Based on the models proposed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), the Simple Code for Aerosols via the Respiratory Route to Estimate Deposition in the Lung (SCARRED Lung) has been developed in ‘Microsoft Visual Basic .NET’. By using the calculation code, the deposition and clearance patterns of aerosols can be easily evaluated. The detailed theoretical description, which was reported in the ICRP Publications 66 and 71.
● (In
Japanese only)
An educational tool to estimate human health risks of
a specific chemical substance in environmental media (air, water, soil, etc.) or contact media
(food, etc.) using carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient
as risk indices. Using
it is possible to determine the exposure route
that contributes most to human health risk of a certain chemical
of Risk Assessment Terminologies (In Japanese only)
●Video for
the Fragmented Testis Method: A New Quantitative Evaluation
Technique for
Detection of Testis-Ova in Male Fish Using the Medaka (Oryzias
latipes) (In Japanese only)
This video shows a new quantitative evaluation
technique, termed the fragmented testis method,
developed by CRM/AIST for the detection of testis-ova in
genotypic male fish
using the medaka (Oryzias latipes).
The routine traditional histological method for detection
of testis-ova in male fish exposed to estrogens
or suspected endocrine-disrupting chemicals has several
disadvantages, including possible oversight of testis-ova
due to limited observation of selected tissue sections.
The method we have developed here allows for the accurate
determination of the developmental stages,
the number and the size of testis-ova in a whole testis.
This method proved to be a convenient and cost-effective
method for quantitatively evaluating testis-ova appearance
in fish,
and is expected to contribute to the clarification of the
mechanism of testis-ova appearance and its biological significance
in future studies of endocrine disruption.
Factors Handbook (In Japanese only)
for conducting socio-economic analysis (In
Japanese only)
transfer proccesses in the Environment (In
Japanese only)