Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 1
研究報告(Research Papers)
Tunable double-sapphire-loaded microwave cavity with high-Q factor
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
National Metrology Institute of Japan
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 1
研究報告(Research Papers)
Tunable double-sapphire-loaded microwave cavity with high-Q factor
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 5
研究報告(Research Papers)
Heterodyne Fourier transform spectrometer for the near-infrared region
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 13
研究報告(Research Papers)
Development of nanometrological, dimensional standards in NMIJ
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 17
研究報告(Research Papers)
Simple method for reducing the nonlinearity of a homodyne interferometer with a quadrature detector system
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 21
研究報告(Research Papers)
Experimental study on the uncertainty in static calibration of a torque measuring device
1st report: -Verification of repeatability, reproducibility and zero error-
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 29
研究報告(Research Papers)
Experimental study on the uncertainty in static calibration of a torque measuring device
2st report: -Verification of interpolation error, reversibility and resolution-
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 35
研究報告(Research Papers)
Calibration of charge amplifier on vibration acceleration standard
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 41
研究報告(Research Papers)
Long-term stability repeatability of charpy impact test estimated in the international comparisons
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 47
研究報告(Research Papers)
Uncertainty analyses of reference specimens for the verification of charpy impact test machines
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 53
研究報告(Research Papers)
Platinum-Sheathed High-Temperature Platinum Resistance Thermometers for Use up to 1200 ℃
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 59
研究報告(Research Papers)
Measurement of the Insulation Resistance for the Development of High Temperature Platinum Resistance
Thermometers with a Guard Electrode
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 65
研究報告(Research Papers)
Properties of a High-Temperature Platinum Resistance Thermometer up to 1350 ℃
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 71
研究報告(Research Papers)
Species-specific Isotope Dilution Analysis of Mono-,Di, and Tri-butyltin Compounds in Sediment
Using Gas Chromatography-Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry with Synthesized 118
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 79
研究報告(Research Papers)
Microwave-Assisted Steam Distillation for Simple Determination of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Organochlorine Pesticides in Sediments
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 87
研究報告(Research Papers)
Development and evaluation of reaction gas chromatograph as a calibration method using an index compound
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 91
研究報告(Research Papers)
Evaluation of the Quantitativeness of Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-flight
Mass Spectrometry Using an Equimolar Mixture of Uniform Poly(ethylene Glycol) Oligomers
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 99
研究報告(Research Papers)
Uncertainties caused by surface adsorbates in estimates of the thickness of SiO2 ultrathin films
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 105
技術報告(Technical Report)
Survey on the utilization of virtual private network technologies for the data acquisition in remote calibration
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 113
技術資料(Technical Note)
Uncertainty from a viewpoint of type approval verification
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 121
技術資料(Technical Note)
A survey on precise measurements and database for fluid properties
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 139
技術資料(Technical Note)
Establishment of methods for flowrate measurement and flowmeter characteristic test for regulation of automotive exhaust emission
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 149
技術資料(Technical Note)
A survey on EMI measurement and wide band antenna standards
Vol.3, No.1
March 2004
page 155
技術資料(Technical Note)
A survey on inorganic standard solution for rare earth elements and precious metals