




Simultaneous localization and mapping(SLAM) in dynamic environment    
Nowadays, SLAM in the dynamic environment has become a popular topic. This problem is called dynamic SLAM where many solutions have been proposed to segment out the dynamic objects that bring errors to camera tracking and subsequent 3D reconstruction. However, state-of-the-art dynamic SLAM methods face the problems of accuracy and speed, which is due to the fact that one segmentation algorithm cannot guarantee both points at the same time. We propose a multi-purpose dynamic SLAM framework to provide a variety of selections for segmentation, each has its applicable scene. Besides, if the user selects the semantic segmentation, the object-oriented semantic mapping is beneficial for high level robotic tasks.  

6-DoF Object Pose Estimation  
For a humanoid robot to interact with objects in its surrounding environment, it is essential for the robot to find the position and orientation of the object relative to itself - often through the use of its vision sensors. The 3D position and roll, pitch, yaw rotation together comprise the 6 degrees-of-freedom pose of the object. For precise grasping and manipulation of tools, this pose needs to be estimated with a high degree of accuracy. Further, we desire robustness against challenging lighting conditions, occlusions, and non-availability of dense and accurate object models. This work mainly involves the use of Deep Learning based strategies for solving problems in this sphere.  


氏名 役職/学年 メールアドレス
金広 文男 連携大学院教授 f-kanehiro_*_aist.go.jp
孫 楽源 博士課程3年 son.leyuansun_*_aist.go.jp
Rohan Pratap Singh 修士課程2年 rohan-singh_*_aist.go.jp
Xinchi Gao 修士課程1年
屋宮 友哉 修士課程1年


国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所
情報・人間工学領域 AIST-CNRSロボット工学連携研究ラボ

 〒305-8560 茨城県つくば市梅園1-1-1 つくば中央第1(つくば本部・情報技術共同研究棟)
 電話:029-861-9323 FAX:029-862-6507
 メール:jrl-info-ml_*_aist.go.jp (_*_を@に変えて送信してください)

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