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Wood-based Sustainable Composites Group

Group Research Theme

Wood resources are renewable and sustainable if proper planning performed. We have been developing wood-based composites for building and automotive components that improve the energy efficiency as well as the comfortability based on materials science and industrial aspects. By introducing Functional matters in finestructure of wood, novel properties such as a large deformability and improved physical properties and durability can be obtained for wood composites. Furthermore pursuing the multi-material process with other industrial materials based on wood composite techniques enable creating feasible and scalable applications.

Staff Members

position name
Leader, Group
(Additional post)
(HOTTA Yuji)  0000-0003-2549-4484
(Additional post)
(NAGATA Fukue)  0000-0002-5284-9626
Senior Researcher
INAGAKI Masahiko  0000-0002-9484-3679
Senior Researcher
TUZIUTI Toru  0000-0001-9623-4431
Senior Researcher
SHIMAMOTO Daisuke  0000-0001-6369-9507
Senior Researcher
LEE Sungho  0000-0002-4367-9573
Senior Researcher
SEKI Masako  0000-0001-5699-9376
(Additional post)
(ABE Mitsuru)  0000-0001-6974-3580
KUREI Tatsuki  0000-0003-1718-4435
HORIYAMA Hiroaki  0000-0003-0871-4625

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