Toward a "Zero-emission Society"

Exective Officer,
Director General
Haruhiko Obara

Our mission is to develop “low carbon society” with “sustainable harmonization of industry and environment”, which corresponds to current international challenges to energy and environmental issues, for example Paris agreement and SDGs. To promote green innovation, AIST is developing technologies for increased use of alternative energy technologies, such as renewable energy sources that reduce greenhouse gas emissions (energy creation), high-density storage of energy (energy storage), highly efficient conversion and use of energy (energy saving), effective utilization of energy resources, and evaluation and reduction of environmental risk.


Green Innovations on Energy, Environment, and Resources for Sustainable Society

  • Energy conversion/storage/conservation
  • Novel materials and processes
  • Environmental risk management and industrial safety science


Organization Chart

Department of Energy and Environment
● Research Planning Office of Energy and Environment
● Collaboration Promotion Office of Energy and Environment
● Research Planning Office of Zero emission
  • Cooperative Research Laboratories
    • Shimizu-AIST Zero Emission Hydrogen town Cooperative Research Laboratory
    • Hitachi Zosen - AIST Collaborative Research Laboratory for Sustainable Green Energy Production




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