EXercise motivation and Physical function Augmentation Research Team
20.03.12 English page of AIST Gait Database 2019 released
20.12.01 Contact address of AIST Gait Database has been changed
The goal of our research is to maximize one’s health through the augmentation of motivation and physical function individualized on the basis of their daily activities and personal values. Our research activities range from the basic science focusing on a better understanding of human movement and psychological attributes associated with one’s daily activities, to the applied science directed to the improvement of one’s quality of daily living. Knowledge and technologies gained from our research activities are to be implemented in the Kashiwa-no-ha area and then nationwide for health promotion through interdisciplinary collaborations.

PI, Permanent position, Eligible to conduct independent research
Senior Researcher: Dr. NAKAJIMA Kanako <k-nakajima-at-aist.go.jp>
PI, Permanent position, Eligible to conduct independent research
Researcher: Dr. KUTSUZAWA Gaku <gaku.kutsuzawa-at-aist.go.jp>
PI, Permanent position, Eligible to conduct independent research
Post-doc researcher: Dr. TAKAHASHI Junta
Post-doc researcher: Dr. WADA Naoki
Post-doc researcher: Dr. Das Gupta Sauvik
----Past members----
Dr. FUJIMOTO Masahiro
Dr. KUDO Shoma
Dr. INAI Takuma
Dr. HIDA Naoto

Basic science focusing on a better understanding of human movement and psychological attributes associated with one’s daily activities
- Understanding of gait (walking) features of elderlies with hig risk of falling
- Effect of age and sex on gait (walking) features
- Association between walking patterns and impression
- Development of footwear for fall prevention
- Association between walking patterns and foot abnormality
- Understanding of psychological segment of non-active populations
Applied science directed to the improvement of one’s quality of daily living
- Development of gait features assessment technology using wearable sensors
- Assessment of walking pattern during the daily living
- Understanding of service features for non-active populations
- Development of Gait Age Assessment System
- Development of Human Objective Locomotion MEasurement System: HOLMES
- Understanding of the service element for non-active persons
Other research activities
- Development and management of AIST gait database
- Management of Consortium for Human Locomotion Augmentation Technology
- Outstanding Paper Award of 2017: Japanese Society for Fall Prevention Kobayashi Yoshiyuki, Takayanagi Naoto, Sudo Motoki, Niki Yoshifumi, and Mochimaru Masaaki "Toe Height Trajectory Characteristics of the Gait of Elderly Fallers", Journal of Japanese Society for Fall Prevention,4(1), 33-42, 2017.
- Outstanding Paper Award of 2014: Japanese Society for Fall Prevention Kobayashi Yoshiyuki,Yanagisawa Takafumi, Sakanashi Hidenori, Nosato Hirokazu, Takahashi Eiichi, and Mochimaru Masaaki: Assessment of Abnormal Detection Technology Aimed for the Clarification of the Causes of Falls in Public Area Journal of Japanese Society for Fall Prevention,1(1),51-59,2014.
- Kobayashi Y, Hashizume S, Hobara H, Anzai E, Nakajima K, Mishima K, Morizono K, Sato A, Mochimaru M:
"Effect of safety boots with toe spring on foot clearance features during walking",
Int. J of Ind. Ergon. 71:32, 2019.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169814118302403 - Kobayashi Y, Ogata T:
"Association between the gait pattern characteristics of older people and their two-step test scores",
BMC Geriatr. 18(1):101, 2018.
https://bmcgeriatr.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12877-018-0784-5 - Nakajima K, Kobayashi Y, Tada M, Mochimaru M:
"Evaluation of plantar pressures in people with hallux valgus using principal component analysis",
Technology and Health Care, vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 667-674, 2018.
https://content.iospress.com/articles/technology-and-health-care/thc181190 - Kudo S, Fujimoto M, Isaka T, and Nagano A:
"Quantitative evaluation of linked rigid-body representation of the trunk.",
Gait and Posture. 2018. 63, 119-123.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0021929017302208?via%3Dihub - Taishu Nakamura, Tasuku Miyoshi, Shota Sato, Motoki Takagi, Yasuhisa Kamada, Yoshiyuki Kobayashi:
"Differences in soccer kicking type identified using principalcomponent analysis",
Sports Eng, 2017. (in press)
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12283-017-0259-5 - Saho K, Fujimoto M, Masugi M, and Chou L-S:
"Gait Classification of Young Adults, Elderly Non-Fallers and Elderly Fallers Using Micro- Doppler Radar Signals: A Simulation Study.",
IEEE Sensors Journal. 2017. 17(8), 2320-2321.
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7872379 - Fujimoto M, Bair W-N, and Rogers MW:
"Single and multiple step balance recovery responses can be different at first step lift-off following lateral waist-pull perturbations in older adults.",
Journal of Biomechanics. 2017. 55, 41-47.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0021929017301100?via%3Dihub - Kudo S, Fujimoto M, Isaka T, and Nagano A:
"Quantitative assessment of trunk deformation during running.",
Journal of Biomechanics. 2017. 59(5), 116-121.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0021929017302208?via%3Dihub - Nagano A, Fujimoto M, Kudo S, and Akaguma R:
"An image-processing based technique to obtain instantaneous horizontal walking and running speed.",
Gait & Posture. 2017. 51, 7-9.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0966636216305525 - Kobayashi Y, Hobara H, Heldoorn TA, Kouchi M, Mochimaru M:
"Age-independent and age-dependent sex differences in gait pattern determined by principal component analysis. Gait and Posture",
46, 11-17, 2016.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0966636216000321?via%3Dihub - Fujimoto M and Chou L-S:
"Sagittal plane momentum control during walking in elderly fallers.",
Gait & Posture. 2016. 45, 121-126.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0966636216000102?via%3Dihub - Fujimoto M, Bair W-N, and Rogers MW:
"Center of pressure control for balance maintenance during lateral wait-pull perturbations in older adults",
Journal of Biomechanics. 2015. 48(6), 963-968.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0021929015000913?via%3Dihub - Yoshiyuki Kobayashi, Hiroaki Hobara, Shiho Matsushita, Masaaki Mochimaru:
"Key joint kinematics characteristics of the gait of fallers identified by principal component analysis",
J Biomech, 47(10):2424-9, 2014.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0021929014002322?via%3Dihub - Nakajima K, Anzai E, Iwakami Y, Ino S, Yamashita K, Ohta Y:
"Measuring gait pattern in elderly individuals by using a plantar pressure measurement device",
Technology and Health Care, vol. 22, No. 6, 2014.
https://content.iospress.com/articles/technology-and-health-care/thc00856 - Anzai E, Nakajima K, Iwakami Y, Sato M, Ino S, Ifukube T, Yamashita K, Ohta Y:
"Effects of Foot Arch Structure on Postural Stability",
Clinical Research on Foot & Ankle, 2:2, 2014 (Open access)
https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/effects-of-foot-arch-structure-on-postural-stability-2329-910X-2-133.php?aid=24679 - Fujimoto M and Chou L-S:
"Region of stability derived by center of mass acceleration better identifies individuals with difficulty in sit-to-stand movement.",
Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2014. 42(4), 733-741.
- Feb. 19, 2019 on air: NHK World, Medical Frontiers: High-Tech Fall Prevention