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04/01/2020 Human Informatics and Interaction Research Institute:Mental and Physical Functions Modeling Group


Mental and Physical Functions Modeling Group (MPFMRG) focuses on developing techniques to evaluate mental and physical fitness by integrating neurocognitive measures such as EEG/(f)MRI, physiological data from cardiovascular systems (ECG etc.), and behavioral data acquired in daily life with data science technologies. Our research area includes neuro-behavioral studies of cognitive aging, human emotional processing, and human-to-human communication. We also conduct research to apply our findings to improve quality-of-life of elderly people, to support better products and/or service design, and to understand human-to-human cognitive interaction.

MPFMG figure


Kenta KimuraGroup Leaderkenta.kimuraaist.go.jp
Tomokazu TsurugizawaSenior Researchert-tsurugizawaaist.go.jp
Kentaro KatahiraSenior Researcherk.katahiraaist.go.jp
Akira UematsuSenior Researcherakira.uematsuaist.go.jp
Kazumi KasaharaSenior Researcherk.kasaharaaist.go.jp
Keisuke TakanoSenior Researcherkeisuke.takanoaist.go.jp
Kei IshiiSenior Researcherkei-ishiiaist.go.jp
Ryota AsaharaResearcherryo-asaharaaist.go.jp
Takeyuki OobaPostdoctral Researchertakeyuki.oobaaist.go.jp
Masanori Shiro shiroaist.go.jp
Geczy, Peter p.geczyaist.go.jp