





研究担当者:森 宣仁ら




研究担当者:赤木 祐香ら





私たちは、様々な疾患や腫瘍などの病態モデルを作製し、マルチオミクス解析を行っています。また、複数臓器を共培養するための独自のデバイスを作製し、個体の複雑な臓器間ネットワークを生体外で模倣する技術の開発に取り組んでいます。例えば、腸で吸収された食品成分等が肝臓や脳など他の臓器に与える影響等を解析することが可能です。この解析には、プロテオームやトランスクリプトーム等のオミクス解析から得られる多階層の統合情報を用います。本培養モデルは、動物実験を行わずに機能性食品素材のシーズ評価や薬剤の安全性評価が可能であり、 物質探索・評価等で連携できます。



顔写真 所属・役職および名前 専門分野 その他、etc
中島グループ長の写真 研究グループ長(兼務) 中島 信孝
  • 細菌を宿主としたバイオマスからの有用化合物生産
  • 細菌でのアンチセンスRNAの発現による遺伝子発現抑制
  • 細菌での合成アンチセンス核酸の添加による遺伝子発現抑制
木田研究グループ付の写真 研究グループ付(兼務) 木田 泰之
  • 脂肪由来間葉系幹細胞を用いた再生医療技術の開発
  • 難治性膵がんの克服に向けた関連線維芽細胞の性状解析
  • 人体組織・器官及びその相互接続の生理学的モデリング
森主任研究員の写真 主任研究員 森 宣仁
  • 灌流デバイスを用いた血管付き3次元組織の開発
  • 血管付き3次元がんモデルの開発
  • 手動顕微鏡のためのバーチャルスライド作成ソフトの開発
熊谷主任研究員の写真 主任研究員 熊谷 雄太郎
  • 自然免疫、がん免疫の分⼦レベルでの解明
  • 免疫応答のバイオインフォマティクス
  • 免疫系動作原理の数理的理解と応⽤
赤木研究員の写真 研究員 赤木 祐香
  • ラマン分光法を用いた細胞診断技術の開発
  • 動物実験代替に向けた細胞・組織培養技術の開発
  • 脳腸相関モデルの構築
竹田研究員の写真 研究員 竹田 怜央
  • 代謝機能を向上させる介入方法の開発
  • 臓器間ネットワークに関する解析
  • 疾患などの克服に向けた生体模倣システムの開発


  • Zhang, Y; Yang, W; Kumagai, Y; Loza, M; Yang, Y; Park, SJ; Nakai, K.
    In Silico Analysis Revealed Marco (SR-A6) and Abca1/2 as Potential Regulators of Lipid Metabolism in M1 Macrophage Hysteresis.
    INT J MOL SCI. 2024 Dec 26. doi:10.3390/ijms26010111
  • Kusano, T; Sotani, Y; Takeda, R; Hatano, A; Kawata, K; Kano, R; Matsumoto, M; Kano, Y; Hoshino, D.
    Time-series transcriptomics reveals distinctive mRNA expression dynamics associated with gene ontology specificity and protein expression in skeletal muscle after electrical stimulation-induced resistance exercise.
    FASEB J. 2024 Nov 30;38(22):e70153. doi:10.1096/fj.202401420RR
  • Kumagai, Y.
    BootCellNet, a resampling-based procedure, promotes unsupervised identification of cell populations via robust inference of gene regulatory networks.
    PLOS COMPUT BIOL. 2024 Sep 30;20(9):e1012480. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1012480
  • Kano, R; Kusano, T; Takeda, R; Shirakawa, H; Poole, DC; Kano, Y; Hoshino, D.
    Eccentric contraction increases hydrogen peroxide levels and alters gene expression through Nox2 in skeletal muscle of male mice.
    J APPL PHYSIOL (1985). 2024 Jul 25. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00335.2024
  • Akagi, Y; Norimoto, A; Kawamura, T; Kida, YS.
    Label-Free Assessment of Neuronal Activity Using Raman Micro-Spectroscopy.
    MOLECULES. 2024 Jul 3;29(13):3174. doi: 10.3390/molecules29133174
  • Song, X; Nihashi, Y; Imai, Y; Mori, N; Kagaya, N; Suenaga, H; Shin-Ya, K; Yamamoto, M; Setoyama, D; Kunisaki Y; Kida, YS .
    Collagen Lattice Model, Populated with Heterogeneous Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts, Facilitates Advanced Reconstruction of Pancreatic Cancer Microenvironment.
    INT J MOL SCI. 2024 Mar 27;25(7):3740. doi: 10.3390/ijms25073740
  • Sun, L; Morikawa, K; Sogo, Y; Sugiura, Y.
    MHY1485 potentiates immunogenic cell death induction and anti-cancer immunity following irradiation.
    J RADIAT RES. 2024 Feb 8:rrad107. doi: 10.1093/jrr/rrad107
  • Kishimoto, T; Nishimura, K; Morishita, K; Fukuda, A; Miyamae, Y; Kumagai, Y; Sumaru, K; Nakanishi, M; Hisatake, K; Sano, M.
    An engineered ligand-responsive Csy4 endoribonuclease controls transgene expression from Sendai virus vectors.
    J BIOL ENG. 2024 Jan 16;18(1):9. doi: 10.1186/s13036-024-00404-9
  • Zhang, Y; Yang, W; Kumagai, Y; Loza, M; Zhang, W; Park, SJ; Nakai, K.
    Multi-omics computational analysis unveils the involvement of AP-1 and CTCF in hysteresis of chromatin states during macrophage polarization.
    FRONT IMMUNOL. 2023 Dec 20;14:1304778. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1304778
  • Song, X; Nihashi, Y; amamoto, M; Setoyama, D; Kunisaki, Y; Kida, YS.
    Exploring the Role of Desmoplastic Physical Stroma in Pancreatic Cancer Progression Using a Three-Dimensional Collagen Matrix Model.
    BIOENGINEERING (Basel). 2023 Dec 18;10(12):1437. doi: 10.3390/bioengineering10121437
  • Akagi, Y; Takayama, Y; Nihashi, Y; Yamashita, A; Yoshida, R; Miyamoto, Y; Kida, YS.
    Functional engineering of human iPSC-derived parasympathetic neurons enhances responsiveness to gastrointestinal hormones.
    FEBS OPEN BIO. 2023 Nov 27. doi: 10.1002/2211-5463.13741
  • Ishioka, M; Nihashi, Y; Sunagawa, Y; Umezawa, K; Shimosato, T; Kagami, H; Morimoto, T; Takaya, T.
    Myogenetic Oligodeoxynucleotide Induces Myocardial Differentiation of Murine Pluripotent Stem Cells.
    INT J MOL SCI. 2023 Sep 21;24(18):14380. doi: 10.3390/ijms241814380
  • Nihashi, Y, Song, X; Yamamoto, M; Setoyama, D; Kida, YS.
    Decoding Metabolic Symbiosis between Pancreatic Cancer Cells and Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts Using Cultured Tumor Microenvironment.
    INT J MOL SCI. 2023 Jul 3;24(13):11015. doi: 10.3390/ijms241311015
  • Takayama, Y, Akagi, Y, Kida, YS.
    Deciphering the Molecular Mechanisms of Autonomic Nervous System Neuron Induction through Integrative Bioinformatics Analysis.
    INT J MOL SCI. 2023 May 21;24(10):9053. doi: 10.3390/ijms24109053
  • Kumagai, Y; Saito, Y; Kida, YS.
    A multiomics atlas of brown adipose tissue development over time.
    ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2023 Apr 21:bqad064. doi: 10.1210/endocr/bqad064
  • Sogo, T; Nakao, S; Tsukamoto, T; Ueyama, T; Harada, Y; Ihara, D; Ishida, T; Nakahara, M; Hasegawa, K; Akagi, Y; Kida, YS; Nakagawa, O; Nagamune, T; Kawahara, M; Kawamura, T.
    Canonical Wnt signaling activation by chimeric antigen receptors for efficient cardiac differentiation from mouse embryonic stem cells.
    INFLAMM REGEN. 2023 Feb 10;43(1):11. doi: 10.1186/s41232-023-00258-6
  • Nohira, N; Shinji, S; Nakamura, S; Nihashi, Y; Shimosato, T; Takaya, T.
    Myogenetic Oligodeoxynucleotides as Anti-Nucleolin Aptamers Inhibit the Growth of Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma Cells.
    BIOMEDICINES. 2022 Oct 25;10(11):2691. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10112691
  • Imai, Y;Mori, N; Nihashi, Y; Kumagai, Y; Shibuya, Y; Oshima, J; Sasaki, M; Sasaki, K; Aihara, Y; Sekido, M; Kida, YS.
    Therapeutic Potential of Adipose Stem Cell-Derived Conditioned Medium on Scar Contraction Model.
    BIOMEDICINES. 2022 Sep 24;10(10):2388. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10102388
  • Sugisawa, E; Kondo, T; Kumagai, Y; Kato, H; Takayama, Y; Isohashi, K; Shimosegawa, E; Takemura, N; Hayashi, Y; Sasaki, T; Martino, MM; Tominaga, M; Maruyama, K.
    Nociceptor-derived Reg3γ prevents endotoxic death by targeting kynurenine pathway in microglia.
    CELL REP. 2022 Mar 8;38(10):110462. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110462
  • Miyazaki, Y; Mori, N; Akagi, Y; Oda, T; Kida, YS.
    Potential Metabolite Markers for Pancreatic Cancer Identified by Metabolomic Analysis of Induced Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts.
    CANCERS. 2022 Mar 8;14(6):1375. doi: 10.3390/cancers14061375
  • Akagi, Y; Mori, N; Kawamura, T; Takayama, Y; Kida, YS.
    Non-invasive cell classification using the Paint Raman Express Spectroscopy System (PRESS)
    SCI REP. 2021 Apr 23;11(1):8818. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-88056-3
  • Mori, N; Kida, YS.
    Applicability of Artificial Vascularized Liver Tissue to Proteomic Analysis.
    MICROMACHINES (Basel). 2021 Apr 11;12(4):418. doi: 10.3390/mi12040418
  • Miyazaki Y, Oda T, Inagaki Y, Kushige H, Saito Y, Mori N, Takayama Y, Kumagai Y, Mitsuyama T, Kida YS
    Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells differentiate into heterogeneous cancer-associated fibroblasts in a stroma-rich xenograft model.
    SCI REP. 2021 Feb 25;11(1):4690. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-84058-3
  • Kumagai Y, Hirasawa T, Wachi M
    Requirement of the LtsA Protein for Formation of the Mycolic Acid-Containing Layer on the Cell Surface of Corynebacterium glutamicum.
    MICROORGANISMS. 2021 Feb 16;9(2):409. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9020409
  • Baba T, Takagi T, Sumaru K, Kanamori T, Dewa T, Nango M
    Membrane properties of ether-type phosphatidylcholine bearing partially fluorinated C(18)-monoacetylenic chains and their applicability to membrane protein reconstitution matrices
    Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 2020 Nov 13:111459. doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2020.111459
  • Takayama Y, Akagi Y, Shibuya Y, Kida YS
    Exposure to small molecule cocktails allows induction of neural crest lineage cells from human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells
    PLoS One. ;15(10):e0241125. (2020)doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0241125
  • Miyazaki Y, Oda T, Mori N, Kida YS
    Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells differentiate into pancreatic cancer-associated fibroblasts in vitro
    FEBS Open Bio. 2020 Sep 15. (2020) doi: 10.1002/2211-5463.12976
  • Mori N, Kida YS
    Expression of genes involved in drug metabolism differs between perfusable 3D liver tissue and conventional 2D-cultured hepatocellular carcinoma cells
    FEBS Open Bio. 0 (2020) Aug 14. doi: 10.1002/2211-5463.12948
  • Maruyama K, Kidoya H, Takemura N, Sugisawa E, Takeuchi O, Kondo T, Eid MMA, Tanaka H, Martino MM, Takakura N, Takayama Y, Akira S, Vandenbon A, Kumagai Y
    Zinc Finger Protein St18 Protects against Septic Death by Inhibiting VEGF-A from Macrophages
    Cell Rep. 32: 107906 (2020) doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2020.107906
  • Sugisawa E, Takayama Y, Takemura N, Kondo T, Hatakeyama S, Kumagai Y, Sunagawa M, Tominaga M, Maruyama K
    RNA Sensing by Gut Piezo1 Is Essential for Systemic Serotonin Synthesis
    Cell. 8674: 30754-6 (2020) doi:10.1016/j.cell.2020.06.022
  • Takayama Y, Kushige H, Akagi Y, Suzuki Y, Kumagai Y, Kida YS*
    Selective induction of Human Autonomic neurons enables precise control of cardiomyocyte Beating
    Sci Rep.10: 9464 (2020) doi:10.1038/s41598-020-66303-3
  • Mori N, Akagi Y, Imai Y, Takayama Y, Kida YS*
    Fabrication of Perfusable Vascular Channels and Capillaries in 3D Liver-like Tissue
    Sci Rep. 10: 5646 (2020) doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-62286-3
  • Baba T, Takagi T, Sumaru K, Kanamori T
    Effect of the fluorination degree of partially fluorinated octyl-phosphocholine surfactants on their interfacial properties and interactions with purple membrane as a membrane protein model
    Chemistry And Physics Lipids 227 0: 0 (2020) doi: 10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2020.104870
  • Marx U, Akabane T, Andersson TB, Baker E, Beilmann M, Beken S, Brendler-Schwaab S, Cirit M, David R, Dehne EM, Durieux I, Ewart L, Fitzpatrick SC, Frey O, Fuchs F, Griffith LG, Hamilton GA, Hartung T, Hoeng J, Hogberg H, Hughes DJ, Ingber DE, Iskandar A, Kanamori T, Kojima H, Kuehnl J, Leist M, Li B, Loskill P, Mendrick DL, Neumann T, Pallocca G, Rusyn I, Smirnova L, Steger-Hartmann T, Tagle DA, Tonevitsky A, Tsyb S, Trapecar M, Van de Water B, Van den Eijnden-van Raaij J, Vulto P, Watanabe K, Wolf A, Zhou X, Roth A
    Biology-inspired microphysiological systems to advance patient benefit and animal welfare in drug development
    Altex. 12: 0 (2020) doi: 10.14573/altex.2001241
  • Komatsu H, Sakai K, Baba T, Takagi T, Kanamori T
    Aggregation behavior of short-chained archaeal phospholipid analogs: Contribution methyl branches to lipid hydrophobicity and membrane formability
    Colloid And Interface Science Communications 129: 3827-3832 (2019) doi: 10.1016/j.colcom.2019.100200
  • Shimoaka T, Sonoyama M, Amii H, Takagi T, Kanamori T, Hasegawa T
    Raman Optical Activity on a Solid Sample: Identification of Atropisomers of Perfluoroalkyl Chains Having a Helical Conformation and No Chiral Center
    J. Physical Chemistry A 123: 3985-3991 (2019) doi: 10.1021/acs.jpca.8b11613
  • Ishida S, Kanamori T
    Microphysiological system as a promising technology for drug assay
    Nihon Yakurigaku Zasshi. 154: 345-351 (2019) doi: 10.1254/fpj.154.345
  • Kise R, Fukumi A, Shioya N, Shimoaka T, Sonoyama M, Amii H, , Takagi T, Kanamori T, Eda K, Hasegawa T
    Fluorous Property of a Short Perfluoroalkyl-Containing Compound Realized by Self-Assembled Monolayer Technique on a Silicon Substrate
    Bulletin The Chemical Society Japan 92: 785-789 (2019) doi: 10.1246/bcsj.20180356
  • Tsukamoto T, Sogo T, Ueyama T, Nakao S, Harada Y, Ihara D, Akagi, Y, Kida YS, Hasegawa K, Nagamune T, Kawahara M*, Kawamura T*
    Chimeric G-CSF Receptor-Mediated STAT3 Activation Contributes to Efficient Induction of Cardiomyocytes from Mouse Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
    Biotechnology J. 93: 10 (2019) doi: 10.1002/biot.201900052
  • Takahashi H, Yoshino M, Morita K, Takagi T, Yokoyama Y, Kikukawa T, Amii H, Kanamori T, Sonoyama M
    Stability of the two-dimensional lattice of bacteriorhodopsin reconstituted in partially fluorinated phosphatidylcholine bilayers
    Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr. 1861: 631-642 (2019) doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2018.12.015
  • Hayashi Y, Matsumoto J, Kumagai S, Morishita K, Xiang L, Kobori Y, Hori S, Suzuki M, Kanamori T, Hotta K, Sumaru K
    Automated adherent cell elimination by a high-speed laser mediated by a light-responsive polymer
    Commun Biol. 1: 218 (2018) doi: 10.1038/s42003-018-0222-4
  • Mori N, Morimoto Y, Takeuchi S*
    Perfusable and stretchable 3D culture system for skin-equivalent
    Biofabrication. 11: 011001 (2018) doi: 10.1088/1758-5090/aaed12
  • Vandenbon A#, Kumagai Y#, Lin M, Suzuki Y, Nakai K*
    Waves of chromatin modifications in mouse dendritic cells in response to LPS stimulation
    Genome Biol. 19: 138 (2018) doi: 10.1186/s13059-018-1524-z
  • Maruyama K*, Takayama Y, Sugisawa E, Yamanoi Y, Yokawa T, Kondo T, Ishibashi KI, Sahoo BR, Takemura N, Mori Y, Kanemaru H, Kumagai Y, Martino MM, Yoshioka Y, Nishijo H, Tanaka H, Sasaki A, Ohno N, Iwakura Y, Moriyama Y, Nomura M, Akira S, Tominaga M*
    The ATP Transporter VNUT Mediates Induction of Dectin-1-Triggered Candida Nociception
    iScience. 0: 0 (2018) doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2018.08.007
  • Wagatsuma A*, Takayama Y, Hoshino T, Shiozuka M, Yamada S, Matsuda R, Mabuchi K
    Pharmacological targeting of HSP90 with 17-AAG induces apoptosis of myogenic cells through activation of the intrinsic pathway
    Mol Cell Biochem. 163: 170-182 (2018) doi: 10.1007/s11010-017-3250-3
  • Sumaru K, Takagi T, Morishita K, Satoh T, Kanamori T
    Fabrication of pocket-like hydrogel microstructures through photolithography
    St Matter 14: 5710-5714 (2018) doi: 10.1039/c8sm00865e
  • Sumaru K, Takagi T, Morishita K, Kanamori T
    Photoresponsive Aqueous Dissolution of Poly( N-Isopropylacrylamide) Functionalized with o-Nitrobenzaldehyde through Phase Transition
    Biomacromolecules. 19: 2913-2922 (2018) doi: 10.1021/acs.biomac.8b00470
  • Hayashi Y, Matsumoto J, Kumagai S, Morishita K, Xiang L, Kobori Y, Hori S, Suzuki M, Kanamori T, Hotta K, Sumaru K
    Automated adherent cell elimination by a high-speed laser mediated by a light-responsive polymer
    Commun Biol. 0: 0 (2018) doi: 10.1038/s42003-018-0222-4
  • Sumaru K, Takagi T, Satoh T, Kanamori T
    Photo- and Thermoresponsive Dehydration of Spiropyran-Functionalized Polymer Regulated by Molecular Recognition
    Macromol Rapid Commun. 39: 0 (2018) doi: 10.1002/marc.201700234
  • Ito N, Katoh K, Kushige H, Saito Y, Umemoto T, Matsuzaki Y, Kiyonari H, Kobayashi D, Soga M, Era T, Araki N, Furuta Y, Suda T, Kida Y, Ohta K*
    Ribosome Incorporation into Somatic Cells Promotes Lineage Transdifferentiation towards Multipotency
    Sci Rep. 8: 1634 (2018) doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-20057-1
  • Ueyama T, Nakao S, Tsukamoto T, Ihara D, Harada Y, Akagi Y, Nakagawa S, Kida YS, Sogo T and Kawamura T*
    PTEN/Akt Axis is Involved in Somatic Cell Reprogramming to Mouse iPS Cells
    Biomed J Sci & Tech. Res. 11: 5 (2018) DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.11.002162
  • Shimoaka T, Sonoyama M, Amii H, Takagi T, Kanamori T, Hasegawa T
    Study of Perfluoroalkyl Chain-Specific Band Shift in Infrared Spectra on the Chain Length
    J. Physical Chemistry A 121: 8425-8431 (2017) doi: 10.1021/acs.jpca.7b08940
  • Sumaru K, Morishita K, Takagi T, Satoh T, Kanamori T
    Sectioning of cultured cell monolayer using photo-acid-generating substrate and micro-patterned light projection
    European Polymer J. 121: 16964-16969 (2017) doi: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2017.02.021
  • Watanabe Y, Miyasaka KY, Kubo A, Kida YS, Nakagawa O, Hirate Y, Sasaki H, Ogura T*
    Notch and Hippo signaling converge on Strawberry Notch 1 (Sbno1) to synergistically activate Cdx2 during specification of the trophectoderm
    Sci Rep. 0: 0 (2017) doi: 10.1038/srep46135
  • Kondo Y, Yada Y, Haga T, Takayama Y, Isomura T, Jimbo Y, Fukayama O, Hoshino T*, Mabuchi K
    Temporal relation between neural activity and neurite pruning on a numerical model and a microchannel device with micro electrode array
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 486: 539-544 (2017) doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2017.03.082
  • Takayama Y#, Wakabayashi T#, Kushige H, Saito Y, Shibuya Y, Shibata S, Akamatsu W, Okano H, Kida YS*
    Brief Exposure to Small Molecules Allows Induction of Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts Into Neural Crest-Like Precursors
    FEBS Lett. 591: 590-602 (2017) doi: 10.1002/1873-3468.12572

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