Emerging Device Group aims to create new nanoelectronics device concept, and moreover, new research field. We present the direction of development of future nanoelectronics technologies to society with a clear scientific basis. By controlling the crystal structure, impurities, and defects in three dimensions while making the material nanostructured, and precisely controlling the interface at the atomic level, we prove the emerging device functions that make use of unique properties of the nanostructured materials that are designed adequately to intended applications. “Interdisciplinary collaboration” and “Cooperation with faithfulness” are our motto. Being a driving force to implement the results of research and development in society is our mission. To lead the social implementation, we are also promoting the international standardization and the activities of open-user advanced facilities.
Emerging Device Group aims to create new nanoelectronics device concept, and moreover, new research field. We present the direction of development of future nanoelectronics technologies to society with a clear scientific basis. By controlling the crystal structure, impurities, and defects in three dimensions while making the material nanostructured, and precisely controlling the interface at the atomic level, we prove the emerging device functions that make use of unique properties of the nanostructured materials that are designed adequately to intended applications. “Interdisciplinary collaboration” and “Cooperation with faithfulness” are our motto. Being a driving force to implement the results of research and development in society is our mission. To lead the social implementation, we are also promoting the international standardization and the activities of open-user advanced facilities.
国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所
〒305-8565 茨城県つくば市東1-1-1 つくば中央第5事業所
電話:029-861-0368(秘書) FAX:029-861-2576