Material Strength Standards Group
- The Material Strength Standard Research Group provides measurement standards
related to material strength and underwater ultrasonics. In the field of
material strength, the group researches calibration and uncertainty evaluation
methods for hardness standards and evaluation methods for mechanical properties
related to material hardness, and maintains and provides measurement standards
mainly for Rockwell and Vickers hardness. In the ultrasonic field, we research
ultrasonic sound field measurement techniques useful for evaluating ultrasonic
equipment, and maintain and supply measurement standards for free-field
sensitivity calibration of hydrophones used to measure ultrasonic power
and sound pressure emitted from sound sources.
- 2024.04 Homepage renewal.
- 2023.08 Update a publications and members page.
- 2022.05 Update a publications.
- 2021.04 Update a publications.
- 2020.04 The Material Strength Standard Research Group was Newly established as a result of reorganization.
- Research Institute for Engineering Measurement
National Metrology Institute of Japan, AIST
Central 3, 1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8563 Japan →guide map
Mail:masahiro.yoshioka<at> aist.go.jp Yoshioka Masahiro(group leader)
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