Development of electromagnetic forming technology
- Electromagnetic forming machine
- Schematic diagram of electromagnetic forming process
- Principle of electromagnetic Joining
Research Objectives
Electromagnetic forming is one of the impact processing methods in which metals are plastically deformed at high speed by electromagnetic force. Our research group is optimizing high-speed forming techniques using this technology and developing high-speed joining techniques for dissimilar materials.
Research Results
Electromagnetic forming is a processing technology in which a large current is applied to a coil to generate a magnetic field, which induces an induced current in conductive materials placed near the coil, and electromagnetic force is applied to form the material.
This forming technique can be used to form various shapes by changing the coil shape, such as shrinking, expanding, flanging, and fastening through a combination of these processes.
We have also applied this technology to joining, and are working on joining carbon fiber-reinforced plastics and metals.
In order to optimize these processes, we are evaluating the machinability, formability, mechanical properties, and forming simulations using the finite element method to elucidate the processing mechanisms.