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Nanoporous Materials Group

Towards the proposal of a new industrial structure including the realization of a circular economy through the design of function, the renewal of property, the exploring of novel applications, etc., that cannot be completed by using conventional technologies only, we are aiming to develop inorganic based materials for chemical transformation and then enhance their utilization technologies by making a full use of various nanostructural controls based on our original approach for the porous materials design as the core technology.

Group Research Theme

Fig : Our mesoporous materials

Staff Members

photo position & name field of expertise and other info
Leader, Group,
Tatsuo Kimura
Precise Design of Nanoporous Materials ; Chemistry of Inorganic Materials Web of Science
Senior Researcher,
Atsuko Tomita
Interface control ; elucidation of phenomena Web of Science
Senior Researcher,
Ryutaro Wakabayashi
Molecular design and materials synthesis ; Hybridization of functions Web of Science

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