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Applied Nanoscopic Measurement Group

Modern society in the 21st century has been established on large-scale artificial systems with various functional devices. These devices consist of nanomaterials featuring surfaces, interfaces and thin films. Our group conducts research and development on measurement, analysis and evaluation techniques for such significant nanomaterials and their processing by using probes such as photons and ions. The group is also devoted to extending scientific knowledge of nanomaterials through the application of advanced techniques and to promote industrial standardization which is indispensable for dissemination of such techniques.

Group's Research Theme

Time-of-Flight secondary ion mass spectrometry
using a cluster ion beam (Cluster TOF-SIMS)

R&D of technologies for mass spectrometry of nanomaterials featuring surfaces, interfaces and thin films

We conduct R&D of technologies for mass spectrometry, using laser and ion beams, and structure analysis of organic molecules using mass spectrometry. Our focuses are


• Photoionization mass spectrometry with laser beams

• Secondary ion mass spectrometry with cluster ion beams

• Structure analysis of organic molecules using mass spectrometry

Overview of the system for partial pressure
measurement with a quartz oscillator
(developed with a private company)

R&D of technologies for measurement, analysis and evaluation of nanomaterials processing

We conduct R&D of technologies for measurement, analysis, and evaluation of macroscopic and microscopic states of gas during nanomaterials processing. Our focuses are

• Partial pressure measurement with quartz oscillators
• Detection and monitoring of activated reaction intermediates in such process as oxidation

Fig.3Spectral-Intensity Dispersion-Canceled
Optical Coherence Tomography

R&D of technologies for diagnostics and monitoring of biological bodies and environment

We conduct R&D for technologies of tomographic imaging using light interference. Our focus is

• Tomographic imaging by using light interference and controlling intensity correlation and optical wave front

Staff Members

photo name field of expertise email address, home page
Group Leader
TOYAMA, Nobuyuki
Composites science & technology, Non-destructive evaluation, Ultrasonic testing, Structural health monitoring email addresstoyama-n[at]
MICHISHIO MICHISHIO, Koji Slow positron beam technology, Positronium beams email addresskoji.michishio[at]
SHIRAI SHIRAI, Tomohiro Physical optics, Biomedical optics email addresst.shirai[at]
NAKAZATO NAKAZATO, Masaki Elemental and isotopic analysis using mass spectrometry, nanoparticle analysis email addressmasaki.nakazato[at]

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