
Professor KASHIWAGI Takao
(Distinguished Professor and Emeritus Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
President, Tokyo Zero-emission Innovation Bay


At the G20 Osaka Summit, 2019, discussions proceeded on the themes of acheiving virtuous cycle of environment and growth. The keywords of the discussions were: innovation creation, improving business environments, and utilization of private finance. On the basis of keywords, the member nations have come up with political measures.

Based on this trend, the Japanese government formulated “Environment Innovation Strategy” in January 2019, and proposed the concept of “Tokyo Bay Zero-emission innovation area” to develop the Tokyo Bay Area into, so to say, the world’s first Zero Emission Version of Silicon Valley.

Tokyo Zero-emission Innovation Bay, thus established on the scheme, takes the organizing initiative among industries, research organizations, governmental agencies assembled in the area so that they can best collaborate, plan and carry out research & development/demonstrations/businesses, and disseminate information around the world. I strongly hope that it will make a significant contribution to achieve the target set by the Paris Agreement to reduce the greenhouse gas emission by 80% by 2050.

It is my great pleasure to renovate the Tokyo Bay Area as a global base for our endeavors toward zero emissions.

Director, Global Zero Emission Research Center (GZR), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)


In order to resolve the global environmental challenges, it is essential to promote environment, economy and convenience in harmony with each other. This proposition is seemingly impossible, but its solution will be made possible by innovation.

“Environment Innovation Strategy” of the Government of Japan holds a high goal of “Beyond Zero”, which was also stated by Prime Minister ABE Shinzo, to transcend beyond the “Zero Emission” goal. To realize “Zero Emission”, it is necessary for research organizations such as AIST, universities, and industries to collaborate in one body to verify the results of research and development, and further link them to actual application in society.

Tokyo Zero-emission Innovation Bay (Zero-emission Bay) has been established for such purposes, and Global Zero Emission Research Center of AIST serves as the secretariat.

Professor KASHIWAGI Takao, Distinguished Professor and Honorary Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology, has been inaugurated as the first President of the Zero-emission Bay. Under his outstanding leadership, the member organizations bring together their competence to contribute toward resolving the global environmental challenges common to all humankind.