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How to use


National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Qufab secretariat
E-mail: M-Qufab-secretariat-ml at aist.go.jp (*Please replace "at" with @ when sending the e-mail.)

for Qufab logo

Qufab users are permitted to utilize the Qufab logo in oral or poster presentations showcasing their prototype results. The usage of the logo is granted free of charge, and there is no need to seek permission from the Qufab Secretariat. However, it is essential to adhere to certain guidelines: the logo must not undergo any alterations, modifications, or changes. Moreover, it is strictly prohibited to incorporate the logo into a product name, service name, trademark, or any similar context.

*Please right-click on the image and select 'Save Image As' to download.


When showcasing outcomes derived from devices, circuits, and samples produced at Qufab, kindly incorporate the following acknowledgment sentence into your presentation. However, feel free to choose suitable terms based on the context, such as devices, circuits, or samples.

The devices/circuits/samples were fabricated in the Superconducting Quantum Circuit Fabrication Facility (Qufab) in National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST).