 462-468.
  • 眞弓大介・坂田 将・鎌形洋一(2014)深部地下油層環境のメタン生成経路に与えるCO2地中貯留の影響.バイオサイエンスとインダストリー,72(1), 14-18.
  • 竹内美緒,宇佐美潤,張 銘,葛岡 等,坂田将(2013)メタン溶存天然水による揮発性有機塩素化合物の浄化技術に関する基礎研究.第23回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集, 187-190.
  • 眞弓大介・坂田 将・鎌形洋一(2013)深部地下油層環境における原油の生分解と生物的メタン生成.化学工業,64, 498-504.
  • Mayumi D., Dolfing J., Sakata S., Maeda H., Miyagawa Y., Ikarashi M., Tamaki H., Takeuchi M., Nakatsu C. H., and Kamagata Y. (2013) Carbon dioxide concentration dictates alternative methanogenic pathways in oil reservoirs. Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2998.
  • Sakata S., Maekawa T., Igari S., and Sano Y. (2012) Geochemistry and origin of natural gases dissolved in brines from gas fields in southwest Japan. Geofluids, 12, 327-335.
  • 竹内美緒,吉岡秀佳,徐維那, 田邊 晋,玉木秀幸,鎌形洋一,高橋 浩,猪狩俊一郎, 眞弓大介,坂田将(2012) 関東平野の沖積層において新たに発見された陸域における微生物による嫌気的メタン酸化活動。第22回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集, 69-71.
  • 佐脇貴幸,金子信行,前川竜男,猪狩俊一郎,棚橋学,中嶋 健,森田澄人,坂田 将 (2012)関東地方に賦存する水溶性天然ガスについての地質学的研究.天然ガス,55(4), 54-56.
  • 坂田 将,持丸華子,吉岡秀佳,鎌形洋一 (2012)水溶性ガス田のかん水中のメタン生成菌の多様性と活性.天然ガス,55(4), 58-60.
  • Kobayashi H., Endo K., Sakata S., Mayumi D., Kawaguchi H., Ikarashi M., Miyagawa Y., Maeda H., Sato K. (2012) Phylogenetic diversity of microbial communities associated with the crude-oil, large-insoluble-particle, and formation-water components of the reservoir fluid from a non-flooded high-temperature biodegraded petroleum reservoir. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 113, 204-210.
  • Kobayashi H., Kawaguchi H., Endo K., Mayumi D., Sakata S., Ikarashi M., Miyagawa Y., Maeda H., Sato K. (2012) Analysis of methane production by microorganisms indigenous to a depleted oil reservoir for application in Micobial Enchance Oil Recovery. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 113, 84-87.
  • 前田 治男,五十嵐雅之,宮川喜洋, 小林 肇,佐藤光三, 眞弓大介,坂田 将 (2011) 地下常在微生物を利用した二酸化炭素のメタン変換システム構築. 石油技術協会誌 76, 530-537.
  • Takeuchi M., Yoshioka H., Seo Y., Tanabe S., Tamaki H., Kamagata Y., Takahashi H. A., Igari S., Mayumi D., Sakata S. (2011) A distinct freshwater-adapted subgroup of ANME-1 dominates active archaeal communities in terrestrial subsurfaces in Japan. Environmental Microbiology 13, 3206-3218.
  • Mayumi D., Mochimaru H., Yoshioka H., Sakata S., Maeda H., Miyagawa Y., Ikarashi M., Takeuchi M., Kamagata Y. (2011) Evidence for syntrophic acetate oxidation coupled to hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis in the high-temperature petroleum reservoir of Yabase oil field (Japan). Environmental Microbiology 13, 1995-2006.
  • 吉岡秀佳,坂田 将 (2010) 微生物起源メタンハイドレート分布域における微生物メタン生成活動.地球化学44, 169 -184.
  • Yoshioka H., Maruyama A., Nakamura T., Higashi Y., Fuse H., Sakata S., Bartlett D. H. (2010) Activities and distribution of methanogenic and methane-oxidizing microbes in marine sediments from the Cascadia Margin. Geobiology 8, 223-233.
  • Maeda H., Miyagawa Y., Ikarashi M., Mayumi D., Mochimaru H., Yoshioka H., Sakata S., Kobayashi H., Sato K. (2010) Research for Microbial Conversion of Residual Oil into Methane in Depleted Oil Fields to Develop New EOR Process. Proceedings of Abudabi Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2010, Abudabi. OnePetro, No. 138135-MS.
  • 宇佐美潤、葛岡等、竹内美緒、坂田将、駒井武(2010)メタン溶存天然水による浄化技術に関する研究。第20回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集, 215-218.
  • Yoshioka H., Sakata S., Cragg B., Parkes J., Fujii T. (2009) Microbial methane production rates in gas hydrate-bearing sediments from the eastern Nankai Trough, off central Japan. Geochemical Journal 43, 315-321.
  • 佐脇貴幸,金子信行,猪狩俊一郎,前川竜男,徳橋修一,中嶋 健,棚橋 学,坂田 将,森田澄人 (2009) 水溶性天然ガス資源(南関東ガス田)の研究—温泉開発、深層熱水利用等への指針策定への貢献(アウトカム).温泉科学58, 302-309.
  • Takahashi S., Oba M., Kaiho K., Yamakita S., Sakata S. (2009) Panthalassic oceanic anoxia at the end of the Early Triassic: a cause of delay in the recovery of life after the end-Permian mass extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 274, 185-195.
  • Mochimaru H., Tamaki H., Hanada S., Imachi H., Nakamura K., Sakata S., Kamagata Y. (2009) Methanolobus profundi sp. nov., a new methylotrophic methanogen isolated from deep subsurface sediments in a natural gas field. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 59, 714-718.
  • Maeda H., Miyagawa Y., Ikarashi M., Kobayashi H., Sato K., Sakata S., Mochimaru H. (2009) Development of microbial conversion process of residual oil to methane in depleted oil fields. SPE 122573 Proceedings of Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2009, Jakarta. OnePetro, No. 122573-MS.
  • Sakata S., Hayes J. M., Rohmer M., Hooper A., Seeman M. (2008) Stable carbon isotopic compositions of lipids isolated from an ammonia-oxidizing chemoautotroph. Organic Geochemistry 39, 1725-1734.
  • Yoshioka H., Sakata S., Kamagata Y. (2008) Hydrogen isotope fractionation by Methanothermobacter thermoautotrophicus in coculture and pure culture conditions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72, 2687-2694.
  • Mochimaru H., Yoshioka H., Tamaki H., Nakamura K., Kaneko N., Sakata S., Imachi H., Sekiguchi Y., Uchiyama H., Kamagata Y. (2007) Microbial diversity and methanogenic potential in high temperature natural gas associated water in Japan. Extremophiles 11, 453-461.
  • Oba M., Sakata, S., Tsunogai U. (2006) Polar and neutral isopranylglycerol ether lipids as biomarkers of archaea in near-surface sediments from the Nankai Trough. Organic Geochemistry 37, 1643-1654.
  • Yamanaka T., Sakata S. (2004) Abundance and distribution of fatty acids in hydrothermal vent sediments of the western Pacific Ocean. Organic Geochemistry 35, 573-582.
  • 坂田 将 (2001) メタン生成バクテリアの同位体・有機地球化学.月刊地球号外32, 101-105.
  • 猪狩俊一郎, 前川竜男, 坂田 将 (2000) 自然噴気中の軽質炭化水素組成:葛根田地熱地域における事例研究.地球化学34, 103-109. 
  • 坂田 将, 金子信行, 古宮正利, 前川竜男 (1999) 重質炭化水素の炭素同位体分析のためのGC/C/MSの測定条件と性能.地質調査所月報 50, 395-404.
  • 金子信行, 猪狩俊一郎, 前川竜男, 坂田 将 (1999) ガスクロマトグラフ燃焼質量分析計 (GC/C/MS) による天然ガス成分の炭素同位体分析.地質調査所月報 50, 383-393. 
  • 坂田 将 (1997) 東北日本グリーンタフ地域の天然ガスの地球化学—火山性貯留岩中の軽質炭化水素の起源に関する基礎研究.石油学会誌 40, 252-262.
  • Sakata S., Sano Y., Maekawa T., Igari S. (1997) Hydrogen and carbon isotopic composition of methane as evidence for biogenic origin of natural gases from the Green Tuff Basin, Japan.  Organic Geochemistry 26, 399-407.
  • Sakata S., Hayes J.M., McTaggart A.R., Evans R.A., Leckrone K.J., Togasaki R. K. (1997) Carbon isotopic fractionation associated with lipid biosynthesis by a cyanobacterium: Relevance for interpretation of biomarker records. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61, 5379-5389.
  • Maekawa, T., Sakata, S., Igari, S., Imai, N. (1997) Organic geochemistry of the sources and generation environment for gas hydrate methane. Proceedings of the International Workshops on Gas Hydrate Studies. 328-339.
  • Higashihara M., Igari S., Maekawa T., Noda T., Sakata S., Asada N., Miyatake, A. (1996)  C5+ hydrocarbons in fumarolic gases from the Kakkonda (Takinoue) geothermal area, Japan. Geochemical Journal 31, 63-73.
  • 猪狩俊一郎, 前川竜男, 坂田 将 (1996) 自然噴気中のペンタン異性体:東北日本,葛根田地熱地域での例.地質調査所月報 47, 1-4.
  • 坂田 将 (1996) 藻類の13C濃度と溶存二酸化炭素濃度の関係について:モデルとその検証.地質調査所月報 47, 33-39.
  • 坂田 将, 高橋 誠, 猪狩俊一郎, 松久幸敬, 星野一男 (1996) 火山性貯留岩に集積する天然ガスの炭化水素の起源に関する地球化学的研究.地質調査所月報 47, 619-642.
  • Maekawa, T., Ito, S., Sakata S., Igari S., Imai N. (1995) Pressure and temperature conditions for methane hydrate dissociation in sodium chloride solutions. Geochemical Journal 29, 325-329.
  • 前川竜男, 猪狩俊一郎, 坂田 将, 伊藤司郎, 今井 登 (1995) メタンハイドレートの合成と分解条件の測定.地質調査所月報 46, 425-431.
  • 坂田 将, 金子信行 (1995) ガスクロマトグラフ燃焼同位体質量分析計(GC/C/MS)による有機化合物の炭素同位体比の測定と地球化学的応用.地質ニュース 487, 45-51.
  • 坂田 将 (1994) 炭化水素の起源と続成変化に関する地球化学的研究.地球化学 28, 59-72.
  • Sakata, S., Matsuhisa, Y., Igari, S. (1994) Organic geochemistry of petroleum from the Green Tuff basin, Japan. Organic Geochemistry 21, 27-34.
  • 坂田 将, 金子信行, 松久幸敬, 猪狩俊一郎, 鈴木祐一郎 (1994) 火山岩を貯留岩とする石油の起源に関する地球化学的研究.地質調査所月報 45, 531-554.
  • 前川竜男, 猪狩俊一郎, 坂田 将 (1994) 天然ガスハイドレートの生成条件.月刊地球 16, 514-518.
  • 秋山雅彦, 福沢仁之, 坂田 将 (1992) 稚内層の堆積環境と生物指標化合物.地質学論集 37, 201-206.
  • 金子信行, 坂田 将 (1992) 未熟成帯におけるバイオマーカーの組成変化.石油技術協会誌 57, 243-252.
  • Igari, S., Sakata, S. (1992) Fractionation of light hydrocarbons through GC columns packed with rocks and minerals - Implications for natural gas migration. Geochemical Journal 26, 37-43.
  • 野村正弘, 坂田 将 (1992) 泥質堆積物中の有機炭素の測定.地球科学 46, 275-281.
  • Fukushima K., Kondo H., Sakata S. (1992) Geochemistry of hydroxy acids in sediments-I. Some freshwater and brackish water lakes in Japan. Organic Geochemistry 18, 913-922.
  • Fukushima K., Uzaki M., Sakata, S. (1992) Geochemistry of hydroxy acids in sediments-II. Estuarine and coastal marine environments. Organic Geochemistry 18, 923-932.
  • 金子信行, 坂田 将 (1992) GC/MSによる地質試料中のアルキルフェナントレン化合物の分析.Researches in Organic Geochemistry 8, 21-24.
  • 金子信行, 坂田 将 (1992) 本邦産原油・コンデンセートのメチルフェナントレン組成.Researches in Organic Geochemistry 8, 25-28.
  • 坂田 将 (1992) 火山岩を貯留岩とする石油炭化水素の起源について. Researches in Organic Geochemistry 8, 41-45.
  • Sakata S. (1991) Carbon isotope geochemistry of natural gases from the Green Tuff Basin, Japan. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 55, 1395-1405.
  • 坂田 将, 金子信行, 鈴木徳行 (1990) 東北日本の堆積盆地における油のバイオマーカー.石油技術協会誌 55, 48-53.
  • 金子信行, 坂田 将, 町原 勉 (1990) 新潟県見附油田コア試料及び原油中の生物指標化合物.地質調査所月報 41, 383-394.
  • Sakata,S., Takahashi, M., Igari, S., Suzuki, N. (1989) Origin of light hydrocarbons from volcanic rocks in the Green Tuff region of Northeast Japan. Chemical Geology 74, 241-248.
  • Igari, S., Sakata, S. (1989) Origin of natural gas of dissolved-in water type in Japan inferred from chemical and isotopic compositions: Occurrence of dissolved gas of thermogenic origin.  Geochemical Journal 23, 139-142.
  • Sakata, S., Akiyama, M. (1989) Steroid and hopanoid hydrocarbons in the Miocene formations from the MITI-Hamayuchi borehole in northern Hokkaido, Japan. Geochemical Journal 23, 237-244.
  • Sakata S., Suzuki N., Kaneko N. (1988) A biomarker study of petroleum from the Neogene Tertiary sedimentary basins in Northeast Japan. Geochemical Journal 22, 89-105.
  • Igari, S., Sakata, S. (1988) Chemical and isotopic compositions of natural gases from the Japanese major oil and gas fields: Origin and compositional change due to migration. Geochemical Journal 22, 257-263.
  • 坂田 将, 高橋 誠, 猪狩俊一郎, 鈴木徳行, 金子信行 (1988) 同位体組成と生物指標化合物からみた火山岩類中の軽質炭化水素の起源.Researches in Organic Geochemistry,6, 25-28.
  • 鈴木徳行, 坂田 将, 金子信行 (1988) 西山中央油帯の熱史,埋没史と炭化水素鉱床形成に関する考察 —バイオマーカーの応用.Researches in Organic Geochemistry 6, 21-23.
  • 金子信行, 坂田 将 (1988) 化学化石”バイオマーカー”を測る.地質ニュース 407, 22-31.
  • 坂田 将, 鈴木祐一郎, 金子信行 (1987) 長岡周辺新第三系ガス田の生物指標化合物.石油技術協会誌 52, 221-230.
  • 鈴木徳行, 坂田 将, 金子信行 (1987) バイオマーカー組成からみた新潟堆積盆地新第三系原油,コンデンセート油の熟成度と一次移動の時期.石油技術協会誌 52, 499-510.
  • 坂田 将, 牧 真一, 矢崎清貫, 永田松三 (1987) 紀伊半島の石油・天然ガス資源に関する地球化学的考察.地球化学 21, 65-74.
  • 猪狩俊一郎, 坂田 将 (1987) 原油と天然ガスの炭素同位体比.月刊地球 9, 602-608.
  • 坂田 将, 高橋 誠, 星野一男 (1986) 深部火山岩中の天然ガスの成因に関する地球化学的考察.石油技術協会誌 51, 228-237.
  • 鈴木祐一郎, 坂田 将, 藤井敬三 (1986) ケロジェンの蛍光観察による根源岩評価—新潟平野を例として.田口一雄教授退官記念論文集, 303-311.
  • 米谷 宏, 寺島美南子, 坂田 将 (1986) 堆積物・堆積岩中の有機物を探る—おもに炭化水素について.地質ニュース 382, 41-47.
  • 藤貫 正, 藤井紀之, 永田松三, 坂田 将 (1985) 岩手鉱山産の低品位オイルシェール.地質調査所月報 36, 155-165.
  • 福田 理, 永田松三, 中沢博幸, 坂田 将 (1983) 日本及びフィリピンの水溶型ヨウ素鉱床にみられる地域的特徴.石油技術協会誌 48, 281-290.

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