NMIJInternational Metrology Cooperation Office

International Cooperation Office
AIST Tsukuba Central 3, Tsukuba,
Ibaraki 305-8563, Japan



The Emerging Scientist Workshop (ESW) 2021

The sixth ESW was held online for two days on 5th and 6th July 2021. A total of 52 young researchers participated in the workshop from NMIJ (Japan), KRISS (Korea), and NIM (China).

On Day 1, 30-minute research talks were presented by each institute, followed by self-introduction by the participants, and discussion in seven groups. Afterwards, some groups had virtual lab tours and share their interests to conclude the day. Day 2 started with the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) session where the results of the preliminary survey among three instituts were introduced by NMIJ, and the impact of the pandemic on each institute and their efforts to adress it were shared in turn. Then, participants had another group discussion session on four different themes and summarized their outcomes.

Although the workshop was held online due to COVID-19, it was a significant event with active discussions and enthusiastic exchange of views.


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