[Report]The 11th Clayteam Seminar
The 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Composite Materials

Thank you very much for your attendance and the Symposium ended successfully.
Clayteam, a consortium of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), hosted "The 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Composite Materials" in AIST Waterfront on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 . It was a members-only symposium. After the symposium, Poster Session was held and there were 17 poster presentations. The Symposium and the Poster Session were attended by more than 70 people. In addition, we held a special exhibition "3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake - Arahama, Watari-cho, Miyagi Prefecture", which seems to let more people know the damaged area that is little known. We are deeply impressed to have seen some people stood staring in front of each picture.
This is the 3rd International Symposium. The theme of this symposium is "Monodzukuri for an Era of Global Competition" and we will think over how to let Monodzukuri (MADE IN JAPAN) fly and be ingrained in the world in turbulent times. With a keyword "Needs, Seeds and Feeds", we wish you would find a clue to contribute to the Sustainable Material-Cycle Society through material exploitation specializing in clay films and inorganic nanoscale materials. Not only inland speakers but also speakers from overseas will be invited, the lectures will be expected to cover the topics about International Standardization, the latest release of clay-film-related reseach and so on. Poster Session will also be held and we wish you would make the most of this opportunity.
Symposium Guideline
Date:November 13, 2012 10:30-16:30
Venue:AIST Waterfront
[Symposium/Poster Session] 11th Floor, Waterfront-Annex
Organized by : Clayteam, AIST Supported by:NIMS, TIRI, National Metal and Materials Technology Center (MTEC), CSJ, JCS, SPSJ, SSSJ, CSSJ, JAZ, CSJ, JAMS, JICIA, ACT-P, Tohoku Consortium for Analytical Science and Technology (TCAST), Green Process Incubation Consortium (GIC)
10:30-10:35 | The 3rd Symposium on Advanced Composite Materials / The 11th Clayteam Seminar ●Program
Venue:Conference Room1(11th Floor, Waterfront-Annex) [Theme]"Monodzukuri for an Era of Global Competition" [Opening Remark] |
10:35-11:10 | [Chairperson] Dr. Takeo Ebina (Leader, Research Center for Compact Chemical System, AIST)
●[Speaker1]Keynote "Standardization for Nano-technologies in an Era of Global Competition" Dr. Shingo Ichimura (Senior Vice-President, AIST) |
11:10-11:30 | ●[Speaker2] "Development of Incombustible Clay Film" Mr. Daisuke Misho (Chief, Technical Office, SUMITOMO SEIKA CHEMICALS Co., Ltd.) |
11:30-13:00 | Lunch Time(90 minutes) *Poster Session <Poster Setting> 11:30-12:30 |
13:00-13:50 | [Chairperson]Yoshito Wakui (Advanced Functional Materials Team, Research Center for Compact Chemical System, AIST)
●[Speaker3] "Industrial Overview, Latest Developments and Future Prospect of -Natural and Synthetic Clays" Dr. David Shaw (Technical Manager, Rockwood Additives Ltd.) |
13:50-14:00 | Break(10 minutes) |
14:00-14:30 | ●[Speaker4] "Application of Clay Film to Light-Emitting Devices and Solar Cells " Shanmugam Venkatachalam (Research Center for Compact Chemical System, AIST) |
14:30-14:35 | [Closing Remark]Coming Soon |
Poster Session Schedule
14:40-15:45 | Poster Session ●Click Here for details Venue : Lobby (11th Floor, Waterfront-Annex) -Poster Session List |
17:00-19:00 | ●Get-Together-Party (Reception Starts 16:45-) Venue : Sky Restaurant Seagull Time24 Build. (In front of AIST Waterfront) Fee : 5,000yen |