Softwares developed by our group can be downloaded here.
1. Open PoTATo
Open PoTATo is a platform software that integrates a wide range of tools for fNIRS data analysis. Open PoTATo is available under MIT license.
Go to Open PoTATo website on GitHub
2. Open PoTATo Plug-in
We provide plug-in softwares for applying our method on Open PoTATo.
Open PoTATo:
If you use these softwares, please cite following papers.
Hemodynamic Modality Separation Method
Toru Yamada, Shinji Umeyama, and Keiji Matsuda, "Separation of fNIRS Signals into Functional and Systemic Components Based on Differences in Hemodynamic Modalities", PLOS ONE, Vol..7, Issue 11, e50271, 2012.
It can be used freely in non-profit purpose. For other uses, please contact to the address informed in the license agreement page.
To download softwares, proceed to license agreement(Japanese) page.
3. fNIRS data analysis package
We provide MATLAB codes and executable programs for Windows for fNIRS data analysis.
If you use these softwares, please cite following papers.
Multi-distance Probe Arrangement Method
Toru Yamada, Shinji Umeyama, and Keiji Matsuda,, “Multidistance probe arrangement to eliminate artifacts in functional near-infrared spectroscopy”;, Journal of Biomedical Optics 14(6), 064034 ,2009.
Hemodynamic Modality Separation Method
Toru Yamada, Shinji Umeyama, and Keiji Matsuda, "Separation of fNIRS Signals into Functional and Systemic Components Based on Differences in Hemodynamic Modalities";, PLOS ONE, Vol..7, Issue 11, e50271, 2012.
Detection of probe contact instability
Shinji Umeyama and Toru Yamada, “Detection of an unstable and/or a weak probe contact in a multichannel fuintional near-infrared spectroscopy measurement”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 18(4) 047003, 2013.
It can be used freely in non-profit purpose. For other uses, please contact to the address informed in the license agreement page.
To download softwares, proceed to license agreement(Japanese) page.
4. Eye Tracking System
Go to the Eye Tracking System download page.
If you have questions, please ask following mail address.
bf-neuro-office-ml <AtMark>