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Energy Storage Materials Group

Energy Storage Materials Group promotes research and development on novel ceramic materials, process technologies, characterization technologies, and numerical simulation to realize next-generation energy storage devices such as all-solid-state batteries and ceramic capacitors, which are expected to be applied to mobility systems and IoT devices.

Group Research Theme

Electrolyte ceramic sheet for next generation all-solid-state batteries

To realize next generation all-solid-state batteries, we are developing and studying processes of advanced sheet forming and nanoparticle synthesis, and technologies of particle interface control at low temperature for electrode/electrolyte composites.

Fig: Electrolyte ceramic sheet for next generation all-solid-state batteries

Self-assembly process ofnanocrystals for high-performance ceramic capacitors

We are developing the precisely size- and shape-controlled nanocrystals and self-assembly process into ultra-thin films for high-performance ceramic capacitors.

Fig: Self-assembly process ofnanocrystals for high-performance ceramic capacitors

Staff Members

photo position & name field of expertise and other info
Leader, Group,
Ken-ichi Mimura
Nanocrystals ; Inorganic chemistry ; Ferroelectrics ; Self-assembly Web of Science
Chief Senior Researcher,
Zheng Liu
Carbon nanomaterials ; Nanoparticles ; Nanocrystalline materials ; Advanced measurements Web of Science
Senior Researcher,
Kyuichi Yasui
numerical simulation ; nanomaterials Web of Science
Senior Researcher,
Chisato Takahashi
Functional nanomaterials ; In-situ analyses Web of Science
Senior Researcher,
Yoko Takada
Functional ceramics ; Energy conversion materials ; Inorganic materials chemistry Web of Science
Senior Researcher,
Naoki Hamao
All solid-state batteries ; Solid electrolytes ; Ceramic materials ; Ion-conductive oxides Web of Science
Senior Researcher,
Hiroki Itasaka
Nanocrystal ; Ferroelectric materials ; functional ceramics ; Self-assembly Web of Science
Ryotaro Koshoji
Condensed Matter Physics;Computational Physics;Crystal Chemistry Web of Science

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