Biomedical Research Division Overview
Biomedical Research Institute aims not only to solve social issues through research and development, especially to meet social needs related to health and medical care, but also to contribute to the realization of a healthy and long-lasting society by promoting human resource development through research and development.
Research strategy
Researchers position themselves in research ("Elucidation of biological functions", "Measurement of biological functions", "Application of biological functions"), define research objectives, achieve the goals efficiently, and endeavor to disseminate the results widely. The management of Biomedical Research Institute encourages to sprout individual research seeds based on ideas that emerge from individual interests, which are the hallmarks of life science and biotechnology research. The management also integrates and translates research results to increase their value. At the same time, the management actively builds a system to develop seeds well, and researchers of the Institute perform devote themselves to their research to establish their own technologies and to publish results. In addition, Biomedical Research Institute actively holds events to promote external cooperation, searches for corporate needs, and uses them as bridging links. In order to implement biomedical research in society, medical cooperation is important, so we promote cooperation with external medical schools and medical research institutions.
Human resource development
Researchers acquire and improve the skills necessary for the implementation of research strategies according to the appropriateness and their age, and contribute to the implementation of our institute’s research strategies. Unique research technology will be inherited from generation to generation as our legend in Biomedical Research Institute, and the next generation develops and expands, which maintains sustainably our competitive research activities. In addition to the R & D activities, we further refine our own management, coordination, and crisis management skills needed to promote research in a project team. Taken together, we accelerate to realize our ideal goals by our united efforts with the comprehensive strength of Biomedical Research Institute with our sharpened unique research activities and attractive personalities