The first Workshop of Asia-Pacific Region Global Earthquake and Volcanic Eruption Risk Management (G-EVER1) was held in Tsukuba, 22-24 February 2012, to discuss how to reduce the risks of national and international disasters due to natural geohazard events like earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes. One hundred fifty two participants came from twelve nations and regions and fifty-six national and international institutes. Participants are deeply saddened by recent disasters, from Sumatra to Christchurch to Tohoku, but also encouraged by cases of successful mitigation and progress on a variety of local and global risk reduction efforts. We believe that increased international collaboration between geohazard institutes and organizations in the Asia-Pacific can advance the science of natural hazards and contribute to reduction of disaster risks from earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.
We, the participants, agreed unanimously on several recommendations that we call the G-EVER1 Accord.
We agreed that the following 10 recommendations should be communicated to Asia-Pacific research institutes and relevant organizations, and encourage all participating institutes, and also those Asia-Pacific research institutes and organizations not represented in Tsukuba, to embrace these recommendations:
This accord was produced and unanimously endorsed by participants at the G-EVER1 Workshop in Tsukuba, Japan, 24 February 2012.