Welcome toACRM HP
Securing reliability in measurement, test, and analysis has become the
interest of priority to almost all entities involved in economic activities,
including industry, governments, metrology communities, and the general
public. The need to serve for such interest grows bigger and spreads over
wide areas such as chemistry, health, food, and the environment, in particular.
Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) are known to be one of the key tools
providing traceability and securing reliability in measurement, test, and
analysis. Accordingly, regional cooperation between National Metrology
Institutes (NMIs) for developing CRMs of high quality and global recognition
is considered to be the significant and practical solution so as to address
the traceability chain of CRMs, as well as the reduction of technical barriers
to trade.
The National Institute of Metrology of the People’s Republic of China (NIM),
the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), and the
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, acting
through the National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ/AIST), agreed to
create theAsian Collaboration on Reference Materials (ACRM)and to promote an integrated collaboration.
Objectives of ACRM
1. to develop an appropriate mechanism for a closer collaboration in the
development and certification of CRMs;
2. to collaborate on the validation, characterization, production, supply
and use of quality CRMs of world-wide acceptance and global competitiveness;
3. to join forces and share resources available to promote an integrated
coordination of ACRM activities;
4. to promote technology transfer by exchange of researchers, technical
information, materials and publication;
Website has been opend (07/2016)
Contact (Inquiry):
For general (about ACRM)Please send E-mail to: secretary
For web contents
Please send E-mail to: ACRM-web-admin-ml@aist.go.jp