National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ)


CRM No. Description Certificate (pdf) SDS (pdf)
1001_1005-a Fe-Cr Alloy Reference Material Certificate SDS
1006_1010-a Fe-Ni Alloy Reference Material Certificate SDS
1017-a Stainless Steel for EPMA Certificate SDS
1018-a Ni(36%)-Fe Alloy for EPMA Certificate SDS
1019-a Ni(42%)-Fe Alloy for EPMA Certificate SDS
1020-a High Nickel Alloy for EPMA Certificate SDS
1101-a1 Single Crystal of Silicon (Thermal Expansivity Reference Material): Form 1 Report SDS
1101-a2 Single Crystal of Silicon (Thermal Expansivity Reference Material): Form 2 Report SDS
1102-a1 Glass-like Carbon (Thermal Expansivity Reference Material): Form 1 Report SDS
3009-a Zinc Certificate SDS
3011-a Ammonium Chloride Certificate SDS
3012-a Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane Certificate SDS
3013-a Calcium Carbonate Certificate SDS
3402 Sulfur Dioxide【Made-to-Order】 Certificate SDS
3403 Dinitrogen Oxide in Nitrogen (300 micromol/mol)【Made-to-Order】 Certificate SDS
3404 Oxygen【Made-to-Order】 Certificate
3406 Carbon Monoxide【Made-to-Order】 Certificate SDS
3407 Carbon Dioxide【Made-to-Order】 Certificate
3408 Oxygen in Nitrogen (10 micromol/mol)【Made-to-Order】 Certificate SDS
3409-a Nitrogen in Argon (10 micromol/mol)【Made-to-Order】 Certificate SDS
3409-b Nitrogen in Argon (50 micromol/mol)【Made-to-Order】 Certificate SDS
3409-c Nitrogen in Argon (100 micromol/mol)【Made-to-Order】 Certificate SDS
3410 Nitrogen for LNG analysis【Made-to-Order】 Certificate SDS
3681-a Lead Isotopic Standard Solution Certificate SDS
4001-b Ethanol Certificate SDS
4003-b Toluene Certificate SDS
4005-a Dichloromethane Certificate SDS
4006-a Carbon Tetrachloride Certificate SDS
4011-a o-xylene Certificate SDS
4012-a m-xylene Certificate SDS
4013-a p-xylene Certificate SDS
4014-a 1,1-Dichloroethylene Certificate SDS
4021-a Ethylbenzene Certificate SDS
4030-a Bisphenol A Certificate SDS
4036-b Dibromochloromethane Certificate SDS
4038-a 1,2-Dichloropropane Certificate SDS
4039-a 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Certificate SDS
4051 Methane【Made-to-Order】 Certificate SDS
4056-a Perfluorooctanoic acid Certificate SDS
4057-a 1,4-Dioxane Certificate SDS
4058-a tert-Butylmethylether (MTBE) Certificate SDS
4064 Ethane【Made-to-Order】 Certificate SDS
4065 Isobutane【Made-to-Order】 Certificate SDS
4066 Butane【Made-to-Order】 Certificate SDS
4067 Isopentane【Made-to-Order】 Certificate SDS
4068 Pentane【Made-to-Order】 Certificate SDS
4074-a Trichloroacetic Acid Certificate SDS
4076-a Short-chain Chlorinated Paraffin Report SDS
4213-a Benzo[a]pyrene in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane Certificate SDS
4220-a Potassium Perfluorooctanesulfonate in Methanol Certificate SDS
4222-e Water in Mesitylene (0.1 mg/g) Certificate SDS
4228-b Water in Anisole/Diethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether (1 mg/g) Certificate SDS
4229-a Water in Methylcyclohexane (0.02 mg/g) Certificate SDS
4407 Hexane in methane【Made-to-Order】 Certificate SDS
4601-c 3,5-Bis(trifluoromethyl)benzoic Acid for Quantitative NMR (1H, 19F) Certificate SDS
4602-a 1,4-Bis(trimethylsilyl)-2,3,5,6-tetrafluorobenzene for Quantitative NMR (1H, 19F) Certificate SDS
4603-a Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate for Quantitative NMR (1H) Certificate SDS
5010-a Poly(ethylene glycol) Nonylphenyl Ether (Trivial name:Nonylphenol ethoxylate) Certificate SDS
5011-a Poly(ethylene glycol) (23mer) Certificate SDS
5012-a Polystyrene (for Light Scattering) Report SDS
5121-b Electrolytic Conductivity Standard Solution - Aqueous Solution of Potassium Chloride (1 mol kg-1) Certificate SDS
5123-b Electrolytic Conductivity Standard Solution - Aqueous Solution of Potassium Chloride (0.01 mol kg-1) Certificate SDS
5134-a Secondary Electrolytic Conductivity Standard Solution - Aqueous Solution of Potassium Chloride (0.001 mol kg-1) Certificate SDS
5203-a GaAs/AlAs Super Lattice Certificate SDS
5205-a Multiple BN Delta-Layer Films Certificate SDS
5206-a Multiple BN Delta-Layer Film on Arsenic-doped Si substrate Certificate SDS
5207-a Tungsten Dot-array Certificate SDS
5401-a Cyclohexane for Thermal Analysis Certificate SDS
5602-a Polycarbonate for Positron Hole-size Measurements Certificate SDS
5606-a Single-Crystal Silicon for Positron Defect Measurements Certificate SDS
5607-a Stainless Steel for Positron Defect Measurements Report SDS
5701-b Polystyrene Latex Nanoparticle, 120 nm Certificate SDS
5702-a Polystyrene Latex Nanoparticle, 150 nm Certificate SDS
5703-a Polystyrene Latex Nanoparticle, 200 nm Certificate SDS
5711-a Titanium(IV) Oxide Nanoparticles (specific surface area 11 m2/g, large particle size, no surface modification) Report SDS
5712-a Titanium(IV) Oxide Nanoparticles (specific surface area 57 m2/g, small particle size, surface modified with fatty acid) Report SDS
5713-a Titanium(IV) Oxide Nanoparticles (specific surface area 76 m2/g, small particle size, surface modified with isobutyl groups) Report SDS
5714-a Carbon Black (Nitrogen Specific Volume Adsorbed - BET100) Certificate SDS
5715-a Carbon Black (Nitrogen Specific Volume Adsorbed – BET20) Certificate SDS
5721-a Polystyrene Latex Particles (100 nm, Monodisperse) Certificate SDS
5722-a Polystyrene Latex Particles (300 nm, Monodisperse) Certificate SDS
5801-a Alumina Ceramics for Thermal Expansivity Measurement Certificate SDS
5802-a Silica Glass for Thermal Expansivity Measurement Certificate SDS
5803-a1 Single-Crystal of Silicon for Thermal Expansivity Measurements (at Cryogenic Temperature) Certificate SDS
5803-a2 Single-Crystal of Silicon for Thermal Expansivity Measurements (at Cryogenic Temperature) Certificate SDS
5805-a High-purity copper for Thermal Expansivity Measurements Certificate SDS
5806-a Single Crystal of Silicon for Specific Heat Capacity Measurements (at Cryogenic Temperature) Certificate SDS
5808-b Molybdenum Film for Thermal Diffusivity Measurement (400 nm) Certificate SDS
5810-a Titanium Nitride Film for Thermal Diffusivity Measurement Certificate SDS
6001-a Cholesterol Certificate SDS
6002-a Testosterone Certificate SDS
6003-a Progesterone Certificate SDS
6004-a 17beta-Estradiol Certificate SDS
6005-a Creatinine Certificate SDS
6006-a Urea Certificate SDS
6007-a Hydrocortisone Certificate SDS
6008-a Uric Acid Certificate SDS
6011-a L-Alanine Certificate SDS
6012-a L-Leucine Certificate SDS
6013-a L-Isoleucine Certificate SDS
6014-a L-Phenylalanine Certificate SDS
6015-a L-Valine Certificate SDS
6016-a L-Proline Certificate SDS
6017-b L-Arginine Certificate SDS
6018-a L-Lysine Monohydrochloride Certificate SDS
6019-a L-Tyrosine Certificate SDS
6020-a L-Threonine Certificate SDS
6021-a L-Serine Certificate SDS
6022-b Glycine Certificate SDS
6023-a L-Methionine Certificate SDS
6024-b L-Histidine Certificate SDS
6025-a L-Cystine Certificate SDS
6026-b L-Glutamic acid Certificate SDS
6027-a L-Aspartic acid Certificate SDS
6202-a Human Serum Albumin Certificate SDS
6204-b Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)Solutions for Quantitative Analysis Certificate SDS
6205-b Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)Solutions for Quantitative Analysis Certificate SDS
6206-b Okadaic Acid Standard Solution Certificate SDS
6207-b Dinophysistoxin-1 (DTX1)Standard Solution Certificate SDS
6208-a Monoclonal Antibody Solution, AIST-MAB Report SDS
6210-a Amyloid β Certificate SDS
6211-a 4-Hydroxy-clomifene Standard Solution Certificate SDS
6212-a 3β, 4α-Dihydroxy-5α-androstan-17-one Standard Solution Certificate SDS
6402-c Aldosterone in Human Serum (3 Concentration Levels) Certificate SDS
6403-a Steroid Hormones in Human Serum Certificate SDS
6901-c C-Peptide Certificate SDS
7202-c Trace elements in river water (elevated level) Certificate SDS
7203-a Tap Water for Heavy Metals Certificate SDS
7204-a Trace Elements in Seawater (Elevated Level) Certificate SDS
7303-a Trace elements in lake sediment Certificate SDS
7402-a Trace elements arsenobetaine and methylmercury in cod fish tissue Certificate SDS
7405-b Arsenic Compounds and Trace Elements in Hijiki Seaweed Certificate SDS
7406-a Trace Elements in Squid Powder Certificate SDS
7407-a Organic Contaminants Human Serum Certificate SDS
7408-a Neonicotinoid Pesticides in Artificial Urine Certificate SDS
7503-b Arsenic Compounds and Trace Elements in White Rice Flour Certificate SDS
7504-a Pesticides in Unpolished Rice Certificate SDS
7505-a Trace Elements in Tea Leaf Powder Certificate SDS
7511-a Trace Elements in Soybean Certificate SDS
7512-a Trace Elements in Milk Powder Certificate SDS
7521-a Diarrhetic Shellfish Toxins in Scallop Edible Parts Certificate SDS
7531-a Cadmium in Brown Rice Flour Certificate SDS
7533-a Arsenic Compounds and Trace Elements in Brown Rice Flour Certificate SDS
7601-a Seawater for Nutrients -Extremely Low Concentration Certificate SDS
7602-a Seawater for Nutrients - Middle Concentration Certificate SDS
7603-a Seawater for Nutrients - High Concentration Certificate SDS
7901-a Arsenobetaine Solution Certificate SDS
7906-a Polychlorinated Biphenyl Mixture in Nonane Certificate SDS
8108-b Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in polystyrene Certificate SDS
8110-b Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Polystyrene (High Concentration) Certificate SDS
8112-a Heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Hg, Pb) in ABS Resin - Low concentration pellet Certificate SDS
8115-a Heavy Metals(Cd, Cr,Hg,Pb) in ABS Resin - Low Concentration Disk Certificate SDS
8152-b Polyvinyl Chloride (Phthalate Esters in PVC Resin Pellet) Certificate SDS
8155-a Perfluoroalkyl Substances in ABS Resin Certificate SDS
8156-a Polyvinyl Chloride (Phthalate Esters in PVC Resin Pellet Low Concentration) Certificate SDS
8158-a Polystyrene for Raman Spectrometer Report SDS
8302-a Biodiesel Fuel (Palm Oil-Based) Certificate SDS