
 > 組織 > デバイス技術研究部門  > イベント・講演会



イベント・講演会 2015

Title The Fourth CRAVITY Symposium
Date November 19, 2015 (Thu.) 10:30-16:40
Venue Auditorium 2nd floor meeting room, AIST-Tsukuba Central 1 (Map)
Access See AIST website.
Co-sponsors Nanoelectronics Research Institute(AIST), Tsukuba Innovation Arena (TIA), Cryogenics and Superconductivity Society of Japan
Registration Fee Free admission
Outline   Superconducting electronics is one of the backbones for a broad range of science and technology. For example, high-sensitive sensors and detectors are key devices for magnetometers, spectrometers, and other measurement instruments. The superconducting devices are also attractive as digital circuits in the next generation information technology. The AIST CRAVITY is a clean room for developing both analog and digital superconducting devices, and open to the users from universities, research institutes, and industries since 2012. Superconducting devices fabricated in the CRAVITY can be supplied to not only Japanese institutes but also worldwide.
  A topic in this year is superconducting quantum computing. We invite top scientists in this field: Dr. T. Lanting (D-Wave) who introduces commercial quantum annealing machines that attracts much attentions; Dr. W. Oliver (MIT-LL) who is a head of superconducting clean room and talk about superconducting circuits for quantum information applications; Prof. Y. Nakamura (University of Tokyo) who implemented the first solid state quantum bit and explain about microwave quantum optics using superconducting circuits. In addition to these invited speakers, three CRAVITY members report recent activities in AIST.

*This timetable is subject to change.

◆09:30-  Registration

10:30-10:40  M. Hidaka (AIST) Welcome speech

10:40-11:40  T. Lanting (D-Wave)  "Overview of Quantum Annealing Processors"

11:40-12:05  S. Kohjiro (AIST) "Current Status & Perspective of Microwave Multiplexers for Readout of Superconducting Detectors"

12:05-13:20  Lunch

13:20-14:20  W. Oliver (MIT) "Superconducting Circuits for Quantum Information Applications"

14:20-15:20  Y. Nakamura (U. of Tokyo) "Microwave quantum optics using superconducting circuits"

15:20-15:40  Coffee break

15:40-16:05  M. Ohkubo (AIST) "First results of the combination of analog and digital superconducting devices for analytical instruments"

16:05-16:30  M. Hidaka (AIST) "Attempts to better Nb-based integrated circuit fabrication process"

16:30-16:40  T. Yasuda (AIST)  "Closing remarks"

16:40-17:50  Laboratory tour for CRAVITY

18:00  Banquet


Please e-mail the following information to the secretariat [cravity-sympo2-ml@aist.go.jp].
◆Deadline for application:November 12 (Thu.)





(5)E-mail Address:

(6)Symposium Participation: Select Yes or No

(7)Lab Tour Participation: Select Yes or No

(8)Banquet (1,000yen): Select Yes or No

Contact Tel: 029-861-5055
E-mail: cravity-sympo2-ml@aist.go.jp