Newsletter 一覧CONTENTS


My name is Shu-Ying Ye, from Changchun city in northeast of China. My current research is concerned with MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System)-based microreactors. It is expected that miniaturized reactors promote the rapid synthesis and analysis of material as well as on demand synthesis of highly reactive and toxic material. I am impressive in the simplistic academic atmosphere and excellent equipments in AIST. I appreciate Dr. F. Mizukami gave me the opportunity to work at AIST. I would like to thank Dr. S. Hamakawa for his useful advices and my thanks also extend to other colleagues for their friendly cooperation and kindly helps.
I have been enjoying my life in Japan. There are many unique things to experience in Japan, such as cherry blossoms, fireworks, festivals, hot spring, and sashimi and so on… Now, I am taking lessons in Ikebana. The photo is my work. What do you think about it? Good work?
My hometown, Changchun, is the sister city of Sendai. Changchun is a beautiful city with a lot of green like Sendai. There is a direct flight from Sendai to Changchun, so please come and visit at my hometown, surely.

中国長春からやってきた葉淑英(イエ スウイン)です。現在、MEMS技術を用いたマイクロリアクターに関する研究開発をしています。マイクロリアクターは多様な物質の迅速合成と分析および危険と毒性がある物質のオンデマンド合成など多くの応用に期待されています。産総研のすばらしい研究設備と明快な研究理念に感銘しています。水上センター長には産総研で働く機会を与えて頂いて感謝しています。また、濱川さんをはじめとして多くの方々からの有益な研究アドバイスと親切な協力と援助にも感謝しています。

* 葉 淑英(中国長春出身)、1999年9月静岡大学電子科学研究科にて工学博士号取得、2000年2月から東海大学開発工学部にポスドクで勤務、2002年6月より産総研契約職員、東北大学工学部江刺研究室とMEMSの共同研究に従事(コンパクト化学プロセス研究センター膜反応プロセスチーム)

It is my great pleasure to introduce myself to you. I am Md. Nazrul Islam; a Bangladeshi citizen did my PhD from Yokohama National University in Chemistry in March 2003 and got MSc in the same subject from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in 1998. After my MSc, I have been engaged working in Bangladesh only for nine months and then came to Yokohama National University in 1998 for PhD degree. I was synthesizing bioorganic compounds; such as amino acids, from simple inorganic starting materials under abiotic condition simulating “submarine hydrothermal systems (SHS),” including supercritical conditions of water (scH2O) in my PhD programs. After completion of my degree, I worked as postdoctoral research fellow in Daido Institute of Technology, Nagoya for 2 years and thereafter was appointed as Research Associate in Tohoku University for 1 year. This year in March I joined AIST, Tohoku in Dr. Yutaka Ikushima’s group. I am very happy to work with a warm-behaved and warm-
hearted esearcher like Professor Ikushima. I also appreciate cooperative attitude of other colleagues around me. It’s my pleasure to let you know that I am enjoying working in AIST. My present research comprises the development of organic synthesis with catalytic membrane reactor in supercritical fluid (SCF) medium.
I got married in 2001. I appreciate professionalism of Japanese, well-planned transportation & communication systems, social safety, many well-planned festivals over the year and healthy food of Japan. I like COOL place to live in. In that context weather of Sendai is the best suited to me among the past stays. In short, Sendai is cool & cute, I like it.


* ナズール・イスラム(バングラディッシュ出身)、1998年 ダッカ大学化学科で理学修士取得、1998年来日、2003年横浜国立大学より博士号取得、2003年から大同工業大学にポスドクで勤務、2006年3月より産総研にポスドクとして滞在 (コンパクト化学プロセス研究センター 超臨界流体場反応チーム) UP