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Advanced Beam Measurement GroupグループのHP

logoThe Advanced Beam Measurement Group aims to develop advanced measurement and analysis techniques using particle beam sources such as X-rays, positrons, and neutrons, and to use these measurement techniques to contribute to materials development and the realization of a safe and secure society.

Group's Research Theme

1. Development of positron analysis technology

We are developing advanced technologies for the production and manipulation of slow positron beams and microporosity evaluation methods using this technology.

2. Development of portable X-ray nondestructive inspection technology

We are developing nondestructive inspection methods using compact, high-power X-ray sources.

3. Development of neutron analysis technology

We are conducting research on the production and control of neutron beams and advanced material analysis using this technology.

Staff Members

photo name field of expertise email address, home page
Group Leader
OSHIMA, Nagayasu
Slow positron beam technology, Positron based measurement email addressnagayasu-oshima[at]
KINO, Koichi Nuclear engineering, Nuclear data email addresskoichi.kino[at]
O'Rourke Eugene Brian Particle beam sources, Electron accelerators, Positron based measurement email addressbrian-orourke[at]
SHIBUYA SHIBUYA, Tatsunori Particle beam technology, Laser engineering, Microfabrication email addresst-shibuya[at]
YAMAWAKI YAMAWAKI, Masato Radiation measurement, Positron based measurement, Reference materials email addressyamawaki.masato[at]

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