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Quantum Device Measurement Team

  • Evaluate large-scale quantum hardware for quantum computers and establish a testbed for demonstration of a system.
  • Encourage R&D for realization of superconducting quantum computer using technologies for high-quality and reliable qubits, superconducting integrated circuits, and cryogenic evaluation.
  • Achievement of superconducting qubits with high coherence and demonstration of large-scale integration.
  • Manufacturing and demonstrating superconducting digital - analog integrated circuits.
  • Staff Members

    photo position & name field of expertise and other info
    Inomata Team Leader,
    Kunihiro INOMATA
    Development of superconducting quantum computers and their related systems  
    Photo of Researcher, Xxxxxx XXXXXXX Senior Researcher,
    Shumpei MASUDA
    Quantum control (theory) ; Superconducting devices ; superconducting quantum parametron (KPO)  
    Photo of Researcher, Xxxxxx XXXXXXX Researcher,
    Research and development of superconducting quantum computer  
    Tomonaga Researcher,
    Akiyoshi TOMONAGA
    Fuwa Researcher,
    Maria FUWA
    Optical quantum information processing, Optomechanics, Magnonics  
    Mizuno Researcher,
    Kosuke MIZUNO
    Quantum sensing, Quantum control  
    Photo of Researcher, Xxxxxx XXXXXXX Concurrent post,
    Toyofumi ISHIKAWA
    Development of solid-state quantum sensors and quantum computers  
    Photo of Researcher, Xxxxxx XXXXXXX Concurrent post,
    Takahiro YAMADA
    Research and development of quantum devices  

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