北海道千鳥が淵の川端層タービダイト砂岩泥岩互層 在来型燃料資源+地球環境
男鹿半島鵜ノ崎の女川層石油根源岩(珪質頁岩) 在来型燃料資源
燃料資源地質RG石炭採取 釧路浦幌の浦幌層群雄別層の炭層 非在来型+在来型燃料資源+地球環境

Fuel Resource Geology Research Group

To increase the precision of exploration technologies and resource evaluation methodologies for conventional and unconventional resources, we are studying to construct models of deposits, improve exploration techniques, and develop evaluation techniques for fuel resource. We want to be as useful as engineering consultant applicable to oil company’s various needs. It is the most important mission for us.

Research Project

Unconventional Resources

Conventional Resources

Global Environmental

New information

  • 2024.4

    Dr. Aya Kubota and Yuki Totsuka have joined the research group.

  • 2023.9

    Dr. Nakajima, Asahina, Takahashi's paper was published Island Arc.

  • 2023.7

    Dr. Nakajima, Asahina, Takahashi's paper was published Island Arc.