



(10) Kamezaki K, Maeda T, Ishidoya S, Tsukasaki A, Murayama S, Kaneyasu N. Low blank sampling method for measurement of the nitrogen isotopic composition of atmospheric NOx. Plos One.19(2): e0298539. 2024

(9) Oba K, Suenaga T, Yasuda S, Kuroiwa M, Hori T, Lackner S, Terada A. Quest for Nitrous Oxide-reducing Bacteria Present in an Anammox Biofilm Fed with Nitrous Oxide. Microbes Environ. 39(1): ME23106. 2024

(8) Honjo M, Suzuki K, Katai J, Tashiro Y, Aoyagi T, Hori T, Okada T, Saito Y, Futamata H. Stable States of a Microbial Community Are Formed by Dynamic Metabolic Networks with Members Functioning to Achieve Both Robustness and Plasticity. Microbes Environ. 39(1): ME23091. 2024

(7) Miyajima Y, Aoyagi T, Yoshioka H, Hori T, Takahashi HA, Tanaka M, Tsukasaki A, Goto S, Suzumura M. Impact of Concurrent aerobic-anaerobic Methanotrophy on Methane Emission from Marine Sediments in Gas Hydrate Area. Environ Sci Technol. 58(11): 4979–4988. 2024

(6) Yoshino H, Van Phan H, Mori N, Ohkuma N, Kawakami M, Nihei M, Hashimoto S, Wakabayashi K, Hori T, Terada A. Anti-biofouling performance and microbial communities of an integrated fixed-film activated sludge membrane bioreactor with a fibrous carrier material: Pilot-scale demonstration. Sci Total Environ. 918: 170291. 2024

(5) Duan J, Kitamura K, Tsukamoto H, Van Phan H, Oba K, Hori T, Fujiwara T, Terada A. Enhanced granulation of activated sludge in an airlift reactor for organic carbon removal and ammonia retention from industrial fermentation wastewater: A comparative study. Water Res. 251: 121091. 2024

(4) Duan J, Oba K, Hori T, Fujiwara T, Lackner S, Terada A. Modeling of an aerobic granular sludge process for ammonia retention: Insights into granule size, dissolved oxygen concentration, and solids retention time. J Environ Chem Eng. 12(2): 112245. 2024

(3) Sato Y, Hamai H, Masaki Y, Aoyagi T, Inaba T, Hori T, Habe H. Replacing rice bran with low-molecular-weight substrates affected the performance and metabolic feature of sulfate-reducing bioreactors treating acid mine drainage. J Environ Chem Eng. 12(2): 112118. 2024

(2) Maeda A, Nishijima M, Iguchi A, Ota Y, Suzumura M, Suzuki A. Environmental DNA metabarcoding of foraminifera for biological monitoring of bottom water and sediments on the Takuyo-Daigo Seamount in the northwestern Pacific. Front Mar Sci. 10, 1–18. 2024

(1) Ota Y, Iguchi A, Nishijima M, Mukai R, Suzumura M, Yoshioka H, Suzuki A, Tsukasaki A, Aoyagi T, Hori T. Methane diffusion affects characteristics of benthic communities in and around microbial mat-covered sediments in the northeastern Japan sea. Chemosphere. 349: 140964. 2024


(19) Miyajima Y, Araoka D, Yoshimura T, Ota Y, Suzuki A, Yoshioka H, Suzumura M, Smrzka D, Peckmann J, Bohrmann G. Lithium isotope systematics of methane-seep carbonates as an archive of fluid origins and flow rates. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 361:152–170. 2023

(18) Zhou X, Fujiwara T, Hidaka T, Nishimura F, Nakanishi T, Terada A, Hori T. Evaluation of nitrous oxide emission during ammonia retention from simulated industrial wastewater by microaerobic activated sludge process. Water Res. 247: 120780. 2023

(17) Gonzales RR, Nakagawa K, Kumagai K, Hasegawa S, Matsuoka A, Li Z, Mai Z, Yoshioka T, Hori T, Matsuyama H. Hybrid osmotically assisted reverse osmosis and reverse osmosis (OARO-RO) process for minimal liquid discharge of high strength nitrogenous wastewater and enrichment of ammoniacal nitrogen. Water Res. 246: 120716. 2023

(16) Inaba T, Hori T, Tsuchiya M, Ihara H, Uchida E, Gu JD, Katayama Y. Microscopic evidence of sandstone deterioration and damage by fungi isolated from the Angkor monuments in simulation experiments. Sci Total Environ. 20(896): 165265. 2023

(15) Sato Y, Miwa T, Inaba T, Akachi T, Tanaka E, Hori T, Murofushi K, Takagi H, Futamata H, Aoyagi T, Habe H. Microbially produced fertilizer provides rhizobacteria to hydroponic tomato roots by forming beneficial biofilms. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 107(23):7365-7374. 2023

(14) Inaba T, Aizawa H, Aoyagi T, Sato Y, Hori T, Nishimura T, Habe H. Startup performance and microbial composition of a pilot-scale rapid sand filter for the treatment of manganese-containing mine water. Chemosphere. 343: 140229. 2023

(13) Tsukamoto H, Phan HV, Suenaga T, Yasuda S, Kuroiwa M, Riya S, Ogata A, Hori T, Terada A. Microaerophilic Activated Sludge System for Ammonia Retention toward Recovery from High-Strength Nitrogenous Wastewater: Performance and Microbial Communities. Envrion Sci Technol. 57(37): 13874-13886. 2023

(12) Kuroda K, Tomita S, Kurashita H, Hatamoto M, Yamaguchi T, Hori T, Aoyagi T, Sato Y, Inaba T, Habe H, Tamaki H, Hagihara Y, Tamura T, Narihiro T. Metabolic implications for predatory and parasitic bacterial lineages in activated sludge wastewater treatment systems. Water Res X. 20: 100196. 2023

(11) Shirane S, Momma N, Usami T, Suzuki C, Hori T, Aoyagi T, Amachi S. Fungicidal Activity of Caproate Produced by Clostridium sp. strain E801, a Bacterium Isolated from Cocopeat Medium Subjected to Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation. Agron. 13: 747. 2023

(10) Nouzaki K, Tanaka R, Sato Y, Inaba T, Aoyagi T, Hori T, Yanagishita H, Habe H. Evaluating the Optimal Oil Concentrations in the Startup Performance of a Membrane Bioreactor Treating Oily Noodle-soup Wastewater. J Oleo Sci. 72: 357-367. 2023

(9) Duan J, Phan HV, Tsukamoto H, Hori T, Terada A. Microaerophilic activated sludge system for ammonia retention from high-strength nitrogenous wastewater: Biokinetics and mathematical modeling. Biochem Eng J. 191: 108790. 2023

(8) Inaba T, Yamaguchi M, Taniguchi A, Sato Y, Aoyagi T, Hori T, Inoue H, Fujita M, Iwata M, Iwata Y, Habe H. Evaluation of dye decolorization using anaerobic granular sludge from an expanded granular sludge bed based on spectrometric and microbiome analyses. J Gen Appl Microbiol. 68: 242-247. 2023

(7) Kise H, Iguchi A, Saito N, Yoshioka Y, Uda K, Suzuki T, Nagano AJ, Suzuki A, Iwasaki N. Genetic population structure of the precious coral Corallium japonicum in the Northwest Pacific. Front Mar Sci. in press. 2023

(6) Kise H, Santos MEA, Fourreau CJL, Iguchi A, Goto R, Reimer, JD. Evolutionary patterns of host switching, lifestyle mode, and the diversification history in symbiotic zoantharians. Mol Phylogenet Evol. 182: 107732. 2023

(5) Kise H, Nishijima M, Iguchi A, Minatoya J, Yokooka H, Ise Y, Suzuki A. A new hexactinellid-sponge-associated zoantharian (Porifera, Hexasterophora) from the northwestern Pacific Ocean. ZooKeys.1156: 71-85. 2023

(4) Kise H, Reimer JD, Pirro S. The Complete Genome Sequences of 7 Species of Epizoanthus (Epizoanthidae, Zoantharia, Hexacorallia, Cnidaria). Biodiversity genomes. 2023

(3) Santos MEA, Kise H, Fourreau CJL, Poliseno A, Pirro S, Reimer JD. The Complete Genome Sequences of 13 Species of Brachycnemina (Cnidaria, Hexacorallia, Anthozoa, Zoantharia). Biodiversity Genomes. 2023

(2) Kise H, Iguchi A, Ikegami T, Onishi Y, Goto K, Tanaka Y, Washburn WT, Nishijima M, Kunishima T, Okamoto N, Suzuki, A. Genetic population structures of common scavenging species near hydrothermal vents in the Okinawa Trough. Sci Rep. 13: 2348. 2023

(1) Richards ZT, Kise H, West KM. The complete mitochondrial genome of the invasive cyanobacteriosponge Terpios hoshinota (Demospongiae, Suberitida, Suberitidae). Mitochondrial DNA B: Resour. 8: 319-323. 2023


(7) Ota Y, Suzumura M, Tsukasaki A, Suzuki A, Yamaoka K, Asada M, Satoh M. Anaerobic oxidation of methane and trace-element geochemistry in microbial mat-covered sediments related to methane seepage, northeastern Japan Sea. Chem Geol. 611: 121093. 2022

(6) Inaba T, Goto T, Aoyagi T, Hori T, Aoki K, Sato Y, Ono N, Furihata T, Habe H, Ogino S, Ogata A. Biological treatment of ironworks wastewater with high-concentration nitrate using a nitrogen gas aerated membrane bioreactor. Chem Eng J. 450: 138366. 2022

(5) Zhou Y, Toyoda R, Suenaga T, Aoyagi T, Hori T, Terada A. Low nitrous oxide concentration and spatial microbial community transition across an urban river affected by treated sewage. Water Res. 216: 118276. 2022

(4) Sato Y, Hamai T, Hori T, Aoyagi T, Inaba T, Hayashi K, Kobayashi M, Sakata T, Habe H. Optimal start-up conditions for the efficient treatment of acid mine drainage using sulfate-reducing bioreactors based on physicochemical and microbiome analyses. J Hazard Mater. 423: 127089. 2022

(3) Guo Y, Ihara H, Aoyagi T, Hori T, Katayama Y. Draft Genome Sequences of Sulfurovum spp. TSL1 and TSL6, Two Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacteria Isolated from Marine Sediment. Microbiol Resour Announc. 11: e00922-21. 2022

(2) Ota Y, Kawahata H, Kuroda J, Suzuki A, Abe-Ouchi, A, Jimenez-Espejo, FJ. Millennial-scale variability of Indian summer monsoon constrained by the western Bay of Bengal sediments: Implication from geochemical proxies of sea surface salinity and river runoff. Glob Planet Change. 208: 103719. 2022

(1) Ota Y, Suzumura M, Tsukasaki A, Suzuki A, Seike K, Minatoya J. Sediment accumulation rates and particle mixing at northwestern Pacific seamounts. J Mar Syst. 229: 103719. 2022


(12) Negishi N, Inaba T, Miyazaki Y, Ishii G, Yang Y, Koura S. Aqueous mechano-bactericidal action of acicular aragonite crystals. Sci Rep. 11: 19218. 2021

(11) Guo Y, Aoyagi T, Hori T. Comparative insights into genome signatures of ferric iron oxide-and anode-stimulated Desulfuromonas spp. strains. BMC genomics. 22: 475. 2021

(10) Sato Y, Jang S, Takeshita K, Itoh H, Koike H, Tago K, Hayatsu M, Hori T, Kikuchi Y. Insecticide resistance by a host-symbiont reciprocal detoxification. Nat commun. 12: 6432. 2021

(9) Shimoji H, Itoh H, Matsuura Y, Yamashita R, Hori T, Hojo MK, Kikuchi Y. Worker-dependent gut symbiosis in an ant. ISME Commun. 1: 60. 2021

(8) Suenaga T, OtaT, Oba K, Usui K, Sako T, Hori T, Riya S, Hosomi M, Chandran K, Lackner S, Smets FB, Terada A. Combination of 15N Tracer and Microbial Analyses Discloses N2O Sink Potential of the Anammox Community. Envrion Sci Technol. 55: 9231-9242. 2021

(7) Guo Y, Aoyagi T, Hori T. Draft Genome Sequences of the Ferric Iron-Reducing Geobacter sp. Strains AOG1 and AOG2, Isolated from Enrichment Cultures on Crystalline Iron(III) Oxides. Microbiol Resour Announc. 10: e00913-21. 2021

(6) Aoyagi T, Katayama Y, Aizawa H, Takasaki M, Hori T. Nitrate-driven trophic association of sulfur-cycling microorganisms in tsunami-deposited marine sediment revealed by high-sensitivity 13C-bicarbonate probing. Envrion Sci Technol. 55: 8410-8421. 2021

(5) Aoyagi T, Mori Y, Nanao M, Matsuyama Y, Sato Y, Inaba T, Aizawa H, Hayakawa T, Moriya M, Higo Y, Habe H, Hori T. Effective Se reduction by lactate-stimulated indigenous microbial communities in excavated waste rocks. J Hazard Mater. 403:123908. 2021.

(4) Mahmood M, Taki S, Nakai S, Gotoh T, Nishijima W, Umehara A, Aoyagi T, Sato Y, Hori T, Katayama Y, Hajdu-Rahkama R, Puhakka A J. Increase in sedimentary organic carbon with a change from hypoxic to oxic conditions. Mar Pollut Bull. 168:112397. 2021

(3) Sato Y, Tanaka E, Hori T, Futamata H, Murofushi K, Takagi H, Akachi T, Miwa T, Inaba T, Aoyagi T, Habe H. Efficient conversion of organic nitrogenous wastewater to nitrate solution driven by comammox Nitrospira. Water Res. 197:117088. 2021

(2) Ihara H, Kumagai A, Hori T, Nanba K, Aoyagi T, Takasaki M, Katayama Y. Direct comparison of bacterial communities in soils contaminated with different levels of radioactive cesium from the first Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. Sci Total Environ. 756: 143844.2021  

(1) Ota Y, Suzuki A, Yamaoka K, Nagao M, Tanaka Y, Irizuki T, Fujiwara O, Yoshioka K, Kawagata S, Kawano S, Nishimura O. Geochemical distribution of heavy metal elements and potential ecological risk assessment of Matsushima Bay sediments during 2012–2016. Sci Total Env. 751:141825. 2021


(22) Yoshino H, Hosoe A, Hori T, Hosomi M, Terada A. Excess Sludge Reduction Using a High-pressure Jet Device via a Modified Ludzack-Ettinger Process: Performance and Microbial Communities. J Water Environ Technol. 18(4):238-253. 2020

(21) Yamaoka, K., A. Suzuki, Y. Tanaka, M. Suzumura, A. Tsukasaki, A. Shimamoto, T. Fukuhara, S. Kato, N. Okamoto and Y. Igarashi. Late summer peak and scavenging-dominant metal fluxes in particulate export near a seamount in the western North Pacific subtropical gyre. Frontiers Earth Sci. 8: 558823. 2020

(20) Tanaka R, Nouzaki K, Navarro RR, Inaba T, Aoyagi T, Sato Y, Ogata A, Yanagishita H, Hori T, Habe H. Activated sludge microbiome in a membrane bioreactor for treating Ramen noodle-soup wastewater. J Gen Appl Microbiol. 66(6): 339-343. 2020

(19) Morono Y, Ito M, Hoshino T, Terada T, Hori T, Ikehara M, D'Hondt S, Inagaki F. Aerobic microbial life persists in oxic marine sediment as old as 101.5 million years. Nat Commun. 11(1):3626. 2020. 2020

(18) Seike K, Shirai K, Kubota K, Ota Y, Sassa S. Does trace fossil size correspond with burrower population density? An example from the modern counterpart of the trace fossil Bichordites. Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol. 557:109946. 2020

(17) Kajita H, Ota Y, Yoshimura T, Araoka D, Manaka T, Ziyu O, Iwasaki S, Yanase T, Inamura A, Uchida E, Zheng H, Yang Q, Wang K, Suzuki A, Kawahata H. Seasonal and Spatial Variations of Chemical Weathering in the Mekong Basin: From the Headwaters to the Lower Reaches. Aquat Geochem. 26:137–159. 2020

(16) Habe H, Sato Y, Aoyagi T, Inaba T, Hori T, Hamai T, Hayashi K, Kobayashi M, Sakata T, Sato N. Design, application, and microbiome of sulfate-reducing bioreactors for treatment of mining-influenced water. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 104(16):6893-6903. 2020

(15) Yasuda S, Toyoda R, Agrawal S, Suenaga T, Riya S, Hori T, Lackner S, Hosomi M, Terada A. Exploration and enrichment of methane-oxidizing bacteria derived from a rice paddy field emitting highly concentrated methane. J Biosci Bioeng. 130(3):311-318. 2020

(14) Inaba T, Su T, Aoyagi T, Aizawa H, Sato Y, Suh C, Lee JH, Hori T, Ogata A, Habe H. Microbial community in an anaerobic membrane bioreactor and its performance in treating organic solid waste under controlled and deteriorated conditions. J Environ Manage. 269:110786. 2020

(13) Inaba T, Aoyagi T, Hori T, Charfi A, Suh C, Lee JH, Sato Y, Ogata A, Aizawa H, Habe H. Clarifying prokaryotic and eukaryotic biofilm microbiomes in anaerobic membrane bioreactor by non-destructive microscopy and high-throughput sequencing. Chemosphere. 254:126810. 2020

(12) Yoshino H, Hori T, Hosomi M, Terada A. Identifying prokaryotes and eukaryotes disintegrated by a high-pressure jet device for excess activated sludge reduction. Biochem Eng J. 157, 107495. 2020

(11) Aoyagi T, Inaba T, Aizawa H, Mayumi D, Sakata S, Charfi A, Suh C, Lee JH, Sato Y, Ogata A, Habe H, Hori T. Unexpected diversity of acetate degraders in anaerobic membrane bioreactor treating organic solid waste revealed by high-sensitivity stable isotope probing. Water Res. 176:115750. 2020

(10) Guo Y, Aoyagi T, Inaba T, Sato Y, Habe H, Hori T. Complete Genome Sequence of Desulfuromonas sp. Strain AOP6, an Iron(III) Reducer Isolated from Subseafloor Sediment. Microbiol Resour Announc. 9(12):e01325-19. 2020

(9) Fujioka T, Aizawa H, Kodamatani H, Fouling substances causing variable rejection of a small and uncharged trace organic chemical by reverse osmosis membranes. Environ Technol Innov. 17, 100576. 2020

(8) Sato Y, Zhao YJ, Hori T, Aoyagi T, Inaba T, Aizawa H, Ogata A, Habe H. Transition of microbial community structures after development of membrane fouling in membrane bioreactors (MBRs). AMB Express. 10(1):18. 2020

(7) Noda K, Aizawa H, Marumoto K, Basic Detection Characteristics of Quartz Crystal Microbalance-based Method of Determination of Mercury. Sens Mater. 32(6):1133. 2020

(6) Aizawa H, Kusakari SI, Yamada K, Noda K, Habe H, Development of Organic Gas Sensor Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance Coated with Plasma-polymerized Films. Sens Mater. 32(3):1123. 2020

(5) Navarro RR, Otsuka Y, Matsuo K, Sasaki K, Sasaki K, Hori T, Habe H, Nakamura M, Nakashimada Y, Kimbara K, Kato J. Combined simultaneous enzymatic saccharification and comminution (SESC) and anaerobic digestion for sustainable biomethane generation from wood lignocellulose and the biochemical characterization of residual sludge solid. Bioresour Technol. 300:122622. 2020

(4) Inaba T, Obana N, Habe H, Nomura N. Biofilm Formation by Streptococcus mutans is Enhanced by Indole via the Quorum Sensing Pathway. Microbes Environ. 2020

(3) Inaba T, Aoyagi T, Hori T, Charfi A, Suh C, Lee JH, Sato Y, Ogata A, Aizawa H, Habe H. Long-term acclimatization of sludge microbiome for treatment of high-strength organic solid waste in anaerobic membrane bioreactor. Biochem Eng J. 154:107461. 2020

(2) Furuichi Y, Yoshimoto S, Inaba T, Nomura N, Hori K. Process Description of an Unconventional Biofilm Formation by Bacterial Cells Autoagglutinating through Sticky, Long, and Peritrichate Nanofibers. Environ Sci Technol. 2020

(1) Sato-Takabe Y, Hirose S, Hori T, Hanada S. Abundance and Spatial Distribution of Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria in Tama River, Japan. Water. 12(1):150. 2020


(11) Hanajima D, Aoyagi T, Hori T. Dead bacterial biomass-assimilating bacterial populations in compost revealed by high-sensitivity stable isotope probing. Environ Int. 133:105235. 2019

(10) Yamamura S, Kurasawa H, Kashiwabara Y, Hori T, Aoyagi T, Nakajima N, Amachi S. Soil Microbial Communities Involved in Reductive Dissolution of Arsenic from Arsenate-laden Minerals with Different Carbon Sources. Environ Sci Technol. 53(21):12398-12406. 2019

(9) Suenaga T, Hori T, Riya S, Hosomi M, Smets BF, Terada A. Enrichment, Isolation, and Characterization of High-Affinity N2O-Reducing Bacteria in a Gas-Permeable Membrane Reactor. Environ Sci Technol. 53(20):12101-12112. 2019

(8) Habe H, Koike H, Sato Y, Iimura Y, Hori T, Kanno M, Kimura N, Kirimura K. Identification and characterization of levulinyl-CoA synthetase from Pseudomonas citronellolis, which differs phylogenetically from LvaE of Pseudomonas putida. AMB Express. 9(1):127. 2019

(7) Sato Y, Hamai T, Hori T, Aoyagi T, Inaba T, Kobayashi M, Habe H, Sakata T. Desulfosporosinus spp. were the most predominant sulfate-reducing bacteria in pilot- and laboratory-scale passive bioreactors for acid mine drainage treatment. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 103(18):7783-7793. 2019

(6) Ihara H, Hori T, Aoyagi T, Hosono H, Takasaki M, Katayama Y. Stratification of Sulfur Species and Microbial Community in Launched Marine Sediment by an Improved Sulfur-Fractionation Method and 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing. Microbes Environ. 34(2):199-205. 2019

(5) Zhao YJ, Sato Y, Inaba T, Aoyagi T, Hori T, Habe H. Activated sludge microbial communities of a chemical plant wastewater treatment facility with high-strength bromide ions and aromatic substances. J Gen Appl Microbiol. 65(2):106-110. 2019

(4) Sato Y, Hori T, Koike H, Navarro RR, Ogata A, Habe H. Transcriptome analysis of activated sludge microbiomes reveals an unexpected role of minority nitrifiers in carbon metabolism. Commun Biol. 2:179. 2019

(3) Aoyagi T, Kashiwabara Y, Kurasawa H, Amachi S, Nakajima N, Hori T, Yamamura S. Draft Genome Sequence of a Novel Lactate-Fermenting Bacterial Strain of the Family Sporomusaceae within the Class Negativicutes. Microbiol Resour Announc. 8(10). 2019

(2) Narihiro T, Nobu KM, Hori T, Aoyagi T, Sato Y, Inaba T, Aizawa H, Tamaki H, Habe H. Effects of the Wastewater Flow Rate on Interactions between the Genus Nitrosomonas and Diverse Populations in an Activated Sludge Microbiome. Microbes Environ. 34(1):89-94. 2019

(1) Song K, Sawayanagi K, Numano T, Taniichi Y, Kikuchi T, Takeda T, Kanou H, Riya S, Hori T, Hosomi M, Terada A. High-rate partial nitrification of semiconductor wastewater: Implications of online monitoring and microbial community structure. Biochem Eng J. 143:34-40. 2019


(11) Inaba T, Hori T, Aizawa H, Sato Y, Ogata A, Habe H. Microbiomes and chemical components of feed water and membrane-attached biofilm in reverse osmosis system to treat membrane bioreactor effluents. Sci Rep. 8(1):16805. 2018

(10) Fujioka T, Hoang AT, Aizawa H, Ashiba H, Fujimaki M, Leddy M, Real-Time Online Monitoring for Assessing Removal of Bacteria by Reverse Osmosis. Environ Sci Technol Lett. 5(6):389. 2018

(9) Aoyagi T, Morishita F, Sugiyama Y, Ichikawa D, Mayumi D, Kikuchi Y, Ogata A, Muraoka K, Habe H, Hori T. Identification of active and taxonomically diverse 1,4-dioxane degraders in a full-scale activated sludge system by high-sensitivity stable isotope probing. ISME J. 12(10):2376-2388. 2018

(8) Aoyagi T, Hamai T, Hori T, Sato Y, Kobayashi M, Sato Y, Inaba T, Ogata A, Habe H, Sakata T. Microbial community analysis of sulfate-reducing passive bioreactor for treating acid mine drainage under failure conditions after long-term continuous operation. J Environ Chem Eng. 6(5):5795-5800. 2018

Inaba T, Sato Y, Koike H, Hori T, Kanno M, Kimura N, Kirimura K, Habe H. Draft genome sequence of Pseudomonas citronelollis LA18T, a bacterium that use levulinic acid. Microbiol Resour Announc. 7(5). 2018

(7) Suenaga T, Aoyagi T, Hosomi M, Hori T, Terada A. Draft Genome Sequence of Azospira sp. Strain I13, a Nitrous Oxide-Reducing Bacterium Harboring Clade II Type nosZ. Genome Announc. 6(20). 2018

(6) Miao J, Yin Q, Hori T, Aoyagi T, Habe H, Wu G. Nitrifiers activity and community characteristics under stress conditions in partial nitrification systems treating ammonium-rich wastewater. J Environ Sci. 73:1-8. 2018

(6) Itoh H, Hori T, Sato Y, Nagayama A, Tago K, Hayatsu M, Kikuchi Y. Infection dynamics of insecticide-degrading symbionts from soil to insects in response to insecticide spraying. ISME J. 12(3):909-920. 2018

(5) Meng L, Xie L, Kinh CT, Suenaga T, Hori T, Riya S, Terada A, Hosomi M. Influence of feedstock-to-inoculum ratio on performance and microbial community succession during solid-state thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion of pig urine and rice straw. Bioresour Technol. 252:127-133. 2018

(4) Inaba T, Hori T, Sato Y, Aoyagi T, Hanajima D, Ogata A, Habe H. Eukaryotic Microbiomes of Membrane-Attached Biofilms in Membrane Bioreactors Analyzed by High-Throughput Sequencing and Microscopic Observations. Microbes Environ. 33(1):98-101. 2018

(3) Yokota N, Watanabe Y, Tokutomi T, Kiyokawa T, Hori T, Ikeda D, Song K, Hosomi M, Terada A. High-rate nitrogen removal from waste brine by marine anammox bacteria in a pilot-scale UASB reactor. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 102(3):1501-1512. 2018

(2) Inaba T, Hori T, Navarro RR, Ogata A, Hanajima D, Habe H. Revealing sludge and biofilm microbiomes in membrane bioreactor treating piggery wastewater by non-destructive microscopy and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Chem Eng J. 331:75-83. 2018

(1) Sato Y, Hamai T, Hori T, Habe H, Kobayashi M, Sakata T. Year-round Performance of a Passive Sulfate-reducing Bioreactor that Uses Rice Bran as an Organic Carbon Source to Treat Acid Mine Drainage. Mine Water Environ. 37(3):586-594. 2018


(10) Kinh CT, Suenaga T, Hori T, Riya S, Hosomi M, Smets BF, Terada A. Counter-diffusion biofilms have lower N2O emissions than co-diffusion biofilms during simultaneous nitrification and denitrification: Insights from depth-profile analysis. Water Res. 124:363-371. 2017

(9) Aoyagi T, Hamai T, Hori T, Sato Y, Kobayashi M, Sato Y, Inaba T, Ogata A, Habe H, Sakata T. Hydraulic retention time and pH affect the performance and microbial communities of passive bioreactors for treatment of acid mine drainage. AMB Express. 7:142. 2017

(8) Aoyagi T, Koike H, Morita T, Sato Y, Habe H, Hori T. Draft Genome Sequence of Geobacter pelophilus Strain Dfr2, a Ferric Iron-Reducing Bacterium. Genome Announc. 5(24). 2017

(7) Yoshino H, Suenaga T, Fujii T, Hori T, Terada A, Hosomi M. Efficacy of a high-pressure jet device for excess sludge reduction in a conventional activated sludge process: Pilot-scale demonstration. Chem Eng J. 326:78-86. 2017

(6) Fujioka T, Kodamatani H, Aizawa H, Gray S, Ishida KP, Nghiem LD, Role of membrane fouling substances on the rejection of N-nitrosamines by reverse osmosis. Water Res. 118:187. 2017

(5) Inaba T, Hori T, Aizawa H, Ogata A, Habe H. Architecture, component, and microbiome of biofilm involved in the fouling of membrane bioreactors. NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes. 3:5. 2017

(4) Fang J, Kato C, Runko GM, Nogi Y, Hori T, Li J, Morono Y, Inagaki F. Predominance of Viable Spore-Forming Piezophilic Bacteria in High-Pressure Enrichment Cultures from ~1.5 to 2.4 km-Deep Coal-Bearing Sediments below the Ocean Floor. Front Microbiol. 8:137. 2017

(3) Ihara H, Hori T, Aoyagi T, Takasaki M, Katayama Y. Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacteria Mediate Microbial Community Succession and Element Cycling in Launched Marine Sediment. Front Microbiol. 8:152. 2017

(2) Habe H, Kondo S, Sato Y, Hori T, Kanno M, Kimura N, Koike H, Kirimura K. Electrodialytic separation of levulinic acid catalytically synthesized from woody biomass for use in microbial conversion. Biotechnol Prog. 33(2):448-453. 2017

(1) Kinh CT, Ahn J, Suenaga T, Sittivorakulpong N, Noophan P, Hori T, Riya S, Hosomi M, Terada A. Free nitrous acid and pH determine the predominant ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and amount of N2O in a partial nitrifying reactor. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 101(4):1673-1683. 2017


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(9) Navarro RR, Aoyagi T, Kimura M, Itoh H, Sato Y, Kikuchi Y, Ogata A, Hori T. High-resolution dynamics of microbial communities during dissimilatory selenate reduction in anoxic soil. Environ Sci Technol. 49(13):7684-7691. 2015

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(7) Aoyagi T, Kimura M, Yamada N, Navarro RR, Itoh H, Ogata A, Sakoda A, Katayama Y, Takasaki M, Hori T. Dynamic transition of chemolithotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria in response to amendment with nitrate in deposited marine sediments. Front Microbiol. 6:426. 2015

(6) Hori T, Aoyagi T, Itoh H, Narihiro T, Oikawa A, Suzuki K, Ogata A, Friedrich MW, Conrad R, Kamagata Y. Isolation of microorganisms involved in reduction of crystalline iron(III) oxides in natural environments. Front Microbiol. 6:386. 2015

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