


  • Miyajima, Y., Aoyagi, T., Yoshioka, H., Hori, T., Takahashi, H.A., Tanaka, M., Tsukasaki, A., Goto, S., Suzumura, M. (2024) Impact of concurrent aerobic?anaerobicmethanotrophy on methane emission from marine sediments in gas hydrate area, Environmental Science & Technology,
  • Ota Y., Iguchi A., Nishijima M., Mukai R., Suzumura M., Yoshioka H., Suzuki A., Tsukasaki A., Aoyagi T., Hori T. (2024) Methane diffusion affects characteristics of benthic communities in and around microbial mat-covered sediments in the northeastern Japan sea, Chemosphere 349, 140964.



  • Kurosawa, S., Furota, S., Mitsui, M., Sawada, K., Seike K., Furukawa, N., Ito, M. (2023) Downslope variation in hemipelagic sedimentation in an active margin basin: An example from the lower Pleistocene Kiwada and Takamizo formations on the Boso Peninsula, Japan. Sedimentology 70, 705–727,
  • Miyajima Y., Araoka D., Yoshimura T., Ota Y., Suzuki A., Yoshioka H., Suzumura M., Smrzka D., Peckmann J., Bohrmann D. (2023) Lithium isotope systematics of methane-seep carbonates as an archive of fluid origins and flow rates, Geochim Cosmochim Acta, 361, 152-170.
  • Goto, S., Yamano, M., Tanahashi, M., Matsubayashi, O., Kinoshita, M., Machiyama, H., Morita, S., Kanamatsu, T., Hachikubo, A., Kataoka, S., Matsumoto, R. (2023) Surface heat flow measurements in the eastern margin of the Japan Sea using a 15 m long geothermal probe to overcome large bottom-water temperature fluctuations, Marine Geophysical Research, 44, 2.
  • Nakajima, T., Iwano, H., Danhara, T., Hirata, T., Asahina, K., Takahashi, U.K., Hanamura, Y. (2023) U?Pb and fi ssion-track dating of Miocene hydrocarbon source rocks inthe Akita Basin, Northeast Japan, and implications for the timing of paleoceanographic changes in the sea of Japan. Island Arc, 32, e12490,
  • Noda, A., Morimoto, K., Takahashi, U.K., Danhara, T., Iwano, H., and Hirata, T. (2023) Late Cretaceous?Paleogene terrestrial sequence in the northern KitakamiMountains, Northeast Japan: Depositional ages, clay mineral contents, and vitrinite refl ectance, Island Arc, 32, 12500,



  • Katayama T., Yoshioka H., Kaneko M., Amo M., Fujii T., Takahashi H. A., Yoshida S., Sakata S. (2022) Cultivation and biogeochemical analyses reveal insights into methanogenesis in deep subseafl oor sediment at a biogenic gas hydrate site. The ISME Journal,
  • Asahina K., Takahashi S., Saito R., Kaiho K., Oba Y. (2022) Maleimide index: a paleo-redox index based on fragmented fossil-chlorophylls obtained by chromic acid oxidation, RSC Advances, 12, 31061-31067.
  • Asada, M., Satoh, M., Tanahashi, M., Yokota, T., Goto, S. (2022) Visualization of shallow subseafloor fluid migration in a shallow gas hydrate field using high-resolution acoustic mapping and ground-truthing and their implications on the formation process: a case study of the Sakata Knoll on the eastern margin of the Sea of Japan, Marine Geophysical Research, 43, 34.
  • Asahina K., Nakajima T., Takahashi U. K., Kobayashi M., Hanamura Y. (2022) Spatio-temporal changes in the depositional environment of Miocene organic rich mudstones in the Akita Basin deduced from biomarker analysis, Geochemical Jouranal, 56, 1-15.


  • 吉岡秀佳 日本有機地球化学会 有機地球化学賞(学術賞)
  • 髙橋 幸士 日本有機地球化学会 研究奨励賞(田口賞)



  • Takeuchi M., Yoshioka H. (2021) Acetate excretion by a methanotroph, Methylocaldum marinum S8, under aerobic conditions. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 85(11), 2326.2333.
  • Kiyokawa S., Kuratomi T., Hoshino T., Goto S., Ikehara M. (2021) Hydrothermal formation of iron-oxyhydroxide chimney mounds in a shallow semi-enclosed bay at Satsuma Iwo-Jima Island, Kagoshima, Japan, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 133, 1890-1908.
  • Hiki K., Asahina K., Kato K., Yamagishi T., Omagari R., Iwasaki Y., Watanabe H., Yamamoto H. (2021) Acute toxicity of a tire-rubber derived chemical, 6PPD quinone, to freshwater fish and crustacean species, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 8, 779-784.
  • Asahina K., Takahashi U. K., Suzuki Y., Nakajima T., Kobayashi M. (2021) Effects of Maturation on the Dimethyl Naphthalene Indicator Use to Evaluate the Source Organic Type of Crude Oil, Chemistry Letters, 50, 1718-1721.
  • Furota S., Sawada K., Kawakami G. (2021) Depositional processes of plant fragment-concentrated sandstones in turbiditic sequences recorded by plant biomarkers (Miocene Kawabata Formation, Japan), International Journal of Coal Geology, 233, 103643.
  • Takano T., Oba Y., Furota S., Naraoka H., Ogawa N., Blattmann T., Ohkouchi N. (2021) Analytical development of seamless procedures on cation-exchange chromatography and ion-pair chromatography with high-precision mass spectrometry for short-chain peptides, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 463, 116529.
  • 中嶋 健, 吉川幸佑, 興津 修.(2021) 富山トラフと周辺日本海の地質構造と堆積盆形成テクトニクス. 地質学雑誌, 127, 165-188.


  • 中嶋 健 日本地質学会論文賞
    対象論文:中嶋 健(2018) 日本海拡大以来の日本列島の堆積盆テクトニクス. 地質学雑誌, 124, 693-722.
  • 風呂田 郷史 日本有機地球化学会 研究奨励賞(田口賞)



  • Katayama T., Nobu M., Kusada H., Meng X., Hosogi N., Uematsu K., Yoshioka H., Kamagata Y., and Tamaki H. (2020) Isolation of a member of the candidate phylum ‘Atribacteria’ reveals a unique cell membrane structure. Nature Communications, DOI:10.1038/s41467-020-20149-5.
  • Yoshioka H., Takeuchi M., Sakata S., Takahashi M., Tanabe S., Inamura A., Yasuhara M. (2020) Microbial methane production and oxidation in the Holocene mud beneath the Kanto Plain of central Japan. Geochemical Journal, 54 (4), 243-254.
  • Asahina K., Nakajima T., Morimoto K., Hanamura Y., Kobayashi M. (2020) The effects of clay minerals on methylated naphthalenes as maturity indicators of sedimentary organic matter, Chemistry Letters, 49, 728.
  • Nakano H., Hirakawa N., Matsubara Y., Yamashita S., Okuchi T., Asahina K., Tanaka R., Suzuki N., Naraoka H., Takano Y., Tachibana S., Hama T., Oba Y., Kimura Y., Watanabe N., Kouchi N. (2020) Precometary organic mattar: A hidden reservoir of water inside the snow line, Scientific Reports, 10, 7755.
  • Goto S., Yamano, M.(2020) Inversion of thermal conductivity and heat flow from borehole temperature data affected by recent variation in ground surface temperature, Geothermics, 86, 101862.
  • Takahashi U.K., Nakajima T., Suzuki Y., Morita S., Sawaki T., Hanamura Y. (2020)Hydrocarbon generation potential and thermal maturity of coal and coaly mudstones from the Eocene Urahoro Group in the Kushiro Coalfield, eastern Hokkaido, Japan. International Journal of Coal Geology, 217



  • Takeuchi M., Ozaki H., Hiraoka S., Kamagata Y., Sakata S., Yoshioka H., Iwasaki W. (2019) Possible cross-feeding pathway between a methanotroph and a facultative methylotroph. PlosONE 14, e0213535.
  • Katayama T., Yoshioka H., Yamanaka T., Mio Takeuchi, Muramoto Y., Usami J., Ikeda H. and Sakata S. (2019) Microbial community structure in deep natural gas-bearing aquifers subjected to sulfate-containing fl uid injection. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 127, 45-51.
  • Takahashi U.K., Tsunogai U., Nakagawa F., Sukigara C. (2019)Stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of water vapor in volcanic plumes sampled in glass bottles using cavity ring-down spectroscopy. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 384, 232-240.
  • 中嶋 健, 岩野英樹, 檀原徹, 山下 透, 柳沢幸夫, 谷村好洋, 渡辺真人, 佐脇貴幸, 中西 敏, 三石裕之, 山科起行, 今堀誠一 (2019) 富山県八尾地域の新生界年代層序の再検討とテクトニクス.地質学雑誌, 125, 483-516.
  • 高野 修, 中嶋 健.(2019) 富山深海長谷への砕屑物供給系としての北部フォッサマグナ信越堆積盆:後期新生代深海堆積システム・堆積テクトニクスの変遷.地質学雑誌, 125. 467-481.
  • 中嶋 健, 岸本清行. (2019) 日本海南東部の海底地形アナグリフ.地質学雑誌, 125. IV.



  • Asahina K., Suzuki N.(2018) Methylated naphthalenes as indicators for evaluating the source and source rock lithology of degraded oils. Organic Geochemistry, 124, 46-62.
  • 中嶋 健(2018) 日本海拡大以来の日本列島の堆積盆テクトニクス. 地質学雑誌, 124, 693-722.
  • 細井 淳, 中嶋 健, 檀原 徹, 岩野英樹, 平田岳史, 天野一男(2018) 岩手県西和賀町に分布するグリーンタフのジルコンFTおよびU-Pb年代とその意味. 地質学雑誌, 124, 819-835.


  • 眞弓大介、持丸華子、吉岡秀佳、坂田将
  • 中嶋 健 石油技術協会賞 (論説賞)
    対象論文:中嶋 健 (2016) 深海チャネル-自然堤防ー海底扇状地システムの貯留岩形態・根源岩ポテンシャルに関する最近の知見. 石油技術協会誌, 81, 33-45.



  • Goto S., Yamano M., Morita S., Kanematsu T., Yakubo M., Kataoka S., Tanahashi M., Matsumoto R. (2017) Physical and thermal properties of mud-dominant sediment from the Joetsu Basin in the eastern margin of the Japan Sea. Marine Geophysical Research, 38, 393-407.
  • Takahashi U. K., Suzuki N. (2017) Semi-open and closed system pyrolysis of Paleogene coal for evaluating the timing of hydrocarbon gas expulsion. International Journal of Coal Geology, 178, 100-109.
  • Matsumoto R., Tanahashi R., Kakuwa Y., Glen S., Okawa S., Tomaru J., Morita S. (2017) Recovery of thick deposits of massive gas hydrates from gas chimney structures, eastern margin of Japan Sea: Japan Sea shallow gas hydrate project. Fire in the Ice: Methane Hydrate News Letter, 17, 1-6.


  • 中嶋 健 日本堆積学会2017年論文賞
    対象論文:Nakajima T. and Kneller, B. (2013) Quantitative analysis of the geometry of submarine external levees. Sedimentology, 60, 877-910.



  • Mayumi D., Mochimaru H., Tamaki H., Yamamoto K., Yoshioka H., Suzuki Y., Kamagata Y., Sakata S. (2016) Methane production from coal by a single methanogen. Science, 354, 222-225.
  • Katayama T., Yoshioka H., Takahashi H.A., Amo M., Fujii T., Sakata S. (2016) Changes in microbial communities associated with gas hydrates in subseafl oor sediments from the Nankai Trough.FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 92, fi w093.
  • Toki T., Kinoshita M., Morita S., Masuda H., Rashid H., Yoshinishi H., Nakano T., Nogushi N. (2016) The vertical chloride ion profile at the IODP Site C0002, Kumano Basin, off coast of Japan. Tectonophysics, 710-711, 88-96.
  • Goto S., Matsubayashi O., Nagakubo S. (2016) Simulation of gas hydrate dissociation caused by repeated tectonic uplift events. Journal of Geophysical Research. 121, 3200-3219.
  • 中嶋 健 (2016) 深海チャネル-自然堤防ー海底扇状地システムの貯留岩形態・根源岩ポテンシャルに関する最近の知見. 石油技術協会誌, 81, 33-45.
  • Ito M., Kameo H., Satoguchi Y., Masuda F., Hiroki Y., Takano O., Nakajima T., Suzuki N. (2016) Neogene-Quaternary sedimentary successions. The Geology of Japan. 309-337.



  • Yoshioka H, Mochimaru H, Sakata S. Takeda H, Yoshida S. (2015) Methane production potential of subsurface microbes in Pleistocene sediments from a natural gas fi eld of the dissolved-in-water type, central Japan. Chemical Geology, 419, 92-101.
  • Katayama T., Yoshioka H., Muramoto Y., Usami J., Fujiwara K., Yoshida S., Kamagata Y., Sakata S. (2015) Physicochemical impacts associated with natural gas development on methanogenesis in deep sand aquifers. The ISME Journal, 9, 436-446.
  • Inagaki F., Hinrichs K. ?U., Kubo Y., Bowles M. W., Heuer V. B., Hong W. -L., Hoshino T., Ijiri A., Imachi H., Ito M., Kaneko M., Lever M. A., Lin Y. ?S., Methé B. A., Morita S., Morono Y., Tanikawa W., Bihan M., Bowden S. A., Elvert M., Glombitza C., Gross D., Harrington G. J., Hori T., Li K., Limmer D., Liu C. ?H., Murayama M., Ohkochi M., Ono S., Park Y. ?S., Phillips S. C., Prieto-Mollar X., Purkey M., Riedinger N., Sanada Y. Sauvage J., Snyder G., Susilawati R., Takano Y. Tasumi E., Terada T., Tomaru H. Trembath-Reichert E., Wang D. T. Yamada Y. (2015) Exploring deep microbial life in coal-bearing sediment down to ~2.5 km below the ocean floor. Science, 349, 420-424.
  • Otsuka H., Morita S., Tanahashi M., Ashi J. (2015) Foldback reflectors near methane hydrate bottom-simulating reflectors: Indicators of gas distribution from 3D seismic images in the eastern Nankai Trough. Island arc, 24, 145-158.



  • Katayama T., Yoshioka H., Mochimaru H., Meng X.Y., Muramoto Y., Usami J., Ikeda, H., Kamagata Y., Sakata S. (2014) Methanohalophilus levihalodurans sp. nov., a slightly halophilic, methylotrophic methanogen isolated from natural gas-bearing deep aquifers, and emended description of the genus Methanohalophilus . International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 64, 2089-2093.
  • Aoki M, Ehara M, Saito Y, Yoshioka H, Miyazaki M, Saito Y, Miyashita A,Kawakami S, Yamaguchi T, Ohashi A, Nunoura T, Takai K, Imachi H. (2014) A Long-term cultivation of an anaerobic methane-oxidizing microbial community from deep-sea methane- seep sediment using a continuous-fl ow bioreactor. PLoS One 9, e105356.
  • 吉岡 秀佳, 秋葉 文雄, 金子 雅紀, 北島 弘子, 東 陽介, 橋本 善孝 (2014) Exp. 311:ガスハイドレート成因解明に向けて 大陸縁 辺域のGH掘削の成果. 月刊地球号外.
  • Hosam E. Maruyama A., Stokes H., Yoshioka H., Mitani Y. (2014) Novel integrons and gene cassettes from a Cascadian submarine gas hydrate-bearing core. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 87, 343-356.
  • Kakuwa Y., Nakajima T., Matsumoto R. (2014) Submarine landslide identified in MD179 cores, off-Joetsu area, eastern margin of the Sea of Japan. Journal of Asian Earth Science, 90, 218-227.
  • Nakajima T., Kakuwa Y., Yasudomi Y., Itaki T., Motoyama I., Tomiyama T., Machiyama H., Katayama H., Okitsu O., Morita S., Tanahashi M., Matsumoto R. (2014) Formation of pockmarks and submarine canyons associated with dissociation of gas hydrates on the Joetsu Knoll, eastern margin of the Sea of Japan. Journal of Asian Earth Science, 90, 228-242.



  • Lubis R. F., Yamano M., Delinom R., Martosuparno S., Sakura Y., Goto S., Miyakoshi A., Taniguchi M. (2013) Assessment of urban groundwater heat contaminant in Jakarta, Indonesia. Environmental Earth Science, 70, 2033-2038.
  • Nakajima T. (2013) Late Cenozoic tectonic events and intra-arc basin development in Northeast Japan. Mechanism of Sedimentary Basin Formation ? Multidisciplinary Approach on Active Plate Margins, InTech, 153-189.
  • Noda A., TuZino T., Joshima M., Goto S. (2013) Mass transport-dominated sedimentation in a foreland basin, the Hidaka Trough, northern Japan. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 14, 2638-2660.
  • Nakajima T., Kneller B. C. (2013) Quantitative Analysis of the Geometry of Submarine External Levees. Sedimentology, 60, 877-910.
  • Zhao X., Oda H., Wu H., Yamamoto A., Yamamoto Y., Yamamoto Y., Nakajima T., Kitamura Y., Kanematsu T. (2013) Magnetostratigraphic results from sedimentary rocks of IODP’s Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment (NanTroSEIZE) Expedition 322. Geological Society Special Publication, 373, 1-12.
  • 角和 善隆, 中嶋 健, 富山 隆將, 町山 栄章, 松本 良 (2013) 日本海MD179コアに見られる海氷起源の砕屑物に関する研究. 石油技術協会誌, 78, 178-187.
  • 角和 善隆, 中嶋 健, 公文 富士夫, 松本 良, 中村 祐哉, 大井 剛志, 富 山隆將, 町山 栄章 (2013) 日本海MD179航海において採取されたコアの層相と対比 -上越海丘から北海道南西沖まで-. 石油技術協会誌, 78, 104-112.
  • 角和 善隆, 中嶋 健, 公文 富士夫, 松本 良, 中村 祐哉, 大井 剛志, 富山 隆將, 町山 栄章 (2013) 日本海MD179航海において採取されたコアの層相と対比 -上越沖海鷹海脚周辺-. 石油技術協会誌, 78, 97-103.


  • 森田 澄人・中嶋 健・花村 泰明(2013)日本地質学会小藤文次郎賞
    対象論文:森田 澄人・中嶋 健・花村 泰明(2011)海底スランプ堆積層とそれに関わる脱水構造:下北沖陸棚斜面の三次元地震探査データから. 地質学雑誌, 117, 95-98.



  • 竹内美緒, 吉岡秀佳, 徐維那, 田邊 晋, 玉木秀幸, 鎌形洋一, 高橋 浩, 猪狩俊一郎, 眞弓大介, 坂田将(2012) 関東平野の沖積層において新 たに発見された陸域における微生物による嫌気的メタン酸化活動。第22回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集, 69-71.
  • 坂田 将, 持丸華子, 吉岡秀佳, 鎌形洋一 (2012)水溶性ガス田のかん水中のメタン生成菌の多様性と活性.天然ガス, 55(4), 58-60.
  • Goto S., Mizoguchi T., Kimura R., Kinoshita M., Yamano M., Hamamoto H. (2012) Variations in the thermal conductivities of surface sediments in the Nankai subduction zone off Tokai, central Japan. Marine Geophysical Research, 33, 269-283.
  • 中嶋 健 (2012) 岩手県湯田盆地に分布する不整合と火砕岩鍵層:その奥羽山脈発達史上の意義について. 地球科学, 66, 69-83.
  • Morita S., Nakajima T., Hanamura Y. (2012) Possible ground instability factor implied by slumping and dewatering structures in high-methane-flux continental slope. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 31, Springer, 311-320.



  • Mayumi D., Mochimaru H., Yoshioka H., Sakata S., Maeda H., Miyagawa Y., Ikarashi M., Takeuchi M., Kamagata Y. (2011) Evidence for syntrophic acetate oxidation coupled to hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis in the high-temperature petroleum reservoir of Yabase oil fi eld (Japan). Environmental Microbiology, 13, 1995-2006.
  • Ikehara K., Danhara T., Yamashita T., Tanahashi M., Morita S., Ohkushi K. (2011) Paleoceanographic control on a large marine-reservoir effect offshore of Tokai, south of Japan, NW Pacific, during the last glacial maximum-deglaciation. Quaternary International, 246, 213-221.
  • Hamamoto H., Yamano M, Goto S., Kinoshita M., Fujino K., Wang K. (2011) Heat flow distribution and thermal structure of the Nankai subduction zone off the Kii Peninsula. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 12, 1-22.
  • 本山 玲美, 柳澤 文孝, 上田 晃, 鈴木 祐一郎, 金井 豊, 大澤 英二, 小島 武, 赤田 尚史 (2011) 東アジア地域の石炭に含まれる硫黄の安定同位体比とその地域分布. Radioisotopes, 60, 27-33.
  • 森田 澄人, 中嶋 健, 花村 泰明 (2011) 海底スランプ堆積層とそれに関わる脱水構造:下北沖陸棚斜面の三次元地震探査データから. 地質学雑誌, 117, 95-98.
  • 大塚 宏徳, 森田 澄人, 棚橋 学, 長久保 定雄, 芦寿 一郎 (2011) 東部南海トラフ三次元反射法地震探査断面に見られる 地層流体の分布を示唆する音響反射面. 石油技術協会誌, 76, 39-42.



  • Yoshioka H., Maruyama A., Nakamura T., Higashi Y., Fuse H., Sakata S., Bartlett D. H. (2010) Activities and distribution of methanogenic and methane-oxidizing microbes in marine sediments from the Cascadia Margin. Geobiology, 8, 223-233.
  • Goto S., Yamano M. (2010) Reconstruction of the 500-year ground surface temperature history of northern Awaji Island, southwest Japan, using a layered thermal property model. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 183, 435-446.
  • Kim Y-G., Lee S-M., Matsubayashi O. (2010) New heat flow measurements in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea (Sea of Japan): relationship to local BSR depth, and implications for regional heat flow distribution. Geo-Marine Letters, 30, 595-603.
  • 森田 澄人, 後藤 秀作, 松林 修, 棚橋 学(2010)数値シミュレーションによるCO2地中貯留ポテンシャル評価の試み ―マレー半島東方沖マレー堆積盆におけるケーススタディー.地質調査研究報告,61, 245-270.