AIST: Energy Process Research Institute (EPRI)

Introduction of EPRI


The Energy Process Research Institute (EPRI) promotes the following research to secure new energy resources and achieve carbon neutrality.

Methane Hydrate Production Technology

For the commercial production of methane hydrate resources in the seabed near Japan, we promote technological development related to long-term stable production and production enhancement, as well as technical preparation such as evaluation of the behavior of strata for that purpose, aiming to establish systemized production technology. We also promote basic research on CO2 storage using hydrates.

Technology for Effective Utilization of CO2 and Carbon Resources

We promote the development of highly efficient chemical conversion processes based on catalytic and electrochemical reactions to establish CCU technologies that convert CO2 into useful substances such as fuels, chemical raw materials, and syngas using electricity and hydrogen derived from renewable energy, as well as technologies that make clean and effective use of conventional hydrocarbon resources.

Hydrogen production, storage, and utilization technologies

To expand the use of hydrogen energy, we promote the development of hydrogen production processes using unused resources such as waste, hydrogen production technology using water electrolysis, hydrogen carrier production and utilization technology, and hydrogen storage and supply technology using the storage, purification, and pressurizing functions of hydrogen storage alloys.

Place the cursor over an EPRI-related technology (EPRI関連技術) to see the name of the associated group.
Place the cursor over an EPRI-related technology (EPRI関連技術) to see the name of the associated group.
生産 改質 水電解 貯蔵・輸送 蒸留/精製 合成 熱分解 変成・FT合成 触媒反応 分離・濃縮 分離・濃縮 貯留
CCU-related technologies engaged by EPRI
Place the cursor over an EPRI-related technology (EPRI関連技術) to see the name of the associated group.
水電解 改質 触媒反応 (天然ガス)メタン分解 触媒反応 分離・濃縮 分離・濃縮 貯留