Group's Research Theme
R&D of technologies for mass spectrometry of nanomaterials featuring surfaces, interfaces and thin films
We conduct R&D of technologies for mass spectrometry, using laser and ion beams, and structure analysis of organic molecules using mass spectrometry. Our focuses are
• Photoionization mass spectrometry with laser beams
• Secondary ion mass spectrometry with cluster ion beams
• Structure analysis of organic molecules using mass spectrometry
R&D of technologies for measurement, analysis and evaluation of nanomaterials processing
We conduct R&D of technologies for measurement, analysis, and evaluation of macroscopic and microscopic states of gas during nanomaterials processing. Our focuses are
• Partial pressure measurement with quartz oscillators
• Detection and monitoring of activated reaction intermediates in such process as oxidation
R&D of technologies for diagnostics and monitoring of biological bodies and environment
We conduct R&D for technologies of tomographic imaging using light interference. Our focus is
• Tomographic imaging by using light interference and controlling intensity correlation and optical wave front
Staff Members
photo | name | field of expertise | email address, home page |
Group Leader
TOYAMA, Nobuyuki |
Composites science & technology, Non-destructive evaluation, Ultrasonic testing, Structural health monitoring | toyama-n[at] | |
MICHISHIO, Koji | Slow positron beam technology, Positronium beams | koji.michishio[at] | |
SHIRAI, Tomohiro | Physical optics, Biomedical optics | t.shirai[at] HP |
NAKAZATO, Masaki | Elemental and isotopic analysis using mass spectrometry, nanoparticle analysis | masaki.nakazato[at] |
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