Don N. Futaba

氏名 Don N. Futaba(ドン N. ふたば)
学位 カリフォルニア大学デービス校 博士(物理学)
職位 首席研究員(24年4月〜)
専門 物理-表面科学
1992年 AB Physics, University of California, Berkeley
1994年 MS Physics, San Jose State University
2000年 Ph.D. Physics, University of California, Davis
1988-1989年 | Sacramento City College Teaching Assistant |
1990年 | Crocker Nuclear Laboratory, Davis Associated Western University Summer Fellow |
1991年 | IBM, Santa Teresa Labs Information Developer |
1992年 | University of California, Berkeley Teaching Assistant |
1993-1994年 | Ames Research Center, Mountain View Research Assistant |
1993-1994年 | San Joes State University Teaching Assistant |
1994-1995,1999年 | University of California, Davis Teaching Assistant |
1995-2000年 | University of California, Davis Research Assistant |
2000-2003年 | Hokkaido University CREST Postdoctoral Researcher |
2003-2004年 | Hokkaido University and University of Tsukuba Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellow |
2004-2006年3月 | Research Center for Advanced Nano Carbon Materials, AIST Japan Fine Ceramic Post-Doctoral Researcher |
2008年4月 | 産業技術総合研究所 ナノカーボン研究センター 主任研究員 |
2012年4月 | 産業技術総合研究所 ナノチューブ応用研究センター スーパーグロースCNT合成チーム長 |
2013年4月 | 産業技術総合研究所ナノチューブ応用研究センター スーパーグロースCNTチーム長 |
2015年4月 | 産業技術総合研究所 ナノチューブ実用化研究センター CNT合成チーム長 |
2022年4月 | 産業技術総合研究所 ナノカーボンデバイス研究センター 先端素材研究チーム長 |
2024年4月 | 産業技術総合研究所 ナノカーボンデバイス研究センター 首席研究員 |
106. Millimetre-scale growth of single-wall carbon nanotube forests using an aluminium nitride catalyst underlayer
Takashi Tsuji, Naoyuki Matsumoto, Hirokazu Takai, Shunsuke Sakurai, Don N. Futaba
MRS Advances, 4 (3-4), 177-183 (2019)
105. Modulation of carbon nanotube yield and type through the collective effects of initially deposited catalyst amount and MgO underlayer annealing temperature
Takashi Tsuji, Guohai Chen, Kenji Hata, Don N. Futaba, Shunsuke Sakurai
MRS Advances, 4 (3-4), 139-146 (2019)
104. High Yield Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Synthesis Through Multilayer Porous Mesh Substrates
Naoyuki Matsumoto, Sachiko Ishizawa; Futaba Don, Kenji Hata
e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, 16, 279-282 (2018)
103. One Millimeter per Minute Growth Rates for Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Forests Enabled by Porous Metal Substrates
Naoyuki Matsumoto, Sachiko Ishizawa, Azusa Oshima, Kenji Hata, Don N. Futaba, Guohai Chen
RSC Advances, 8, 7810-7817 (2018)
102. Controlling the structure of arborescent carbon nanotube networks for advanced rubber composites
Kazufumi Kobashi, Seisuke Ata, Takeo Yamada, Don N. Futaba, Kenji Hata
Composites Science and Technology, 163, 91-96 (2018)
101. Limitation in growth temperature for water-assisted single wall carbon nanotube forest synthesis
Shunsuke Sakurai, Maho Yamada, Kenji Hata, and Don N. Futaba
MRS Advances, 3 (1-2), 91-96 (2018)
100. A New, General Strategy for Fabricating Highly Concentrated and Viscoplastic Suspensions Based on a Structural Approach to Modulate Interparticle Interaction
Shunsuke Sakurai, Fuminori Kamada, Kazufumi Kobashi, Don N. Futaba, and Kenji Hata
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 140 (3), 1098-1104 (2018)
99. Designing Neat and Composite Carbon Nanotube Materials by Porosimetric Characterization
Kazufumi Kobashi, Howon Yoon, Seisuke Ata, Takeo Yamada, Don N. Futaba and Kenji Hata
Nanoscale Research Letters, 12:616 (2017)
98. Catalysts for the growth of carbon nanotube “forests” and superaligned arrays
Guohai Chen, Don Futaba, and Kenji Hata
MRS BULLETIN, 42, 802-808 (2017)
97. Low turn-on and uniform field emission from structurally engineered carbon nanotube arrays through growth on metal wire mesh substrates
Guohai Chen, Bin Zhao, Hiroe Kimura, Hiroyuki Kurachi, Naoyuki Matsumoto, Takeo Yamada, Kenji Hata, Sashiro Uemura, and Don N. Futaba
Materials Research Express, 4(10) (2017)
96. The double-edged effects of annealing MgO underlayers on the efficient synthesis of single-wall carbon nanotube forest
Takashi Tsuji, Kenji Hata, Don N. Futaba, and Shunsuke Sakurai
Nanoscale, 9(44), 17617-17622 (2017)
95. The limitation of electrode shape on the operational speed of a carbon nanotube based micro-supercapacitor
K. U. Laszczyk, D. N. Futaba, K. Kobashi, K. Hata, T. Yamada and A. Sekiguchi
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 1(6), 1282-1286 (2017)
94. High Aspect Ratio Machining of Nanocarbon Materials by Reactive Ion Etching
Atsuko Sekiguchi, Don N. Futaba, Takeo Yamada, and Kenji Hata
Nanoscale, 8(1), 162-171(2016)
93. Synthesis of sub-millimeter tall SWNT forests on a catalyst underlayer of MgO single crystal
Takashi Tsuji, Don N. Futaba, Takeo Yamada, and Kenji Hata
MRS Advances, 2(1), 1-8 (2017)
92. Unexpected Efficient Synthesis of Millimeter-Scale Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Forests Using a Sputtered MgO Catalyst Underlayer Enabled by a Simple Treatment Process
Takashi Tsuji, Kenji Hata, Don N. Futaba, and Shunsuke Sakurai
Nanoscale, 8 (7), 3888-3894 (2016)
91. Examining the structural contribution to the electrical character of single wall carbon nanotube forest by a height dependent study
Takayuki Watanabe, Hiroe Kimura, Shigeki Hano, Shunsuke Sakurai, Motoo Yumura, Kenji Hata, and Don N. Futaba
Carbon, 108, 106-111 (2016)
90. Highly pure, millimeter-tall, sub-2-nanometer diameter single-walled carbon nanotube forests
Guohai Chen, Shunsuke Sakurai, Motoo Yumura, Kenji Hata, Don N. Futaba
Carbon, 107, 433-439 (2016)
89. A sweet spot for highly efficient growth of vertically aligned single-walled carbon nanotube forests enabling their unique structures and properties
Guohai Chen, Robert C. Davis, Don N. Futaba, Shunsuke Sakurai, Kazufumi Kobashi, Motoo Yumura, and Kenji Hata
Nanoscale, 8(1), 162-171(2016)
88. Nano-scale, planar and multi-tiered current pathways from Carbon nanotube-Copper with high conductivity, ampacity, and stability
Chandramouli Subramaniam, Atsuko Sekiguchi, Takeo Yamada, Don N. Futaba and Kenji Hata
Nanoscale, 8 (7), 3888-3894 (2016)
87. A Phenomenological Model for Selective Growth of Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Based on Catalyst Deactivation
Shunsuke Sakurai, Maho Yamada, Hiroko Sakurai, Atsuko Sekiguchi, Don N. Futaba and Kenji Hata
Nanoscale, 8, 1015-1023 (2016)
86. Robust and Soft Elastomeric Electronics Tolerant to Our Daily Lives
Atsuko Sekiguchi, Fumiaki Tanaka, Takeshi Saito, Yuki Kuwahara, Shunsuke Sakurai, Don N. Futaba, Takeo Yamada, and Kenji Hata
Nano Letters, 15, 5716-5723 (2015)
85. Lithographically Integrated Microsupercapacitors for Compact, High Performance, and Designable Energy Circuits
Karolina U. Laszczyk, Kazufumi Kobashi, Shunsuke Sakurai, Atsuko Sekiguchi, Don N. Futaba, Takeo Yamada, and Kenji Hata
Advanced Energy Materials, 5 (18), 1500741 (2015)
84. The Application of Gas Dwell Time Control for Rapid Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Forest Synthesis to Acetylene Feedstock
Naoyuki Matsumoto, Azusa Oshima, Shunsuke Sakurai, Takeo Yamada, Motoo Yumura, Kenji Hata, and Don N. Futaba
Nanomaterials 5, 1200-1210 (2015)
83. Scalability of the Heat and Current Treatment on SWCNTs to Improve their Crystallinity and Thermal and Electrical Conductivities
Naoyuki Matsumoto, Azusa Oshima, Shunsuke Sakurai, Motoo Yumura, Kenji Hata, and Don N. Futaba
Nanoscale Research Letters, 10:220 (2015)
82. The relationship between the growth rate and the lifetime in carbon nanotube synthesis
Guohai Chen, Robert C. Davis, Hiroe Kimura, Shunsuke Sakurai, Motoo Yumura, Don N. Futaba, and Kenji Hata
Nanoscale, 7, 8873-8878 (2015)
81. Current treatment of bulk single wall carbon nanotubes to heal defects without structural change for increased electrical and thermal conductivities
Naoyuki Matsumoto, Azusa Oshima, Motoo Yumura, Don N. Futaba, and Kenji Hata
Nanoscale, 7, 8707-8714 (2015)
80. Quantitative Assessment on the Importance of Purity on the Properties of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes
Naoyuki Matsumoto, Guohai Chen, Motoo Yumura, Don Futaba, and Kenji Hata
Nanoscale, 7, 5126-5133 (2015)
79. Elucidating the Effect of Heating Induced Structural Change on Electrical and Thermal Property Improvement of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes
Naoyuki Matsumoto, Azusa Oshima, Guohai Chen, Masako Yudasaka, Motoo Yumura, Kenji Hata, and Don N. Futaba
Carbon, 87, 239-245 (2015)
78. Breakdown of Metallic Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Paths by NiO Nanoparticle Point Etching for High Performance Thin Film Transistors
Shisheng Li, Shunsuke Sakurai, Don N. Futaba, and Kenji Hata
Nanoscale, 7, 1280-1284 (2015)
77. Influence of matching solubility parameter of polymer matrix and CNT on electrical conductivity of CNT/rubber composite
Seisuke Ata, Takaaki Mizuno, Ayumi Nishizawa, Chandramouli Subramaniam, Don N. Futaba, and Kenji Hata
Scientific Reports, 4, 7232 (2014)
76. Length-Dependent Plasmon Resonance in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Takahiro Morimoto, Soon-Kil Joung, Takeshi Saito, Don N. Futaba, Kenji Hata, and Toshiya Okazaki
ACS Nano, 8 (10), 9897-9904 (2014)
75. Carbon nanotube-copper exhibiting metal-like thermal conductivity and silicon-like thermal expansion for efficient cooling of electronics
Subramaniam Chandramouli, Yuzuri Yasuda, Satoshi Takeya, Seisuke Ata, Ayumi Nishizawa, Don N. Futaba, Takeo Yamada, and Kenji Hata
Nanoscale, 6, 2669-2674 (2014)
74. Controlling exfoliation in order to minimize damage during dispersion of long SWCNTs for advanced composites
Howon Yoon, Motoi Yamashita, Seisuke Ata, Don N. Futaba, Takeo Yamada, and Kenji Hata
Scientific Reports, 4, 3907 (2014)
73. Diameter control of single-walled carbon nanotube forests from 1.3-3.0 nm by arc plasma deposition
Guohai Chen, Yasuaki Seki, Hiroe Kimura, Shunsuke Sakurai, Motoo Yumura, Kenji Hata, and Don N. Futaba
Scientific Reports, 4, 3804 (2014)
72. Interplay of wall number and diameter on the electrical conductivity of carbon nanotube thin films
Guohai Chen, Don N. Futaba, Shunsuke Sakurai, Motoo Yumura, and Kenji Hata
Carbon, 67, 318-325 (2014)
71. Influence of lengths of mm-scale single-walled carbon nanotube on electrical and mechanical properties of buckypaper
Shunsuke Sakurai, Fuminori Kamada, Don N Futaba, Motoo Yumura, and Kenji Hata
Nanoscale Research Letters, 8, 546 (2013)
70. The Infinite Possible Growth Ambients that Support Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Forest Growth
Hiroe Kimura, Jundai Goto, Satoshi Yasuda, Shunsuke Sakurai, Motoo Yumura, Don N. Futaba, and Kenji Hata
Scientific Reports, 3, 3334 (2013)
69. Green, Scalable, Binderless Fabrication of a Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Nonwoven Fabric Based on an Ancient Japanese Paper Process
Kazufumi Kobashi, Tatsuya Hirabayashi, Seisuke Ata, Takeo Yamada, Don N. Futaba, and Kenji Hata
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 5 (23), 12602-12608 (2013)
68. Diameter and Density Control of Single-wall Carbon Nanotube Forests by Modulating Ostwald Ripening through Decoupling the Catalyst Formation and Growth Processes
Shunsuke Sakurai, Masayasu Inaguma, Don N. Futaba, Motoo Yumura, and Kenji Hata
Small, 9 (21), 3584-3592 (2013)
67. Absence of an Ideal Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Forest Structure for Thermal and Electrical Conductivities
Guohai Chen, Don N. Futaba, Hiroe Kimura, Shunsuke Sakurai, Motoo Yumura, and Kenji Hata
ACS Nano, 7 (11), 10218-10224 (2013)
66. One hundred fold increase in current carrying capacity in a carbon nanotube-copper composite
Chandramouli Subramaniam, Takeo Yamada, Kazufumi Kobashi, Atsuko Sekiguchi, Don N. Futaba, Motoo Yumura, and Kenji Hata
Nature Communications, 4, 2202 (2013)
65. Field emission from laterally aligned carbon nanotube flower arrays for low turn-on field emission
Hiroe Kimura, Bin Zhao, Don N. Futaba, Takeo Yamada, Hiroyuki Kurachi, Sashiro Uemura, and Kenji Hata
APL Materials, 1 (3), 032101- 1-5 (2013)
64. A Fundamental Limitation of Small Diameter Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Synthesis - A Scaling Rule of the Carbon Nanotube Yield with Catalyst Volume
Shunsuke Sakurai, Masayasu Inaguma, Don N. Futaba, Motoo Yumura, and Kenji Hata
Materials, 6 (7), 2633-2641 (2013)
63. Torsion-Sensing Material from Aligned Carbon Nanotubes Wound onto a Rod Demonstrating Wide Dynamic Range
Takeo Yamada, Yuki Yamamoto, Yuhei Hayamizu, Atsuko Sekiguchi, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Kazufumi Kobashi, Don N. Futaba, and Kenji Hata
ACS Nano, 7 (4), 3177-3182 (2013)
62. Unexpectedly High Yield Carbon Nanotube Synthesis from Low Activity Carbon Feedstocks at High Concentrations
Hiroe Kimura, Jundai Goto, Satoshi Yasuda, Shunsuke Sakurai, Motoo Yumura, Don N. Futaba, and Kenji Hata
ACS Nano, 7 (4), 3150-3157 (2013)
61. Direct wall number control of carbon nanotube forests from engineered iron catalysts
Wei-Hung Chiang, Don N. Futaba, Motoo Yumura and Kenji Hata
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13 (4), 2745-2751 (2013)
60. A Dispersion Strategy: Dendritic Carbon Nanotube Network Dispersion for Advanced Composites
Kazufumi Kobashi, Seisuke Ata, Takeo Yamada, Don N. Futaba, Motoo Yumura and Kenji Hata
Chemical Science, 4 (2), 727-733 (2013)
59. Hierarchical Three-dimensional Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Carbon Nanotube Wafers for Integrated Nanoelectronic Devices
Takeo Yamada, Natsumi Makimoto, Atsuko Sekiguchi, Yuki Yamamoto, Kazufumi Kobashi, Yuhei Hayamizu, Yoshiki Yomogida, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Hisashi Shima, Hiroyuki Akinaga, Don Futaba and Kenji Hata
Nano Letters, 12 (9), 4540-4545 (2012)
58. Alignment Control of Carbon Nanotube Forest from Random to Nearly Perfectly Aligned by Utilizing the Crowding Effect
Ming Xu, Don Futaba, Motoo Yumura, Kenji Hata
ACS Nano, 6 (7), 5837-5844 (2012)
57. Mutual Exclusivity in the Synthesis of High Crystallinity and High Yield Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Hiroe Kimura, Don Futaba, Motoo Yumura and Kenji Hata
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134 (22), 9219-9224 (2012)
56. Carbon Nanotube Loop Arrays for Low-Power, High Uniformity Field Emission with Lifetime over 10,000
Don N. Futaba, Hiroe Kimura, Bin Zhao, Takeo Yamada, Hiroyuki Kurachi, Sashiro Uemura, and Kenji Hata
Carbon, 50 (8), 2796-2803 (2012)
55. Role of Subsurface Diffusion and Ostwald Ripening in Catalyst Formation for SWNT Forest Growth
Shunsuke Sakurai, Hidekazu Nishino, Don N. Futaba, Satoshi Yasuda, Takeo Yamada, Alan Maigne, Yutaka Matsuo, Eiichi Nakamura, Motoo Yumura and Kenji Hata
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134 (4), 2148-2153 (2012)
54. Gas Dwell Time Control for Rapid and Long Lifetime Growth of SWNT Forests
Satoshi Yasuda, Don N. Futaba, Takeo Yamada, Motoo Yumura and Kenji Hata
Nano Letters, 11 (9), 3617-3623 (2011)
53. Epoxy Composite Sheets with a Large Interfacial Area from a High Surface Area-Supplying Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Scaffold Filler
Kazufumi Kobashi, Hidekazu Nishino, Takeo Yamada, Don N. Futaba, Motoo Yumura and Kenji Hata
Carbon, 49 (15), 5090-5098 (2011)
52. Tailoring Temperature Invariant Viscoelasticity of Carbon Nanotube Material
Ming Xu, Don N. Futaba, Motoo Yumura and Kenji Hata
Nano Letters, 11 (8), 3279-3284 (2011)
51. Carbon Nanotubes with Temperature-Invariant Creep and Creep-Recovery from -190 °C to 970 °C
Ming Xu, Don N. Futaba, Motoo Yumura, and Kenji Hata
Advanced Materials, 23 (32), 3686-3691 (2011)
50. Growth control of single-walled, double-walled, and triple-walled carbon nanotube forests by a priori electrical resistance measurement of catalyst films
Wei-Hung Chiang, Don N. Futaba, Motoo Yumura and Kenji Hata
Carbon, 49 (13), 4368-4375 (2011)
49. Mechanics and actuation properties of bucky gel-based electroactive polymers
Luca Ceseracciu, Maurizio Biso, Alberto Ansaldo, Don N. Futaba, Kenji Hata, Alberto C. Barone, Davide Ricci
Sensors and Actuators B, 156 (2), 949-953 (2011)
48. A stretchable carbon nanotube strain sensor for human-motion detection
Takeo Yamada, Yuhei Hayamizu, Yuki Yamamoto, Yoshiki Yomogida, Ali Izadi-Najafabadi, Don N. Futaba and Kenji Hata
Nature Nanotechnology, 6 (5), 296-301 (2011)
47. Macroscopic Wall Number Analysis of Single-Walled, Double-Walled, and Few-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by X-ray Diffraction
Don N. Futaba, Takeo Yamada, Kazufumi Kobashi, Motoo Yumura, and Kenji Hata
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133, 5716-5719 (2011)
46. High Power Supercapacitor Electrodes from Single-Walled Carbon Nanohorn/Nanotube Composite
Ali Izadi-Najafabadi, Takeo Yamada, Don N. Futaba, Masako Yudasaka, H. Takagi, Hiroaki Hatori, Sumio Iijima, Kenji Hata
ACS Nano, 5, 811-819 (2011)
45. Cross-linking super-growth carbon nanotubes to boost the performance of bucky gel actuators
Maurizio Biso, Alberto Ansaldo, Don N. Futaba, Kenji Hata and Davide Ricci
Carbon, 49, 2253-2257 (2011)
44. Benchmarking bucky gel actuators: Chemically modified commercial carbon nanotubes versus super-growth carbon nanotubes
Maurizio Biso, Alberto Ansaldo, Don N. Futaba, Kenji Hata, and Davide Ricci
Phys. Status Solidi B 247, No. 11-12, 3055-3058 (2010)
43. Ion Diffusion and Electrochemical Capacitance in Aligned and Packed Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Ali Izadi-Najafabadi, Don N. Futaba, Sumio Iijima and Kenji Hata
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132 (51), 18017-18019 (2010)
42. Carbon Nanotubes with Temperature Invariant Viscoelasticity from -196°C to 1000°C
Ming Xu, Don N. Futaba, Takeo Yamada, Motoo Yumura and Kenji Hata
Science, 330 (6009), 1364-1368 (2010)
41. Impact of cell-voltage on energy and power performance of supercapacitors with single-walled carbon nanotube electrodes
Ali Izadi-Najafabadi, Takeo Yamada, Don N. Futaba, Hiroaki Hatori, Sumio Iijima, Kenji Hata
Electrochemistry Communications, 12, 1678-1681 (2010)
40. Extracting the Full Potential of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes as Durable Supercapacitor Electrodes Operable at 4V with High Power and Energy Density
Ali Izadi-Najafabadi, Satoshi Yasuda, Kazufumi Kobashi, Takeo Yamada, Don N. Futaba, Hiroaki Hatori, Motoo Yumura, Sumio Iijima and Kenji Hata
Advanced Materials, 22 (35), E235-E241 (2010)
39. Outer-Specific Surface Area as a Gauge for Absolute Purity of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Forests
Don N. Futaba, Jundai Goto, Takeo Yamada, Satoshi Yasuda, Motoo Yumura, Kenji Hata
Carbon, 48, 4542-4546 (2010)
38. Hole Opening of Carbon Nanotubes and Their Capacitor Performance
Yasuhiro Yamada, Osamu Kimizuka, Kenji Machida, Shunzo Suematsu, Kenji Tamamitsu, Susumu Saeki, Yoshio Yamada, Noriko Yoshizawa, Osamu Tanaike, Junya Yamashita, Futaba Don, Kenji Hata and Hiroaki Hatori
Energy Fuels, 24, 3373-3377 (2010)
37. Compact and light supercapacitors from a surface-only solid by opened carbon nanotubes with 2200 m2/g
Tatsuki Hiraoka, Ali Izadi-Najafabadi, Takeo Yamada, Don N. Futaba, Satoshi Yasuda, Osamu Tanaike, Hiroaki Hatori, Motoo Yumura, Sumio Iijima and Kenji Hata
Advanced Functional Materials, 20, (3), 422-428 (2010)
36. Improved and Large Area Singled-Walled Carbon Nanotube Forest Growth by Controlling the Gas Flow Direction
Satoshi Yasuda, Don N. Futaba, Takeo Yamada, Junichi Satou, Akiyoshi Shibuya, Hirokazu Takai, Kouhei Arakawa, Motoo Yumura, and Kenji Hata
ACN Nano, ACS Nano, Vol. 3, No. 12, 4164-4170 (2009)
35. General Rules Governing the Highly Efficient Growth of Carbon Nanotubes
Don N. Futaba, Jundai Goto, Satoshi Yasuda, Takeo Yamada, Motoo Yumura, and Kenji Hata
Advanced Materials, Vol. 21, 4811-4815 (2009)
34. A Background Level of Oxygen-Containing Aromatics for Synthetic Control of Carbon Nanotube Structure
Don N. Futaba, Jundai Goto, Satoshi Yasuda, Takeo Yamada, Motoo Yumura, and Kenji Hata
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131, 15992–15993 (2009)
33. Dual Porosity Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Material
Don N. Futaba, Koji Miyake, Kazuhiro Murata, Yuhei Hayamizu, Takeo Yamada, Shinya Sasaki, Motoo Yumura, and Kenji Hata
Nano Letters, 9 (9), 3302-3307 (2009)
32. Thermal Diffusivity of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Forest Measured by Laser Flash Method
Megumi Akoshima, Kenji Hata, Don N. Futaba, Kohei Mizuno, Tetsuya Baba, and Motoo Yumura
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 48 (5), 05EC07 (2009)
31. Mechanical Properties of Beams from Self-Assembled Closely Packed and Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Yuhei Hayamizu, Robert C. Davis, Takeo Yamada, Don N. Futaba, Satoshi Yasuda, Motoo Yumura, and Kenji Hata
Physical Review Letters, 102, 175505 (2009)
30. A Black Body Absorber from Vertically Aligned Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Kohei Mizuno, Juntaro Ishii, Hideo Kishida, Yuhei Hayamizu, Satoshi Yasuda, Don N. Futaba, Motoo Yumura and Kenji Hata
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106 (15), 6044-6047 (2009)
29. Existence and Kinetics of Graphitic Carbonaceous Impurities in Carbon Nanotube Forests to Assess the Absolute Purity
Satoshi Yasuda, Tatsuki Hiraoka, Don N. Futaba, Takeo Yamada, Motoo Yumura, and Kenji Hata
Nano Letters, 9 (2), 769-773 (2009)
28. Exploring Advantages of Diverse Carbon Nanotube Forests with Tailored Structures Synthesized by Super-Growth from Engineered Catalysts
Bin Zhao, Don N. Futaba, Satoshi Yasuda, Megumi Akoshima, Takeo Yamada, Kenji Hata
ACS Nano, 3 (1), 108-114 (2009)
27. Highly Conductive Sheets from Millimeter-Long Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Ionic Liquids: Application to Fast-Moving, Low-Voltage Electromechanical Actuators Operable in Air
Ken Mukai, Kinji Asaka, Takushi Sugino, Kenji Kiyohara, Ichiroh Takeuchi, Naohiro Terasawa, Don N. Futaba, Kenji Hata, Takanori Fukushima, and Takuzo Aida
Advanced Materials, 20, 1-4 (2009)
26. Revealing the Secret of Water-Assisted Carbon Nanotube Synthesis by Microscopic Observation of the Interaction of Water on the Catalysts
Takeo Yamada, Alan Maigne, Masako Yudasaka, Kouhei Mizuno, Don Futaba, Motoo Yumura, Sumio Iijima, Kenji Hata
Nano Letters, 8 (12), 4288-4292 (2008)
25. Electrochemical doping of pure single-walled carbon nanotubes used as supercapacitor electrodes
Osamu Kimizuka, Osamu Tanaike, Junya Yamashita, Tatsuki Hiraoka, Don N. Futaba, Kenji Hata, Kenji Machida, Shunzo Suematsu, Kenji Tamamitsu, Susumu Saeki, Yoshio Yamada, Hiroaki Hatori
Carbon, 46, 1999-2001 (2008)
24. Diagnostics and Growth Control of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Forests Using a Telecentric Optical System For in-situ Height Monitoring
Satoshi Yasuda, Don. N. Futaba, Motoo Yumura, Sumio Iijima and Kenji Hata
Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 143115 (2008)
23. Integrated three-dimensional microelectromechanical devices from processable carbon nanotube wafers
Y. Hayamizu, T. Yamada, K. Mizuno, R. C. Davis, D. N. Futaba, M. Yumura, K. Hata
Nature Nanotechnology. 3, 289-294 (2008)
22. Water-Assisted Highly Efficient Synthesis of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Forests from Colloidal Nanoparticle Catalysts
H. Nishino, S. Yasuda, T. Namai, D. N. Futaba, T. Yamada, M. Yumura, S. Iijima, K. Hata
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 111, 17961-17965 (2007)
21. Efficiency of C60 incorporation in and release from single-wall carbon nanotubes depending on their diameters
J. Fan, M. Yudasaka, R. Yuge, D.N. Futaba, K. Hata, S. Iijima
Carbon. 45, 722-726,(2007)
20. Shape-engineerable and highly densely packed single-walled carbon nanotubes and their application as super-capacitor electrodes
D.N. Futaba, Kenji Hata,Takeo Yamada, Tatsuki Hiraoka, Yuhei Hayamizu, Yozo Kakudate, Osamu Tanaike, Hiroaki Hatori, Motoo Yumura and Sumio Iijima
Nature Material. 5, 987-994,(2006)
19. Size selective growth of double-walled carbon nanotubes forests from engineered iron catalysts
Takeo Yamada, Tatsunori Namai, Kenji Hata, D.N. Futaba, Kohei Mizuno, Jing Fan, Masako Yudasaka, Motoo Yumura, Sumio Iijima
Nature Nanotechnology vol 1 131-136 (2006)
18. Synthesis of Single- and Double-Walled Carbon Nanotube Forests on Conducting Metal Foils
Tatsuki Hiraoka, Takeo Yamada, Kenji Hata, D.N. Futaba, Hiroyuki Kurachi, Sashirou Uemura, Motoo Yumura, Sumio Iijima
J. Am. Chem. Soc.; 128; 13338-13339.(2006)
17. 84 % Catalyst Activity of Water Assisted Growth, Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Forest Characterization by a Statistical and Macroscopic Approach
D.N. Futaba, T. Namai, K. Hata, T. Yamada, K. Mizuno, M. Yumura, and S. Iijima
J. Phs. Chem.B,110,8035-8038(2006)
16. Kinetics of Water-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition Revealed by a Time Evolution Analysis
D.N. Futaba, K. Hata, T. Yamada, K. Mizuno, T. Namai, M. Yumura, and S. Iijima
Phys. Rev. Lett., 95, 056104 (2005)
15. Mono-Cycle Photonics and Optical Scanning Tunneling Microscopy: Route to Femtosecond Angstrom Technology
Chap. 9: Atomic-Level Surface Phenomena Controlled by Femtosecond Optical Pulses
D.N. Futaba (eds. M. Yamashita, H. Shigekawa, and R. Morita),
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2005
14. Water-Assisted Highly Efficient Synthesis of Impurity-Free Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
K. Hata*, D.N. Futaba*, K. Mizuno, T. Namai, M. Yumura, and S. Iijima *(Co-authors)
Science, 306, 1362-1364 (2004)
13. Site-Selective Silicon Adatom Desorption Using Femtosecond Laser Pulse Pairs and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
D.N. Futaba, R. Morita, M. Yamashita, S. Tomiyama, and H. Shigekawa
Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 2333 (2003)
12. Characteristic intra- and interunit interactions of Kr atoms adsorbed on Si(111)-7x7 surface
Y. J. Li, O. Takeuchi, D.N. Futaba, H. Oigawa, K. Miyake, H. Shigekawa, and Y. Kuk
Phys. Rev. B 68, 033301 (2003)
11. A Unique Facility for Surface Microscopy
C. L. H. Devlin, D.N. Futaba, A. Loui, J. D. Shine, and S. Chiang
Mater. Sci. and Eng. B, 96 (215) 2002
10. Characteristic adsorption of Xe on a Si(111)-7x7 surface at low temperature
Y. J. Li, O. Takeuchi, D.N. Futaba, H. Oigawa, K. Miyake, H. Shigekawa, and Y. Kuk
Phys. Rev. B 65, 113306 (2002)
9. Observations and Calculations of Xylene Isomers on Pd(111) using STM
D.N. Futaba, J.P. Landry, A. Loui, S. Chiang
Phys. Rev. B Phys. Rev. B 65, 45106 (2002)
8. Interactive Force between Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy
S. Oyama, K. Miyake, S. Yasuda, O. Takeuchi, J. Sumaoka, M. Komiyama, D.N. Futaba, R. Morita, M. Yamashita, and H. Shigekawa
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 40, 4419 (2001)
7. Monolayer Formation of 6-deoxy-6-thiol-b-cyclodextrin on a Au(111) Surface Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
S. Yasuda, D.N. Futaba, O. Takeuchi, I. Suzuki, K. Yase, J. Sumaoka, M. Komiyama, and H. Shigekawa
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 19 (4), 1266 (2001)
6. Characteristic Structures of the Si(111)-7x7 Surface Step Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
K. Miyake, S. Okawa, O. Takeuchi, D.N. Futaba, K. Hata, R. Morita, M. Yamashita, and H. Shigekawa
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 19 (4), 1549 (2001)
5. Adsorption and Wetting Structures of Kr on Pt(111) at 8K and 45K Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Y.J. Li, K. Miyake, O. Takeuchi, D.N. Futaba, M. Matsumoto, T. Okano, and H. Shigekawa
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 40, 4399 (2001)
4. Scanning tunneling microscopy study of the molecular arrangement of meta- and para-xylene on Pd(111)
D.N. Futaba, J.P. Landry, A. Loui, and S. Chiang
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 19(4), 1993 (2001)
3. Calculated Images of Xylene on Rh(111)
D.N. Futaba and S. Chiang
Surf. Sci., 448, L175 (2000)
2. Calculations of Scanning Tunneling Microscope Images of Benzene on Pt(111) and Pd(111), and Thiophene on Pd(111)
D.N. Futaba and S. Chiang
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 38, 3809 (1999)
1. Predictions of STM Images of Furan and Pyrrole on Pd(111)
D.N. Futaba and S. Chiang
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 15(3), 1295 (1997)
1. A method and instruments to synthesize SWNTs and aligned SWNT structures and their applications
番号 :No.05F047PCT
2002年 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship
1999年 AVS Dorothy and Earl Hoffman Award
1996,1999年 UC Davis Graduate Fellowships
1994年 Numata College Scholorship
1994年 Anthony Fellowship (UC Davis Teaching Grant)
1990年 Associated Western University Summer Fellowship
1987年 Eagle Scout