【The Third Symposium】

Please click here for the detailed program.

For further inquiries on the symposium, please contact the Secretariat.


Lecture video

youtube_mk<Opening Remarks>

  Professor KASHIWAGI Takao,
  President of Zero-emission Bay,
  Emeritus Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology

      Translation of the lecture

youtube_mk<Congratulatory address>

  Mr. NAGAMINE Makoto
  Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry

      Translation of the lecture

youtube_mk <Keynote Lecture “Recent internal and external trends surrounding Carbon Neutrality”>

  Mr. KIHARA Shinichi
  Director General for International Policy on Carbon Neutrality ,Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

      Translation of the lecture


youtube_mk<“Past Activities of Zero-emission Bay” : Greetings and Explanation of the Purpose of the Symposium.>

Secretariat of Tokyo Zero-emission Innovation Bay
  Dr. YAMAMOTO Atsushi
  Deputy Director, Global Zero Emission Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

      Translation of the lecture


youtube_mk<“Activity Report on the Zero-emission Vision Study Working Group”>

  Dr. MAEDA Seiji
  Principal Project Manager, Hydrogen Business Department, ENEOS Corporation

      Translation of the lecture


youtube_mk<“Efforts of Kawasaki City to Achieve Carbon Neutrality”>

  Mr. EZAKI Tetsuhiro
  Head of a section,Development Strategy Promotion Department,Coastal Area International Strategy Headquarters,Kawasaki City

      Translation of the lecture


youtube_mk<“Scenario Analysis for Achieving Carbon Neutrality in 2050 in Japan”>

  Dr. OZAWA Akito
  Senior Researcher, Global Zero Emission Research Center, Department of Energy and Environment,
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

      Translation of the lecture


youtube_mkPanel Discussion : “Efforts toward Carbon Neutrality and Systems Thinking”

      Translation of the lecture


youtube_mk<Closing Remarks>

  Dr. YOSHINO Akira
  Director, Global Zero Emission Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

      Translation of the lecture




Secretariat of Tokyo Zero-emission Innovation Bay
  Global Zero Emission Research Center, Department of Energy and Environment,
  National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

    2-3-26 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0064 Japan
    E-mail:M-zeroemi-secretariat-core-ml*aist.go.jp (Please convert “*” to “@”)