
氏名 陳 国海(チェン グゥオハイ)
学位 清華大学 工学博士
職位 主任研究員(2017年4月〜)
専門 材料工学
2000年 B.Eng., Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing
2006年 Ph. D. Eng., Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing
2006年1月 | Research Assistant at Tsinghua University, China |
2007年2月 | Engineer at Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC) Beijing, China |
2007年11月 | Post-doctoral Researcher at Korea University, South Korea |
2009年11月 | Research Associate at Florida International University, USA |
2011年6月 | Post-doctoral Researcher at Technology Research Association for Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes (TASC) and Partner Researcher at National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) |
2015年2月 | Research Scholar at Brigham Young University, USA |
2017年4月 | 産業技術総合研究所 ナノチューブ実用化研究センター CNT合成チーム 主任研究員 |
2022年4月 | 産業技術総合研究所 ナノカーボンデバイス研究センター ナノデバイス研究チーム 主任研究員 |
26. Quantitative Evidence for the Dependence of Highly Crystalline Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Synthesis on the Growth Method
Guohai Chen, Takashi Tsuji, Takahiro Morimoto, Yoshiki Shimizu, Jaeho Kim, Hajime Sakakita, Kenji Hata, Shunsuke Sakurai, Kazufumi Kobashi, Don N. Futaba
Nanomaterials, 11(12):3461 (2021)
25. Through-Silicon-Via Interposers with Cu-Level Electrical Conductivity and Si-Level Thermal Expansion Based on Carbon Nanotube-Cu Composites for Microelectronic Packaging Applications
Guohai Chen, Rajyashree Sundaram, Atsuko Sekiguchi, Kenji Hata, Don N. Futaba
ACS Applied Nano Materials, 4, 869–876 (2021)
24. Improving the synthetic efficiency of single-wall carbon nanotube forests using a gas-analysis-designed mixed carbon feedstock
Guohai Chen, Akiyoshi Shibuya, Akira Miyoshi, Don N. Futaba
Carbon, 170, 59–65 (2020)
23. Tissue-susceptibility matched carbon nanotube electrodes for magnetic resonance imaging
Guohai Chen, Berg Dodson, Francis Johnson, Ileana Hancu,Eric Fiveland,
Wanming Zhang, Craig Galligan, Christopher Puleo, Robert C. Davis, Jeffrey
Ashe, Richard R. Vanfleet
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 295, 72–79 (2018)
22. Fabrication of High Aspect Ratio Millimeter-Tall Free-Standing Carbon Nanotube-Based Microelectrode Arrays
Guohai Chen, Berg Dodson, David M. Hedges, Scott C. Steffensen, John N. Harb, Chris Puleo, Carig Galligan, Jeffrey Ashe, Richard Vanfleet, Rober Davis
ACS Biomaterials Scie. Eng. 4, 1900–1907 (2018)
21. Catalysts for the growth of carbon nanotube “forests” and superaligned arrays
Guohai Chen, Don Futaba, and Kenji Hata
MRS BULLETIN, 42, 802–808 (2017)
20. Low turn-on and uniform field emission from structurally engineered carbon nanotube arrays through growth on metal wire mesh substrates
Guohai Chen, Bin Zhao, Hiroe Kimura, Hiroyuki Kurachi, Naoyuki Matsumoto, Takeo Yamada, Kenji Hata, Sashiro Uemura and Don N Futaba
Materials Research Express, 4(10) (2017)
19. Field Emission from Lateral Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Yarn Emitters
Guohai Chen, and Yenan Song
Frontiers in Materials, 3:48 (2016)
18. Highly Pure, Millimeter-Tall, Sub-2-Nanometer Diameter Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Forests
Guohai Chen, Shunsuke Sakurai, Motoo Yumura, Kenji Hata, and Don N. Futaba
Carbon, 107:433-439 (2016)
17. A Sweet Spot for Highly Efficient Growth of Vertically Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Forests Enabling Their Unique Structures and Properties
Guohai Chen, Robert C. Davis, Don N. Futaba, Shunsuke Sakurai, Kazufumi Kobashi, Motoo Yumura, and Kenji Hata
Nanoscale, 8(1):162-171 (2016)
16. Relationship between growth rate and lifetime on carbon nanotube synthesis
Guohai Chen, Robert C. Davis, Hiroe Kimura, Shunsuke Sakurai, Motoo Yumura, Don N. Futaba, and Kenji Hata
Nanoscale, 7(19):8873-8878 (2015)
15. Diameter Control of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Forests from 1.3-3.0 nm by Arc Plasma Deposition
Guohai Chen, Yasuaki Seki, Hiroe Kimura, Shunsuke Sakurai, Motoo Yumura, Kenji Hata, Don N. Futaba
Scientific Reports, 4:3804 (2014)
14. Interplay of Wall Number and Diameter on the Electrical Conductivity of Carbon Nanotube Thin Films
Guohai Chen, Shunsuke Sakurai, Motoo Yumura, Don N. Futaba, and Kenji Hata
Carbon, 67:318-325 (2014)
13. Absence of an Ideal Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Forest Structure for Thermal and Electrical Conductivities
Guohai Chen, Don N. Futaba, Hiroe Kimura, Shunsuke Sakurai, Motoo Yumura, and Kenji Hata
ACS Nano, 7:10218-10214 (2013)
12. An increase in the field emission from vertically aligned multiwalled carbon nanotubes caused by NH3 plasma treatment
Guohai Chen, Suman Neupane, Wenzhi Li, Lina Chen, Jiandi Zhang
Carbon, 52:468-475 (2013)
11. Electron field emission properties of vertically aligned carbon nanotube point emitters
Guohai Chen, Suman Neupane, Wenzhi Li
Diamon & Related Materials, 25:134-138 (2012)
10. Improved field emission stability of thin multi-walled carbon nanotube emitters
Guohai Chen, Dong Hoon Shin, Suki Kim, Siegmar Roth, Cheol Jin Lee
Nanotechnology, 21(1):015704 (2010)
9. Field emission characteristics of point emitters fabricated by a multiwalled carbon nanotube yarn
Guohai Chen, Dong Hoon Shin, Siegmar Roth, Cheol Jin Lee
Nanotechnology, 20(31):315201 (2009)
8. Enhanced field emission properties of vertically aligned double-walled carbon nanotube arrays
Guohai Chen, Dong Hoon Shin, Takayuki Iwasaki, Hiroshi Kawarada, Cheol Jin Lee
Nanotechnology, 19(41):415703 (2008)
7. Effect of thermal cycling on the growth of intermetallic compound at Sn-Zn-Bi-In-P Lead-free Solder/Cu Interface
Guohai Chen, Xiaoyan Li, Jusheng Ma
Journal of Electronic Materials, 35(10):1873-1878 (2006)
6. Fabrication and Properties of Lead-free Sn-Ag-Cu-Ga Solder Alloy
Guohai Chen, Ma Jusheng, Geng Zhiting
Materials Sience Forum, 475-479:1747-1750 (2005)
5. Influences of Surface Oxide Films of Aluminum Bondpads on Gold Wire Bonding
Guohai Chen, Liu Yudong, Ma Jusheng
Rare Metal Materials & Engineering, 34(1):143-145 (2005)
4. The Study on the New Type Lead-free Solder Alloys Sn-Zn-Ga
Guohai Chen, Li Xiaoyan, Geng Zhiting, Ma Jusheng
Rare Metal Materials & Engineering, 33(11):1222-1225 (2004)
3. The Mechanical Behavior of Sn-Ag4 Solder Joints Subjected to Thermal Cycling
Guohai Chen, MA Jusheng
Chinese Journal of Electronics, 13(3):416-418 (2004)
2. Accumulated Residual Plastic Strain of Solder Joints under Thermal Cycling
Guohai Chen, MA Ju-sheng
1. Electronic Components & Materials, 23(11):37-39 (2004)
Guohai Chen, GENG Zhi-ting, MA Ju-sheng, ZHANG Yue
Electronic Components & Materials, 22(4):36-38 (2003)
16. Semiconductor nanochannels in metallic carbon nanotubes by thermomechanical chirality alteration
D.-M. Tang, S.V. Erohin, D.G. Kvashnin, V.A. Demin, O. Cretu, S. Jiang, L. Zhang, P.-X. Hou, Guohai Chen, Don N. Futaba, Y. Zheng, R. Xiang, X. Zhou, F.-C. Hsia, N. Kawamoto, M. Mitome, Y. Nemoto, F. Uesugi, M. Takeguchi, S. Maruyama, H.-M. Cheng, Y. Bando, C. Liu, P.B. Sorokin, D. Golberg
Science, 374(6575): 1616-1620 (2021)
15. Role of Hydrogen in Catalyst Activation for Plasma-Based Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes
Takashi Tsuji, Jaeho Kim, Hajime Sakakita, Yoshiki Shimizu, Guohai Chen, Kenji Hata, Don N. Futaba, Shunsuke Sakurai
ACS Omega, 6(29): 18763-18769 (2021)
14. Influence of Carbon Nanotube Attributes on Carbon Nanotube/Cu Composite Electrical Performances
Rajyashree Sundaram, Atsuko Sekiguchi, Guohai Chen, Don Futaba, Takeo Yamada, Ken Kokubo, Kenji Hata
C, 7(4):78 (2021)
13. Electrical conductivity across the alumina support layer following carbon nanotube growth
Berg Dodson, Guohai Chen, Robert Davis, Richard Vanfleet
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 39(5): 052803 (2021)
12. Modulation of carbon nanotube yield and type through the collective effects of initially deposited catalyst amount and MgO underlayer annealing temperature
Takashi Tsuji, Guohai Chen, Kenji Hata, Don N. Futaba, Shunsuke Sakurai
MRD Advances, 4(3-4):139-146 (2019)
11. One Millimeter per Minute Growth Rates for Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Forests Enabled by Porous Metal Substrates
Naoyuki Matsumoto, Azusa Oshima, Sachiko Ishizawa, Guohai Chen, Kenji Hata, and Don N. Futaba
RSC Advances, 8:7810-7817 (2018)
10. Quantitative Assessment on the Importance of Purity on the Properties of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes
Naoyuki Matsumoto, Guohai Chen, Motoo Yumura, Don N. Futaba, Kenji Hata
Nanoscale, 7(12):5126-5133 (2015)
9. Elucidating the Effect of Heating Induced Structural Change on Electrical and Thermal Property Improvement of Single Wall Carbon Nanotube
Naoyuki Matsumoto, Azusa Oshima, Guohai Chen, Masako Yudasaka, Motoo Yumura, Kenji Hata, and Don N. Futaba
Carbon, 87:239-245 (2015)
8. Field emission properties from flexible field emitters using carbon nanotube film
Dong Hoon Shin, Seung Il Jung, Ki Nam Yun, Guohai Chen, Yoon-Ho Song, Yahachi Saito, William I. Milne, and Cheol Jin Lee
Applied Physics Letters, 105:033110 (2014)
7. Excellent field emission properties from carbon nanotube field emitters fabricated using a filtration-taping method
Dong Hoon Shin, Seung Il Jung, Ki Nam Yun, Guohai Chen, Seok-Gy Jeon, Jung-Il Kim, and Cheol Jin Lee
Carbon Letters, 15(3):214-217 (2012)
6. Thermal Fatigue Process of Novel Sn-Zn System Lead-Free Solder Joint
Zhiting Geng, Qing He, Guohai Chen, Jusheng Ma
Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 41:164-168 (2012)
5. R&D of Lead-free Solder in Tsinghua University
MA Ju-sheng, CHEN Guo-hai
Electronic Components & Materials, 23(11):45-48 (2004)
4. Study on Shear Strength Characters of Pb/Sn Bump
Qianqian Li, Guohai Chen, Jusheng Ma
Electronic Components & Materials, 23(5):41-42 (2004)
3. Research and Development of Sn-Zn Lead-free Solder
LI Xiao-yan, CHEN Guo-hai, MA Ju-sheng.
Electronics Process Technology, 4:35-39 (2004)
2. Research of Electroplating Cu on Pretreatment Ceramic Substrates
Ning Honglong, Geng Zhiting, Ma Jusheng, Huang Fuxiang, Qian Zhiyong, Chen Guohai
Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 33(3):321-323 (2004)
1. The Effect of Lead Frame Material on Interface Microstructure between Copper Alloy and SnPb Solder
Fu-xiang Huang, Ju-sheng Ma, Ji-man Zhu, Hong-long Ning, HG Suziki, Zhi-ting Geng, Guo-hai Chen
Electronic Components & Materials, 22(4):33-35 (2003)
出願番号: 2021-033732
発明者:桜井 俊介、辻 享志、陳 国海、Futaba Don、畠 賢治、清水 禎樹、金 載浩、榊田 創
4. Multimodal probe array
番号 :Publication No. US2018/0160929 A1 (United States patent)
3. Fabrication of high aspect ratio tall free standing posts using carbon-nanotube (CNT) templated microfabrication
番号 :Publication No. US2017/0108462 A1 (United States patent)
2. Surface field electron emitters using carbon nanotube yarn and method for fabricating carbon nanotube yarn thereof
番号 :US 8193692 B2 (Granted 2012-06-05) (United States patent)
1. Surface field electron emitters using carbon nanotube yarn and method for fabricating carbon nanotube yarn thereof
番号 :Patent No.: 10-1082678 (Granted 2011-11-15) (Korean Patent)