What's New
- 2025/2/6
- Topic
AIST and Intel Strengthen Collaboration for the Industrialization of Silicon Quantum Computers through MOU Signing
- 2025/1/17
- Topic
AIST and Bluefors Sign MOU for Development of Next-Generation Dilution Refrigerator Technology
- 2025/1/17
- Topic
AIST and IQM Sign MoU to Improve Superconducting Quantum Technology in Japan
- 2024/12/23
- Event
nano tech2025
- 2024/12/11
- Research Results Archive (Press release)
AIST G-QuAT Joins 'Commercialization Preparatory Platform'.
- 2024/12/02
- Event
Q2B24 Silicon Valley
- 2024/11/15
- Event
SC24: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis
- 2024/10/24
- Research Results Archive (Press release)
Reinforcing collaboration for industrialization of quantum technology through MOU between AIST and QuEra
- 2024/8/8
- Qufab foundry has started.
- 2024/7/19
- Event
Q2B Tokyo 2024
- 2024/6/21
- Research Results Archive (Press release)
Economic Mission led by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Luxembourg visits AIST - 2024/6/17
- Research Results Archive (Press release)
AIST and IBM partner for the industrialization of the next generation quantum computing - 2024/6/13
- Event
Q-STAR and G-QuAT Joint Symposium 2024
- 2024/6/10
- Research Results Archive (Press release)
AIST and Keysight partner for the industrialization of quantum technology - 2024/4/10
- Prize
Dr. Akiyoshi TOMONAGA won the ISS Best Presentation Awards. - 2024/3/29
- Event
The 50th Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT50) - 2024/3/19
- Research Results Archive (Press release)
G-QuAT's ABCI-Q is supported by NVIDIA. - 2023/10/11
- Event
Symposium for the Inauguration of Global Research and Development Center for Business by Quantum-AI technology (G-QuAT)
― An overview of our center and its strategies while fostering stronger partnerships with both domestic and international companies and research institutions ― - 2023/7/27
- Global Research and Development Center for Business by Quantum-AI technology (G-QuAT) Established
– Toward innovation hub for comprehensive industrial support in quantum technology –