Paper List(02-05)
1. H.
Harano, T. Matsumoto, Y. Shibata, Y. Ito, A. Uritani and K. Kudo:
Improvement of Photon Collection Uniformity from an NE213 Scintillator
Using a Light Guide;IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. (in printing).
2. T.
Matsumoto, A. Uritani, H. Harano and K. Kudo: Fast Neutron Spectrometer
Composed of PSPCs and Si(Li)-SSDs with Excellent Energy Resolution and
Detection Efficiency; IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. (in printing).
3. K. Kudo, A. Uritani, H. Harano, T. Matsumoto and Y. Toda: Neutron measurements traceable to international system of units and international Key Comparisons performed by National Metrology Laboratores;Ionizing Radiation,
31, p.105-110 (2005)(in Japanese)
1. K.
Kudo, A. Uritani: Ideal response functions of a He-3 proportional counter
to thermal neutrons determined by different length counters; Nucl.
Instr. Methods, B213, p.305-309 (2004).
2. H.
Harano, T. Matsumoto, Y. Ito, A. Uritani and K. Kudo: Characterization of
Gamma Rays Existing in The NMIJ Standard Neutron Field; Radiat. Prot.
Dosim., 110, p.69-72 (2004).
3. T.
Matsumoto, H. Harano, Y. Ito, A. Uritani, K. Emi and K. Kudo: Development
of Fast Neutron Spectrometer Composed of Silicon-SSD and Position-Sensitive
Proportional Counters; Radiat. Prot. Dosim., 110, 223-226
4. Y.
Ito, G. Katano, H. Harano, T. Matsumoto, A. Uritani, K. Kudo, K. Kobayashi,
T. Yoshimoto, Y. Sakurai and T. Kobayashi: Development of a Tiny Neutron
Probe with an Optical Fiber for BNCT; Radiat. Prot. Dosim., 110,
p.619-622 (2004).
1. A.
Uritani, J. I. Pyon, K. Kudo, K. Kobayashi, T. Yoshimoto, Y. Sakurai, T.
Kobayashi, C. Mori: Characterization of a Thermal Neutron Field at the
Heavy Water Neutron Irradiation Facility of the Kyoto University Reactor; Proceedings
of the 11th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, p.340 (2003).
1. K.
Kudo, H. Toyokawa, N. Takeda, S. Koshikawa, M. Matzke: Photon spectrometry
in thermal neutron standard field; Nucl. Instr. Methods, A476,
p.213-217 (2002).
1. M.
Ishikawa(Tokyo Univ.), K. Ono, Y. Sakurai, H. Unesaki, A. Uritani, G. Bengua, T.
Kobayashi, K. Tanaka and T. Kosako: Development of real-time thermal
neutron monitor using boron-loaded plastic scintillator with optical fiber
for boron neutron capture therapy; Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 61,
p.775-779 (2004).
2. Y.
Tanimura(JAERI), M. Yoshizawa, J. Saegusa, K. Fujii, S. Shimizu, M. Yoshida,
Y. Shibata, A. Uritani, and K. Kudo: Construction of 144, 565 keV and 5.0
MeV monoenergetic neutron calibration fields at JAERI ; Radiat. Prot.
Dosim., 110, p.85-89 (2004).
3. S.
Goko(Konan Univ.), H. Toyokawa, M. Koike, K. Watanabe, T. Zama, H. Ikeura, N.
Saito, Y. Morishita, K. Awazu, A. Uritani, I. Suzuki, T. Saito, M. Ohkubo,
T. Mikado, K. Yamada: Present Status of AIST Electron Storage Ring TERAS; Proceedings
of the 1st Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan and the
29th Linear Accelerator Meeting in Japan, p.203-205 (2004).
4. K.Y.
Hara(KOnan Univ.), T. Utsunomiya, S. Goko, H. Akimune, T. Yamagara, M. Ohta, H.
Toyokawa, K. Kudo, A. Uritani, Y. Shibata, Y.-W. Lui, H. Ohgaki:
Photodisintegration of Deuterium; Proceedings of the 2003 Symposium on
Nuclear Data, 3.6 (2003).
5. H.
Ohgaki(kyoto Univ.), T. Tomimasu, S. Koda, Y. Iwasaki, H. Toyokawa, K. Kudo: DESIGN
2003, p. 2387 (2004).
1. K.Y.
Hara(Konan Univ.), T. Utsunomiya, S. Goko, H. Akimune, T. Yamagara, M. Ohta, H.
Toyokawa, K. Kudo, A. Uritani, Y. Shibata, Y.-W. Lui, H. Ohgaki:
Photodisintegration of Deuterium and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis ; Phys.
Rev. D, 68, 072001-1 (2003).
2. N.
Yamamura(Nagoya Univ.), A. Uritani, K. Watanabe, J. Kawarabayashi and T. Iguchi:
Development of three-dimensional gamma camera with imaging plates and
multi-pinhole collimators; Nucl. Instr. Methods, B505, p.577
4. T.
Matsuzaki(RIKEN), K. Nagamine, N. Kawamura, Y. Matsuda, S.N. Nakamura, M.
Kato, H.Sugai, M. Tanase, K. Kudo and N. Takeda: Evidence fro strong
n-alpha correlations in the t+t reaction proved by the neutron energy
distribution of muon catalyzed t-t fusion; Phys. Letter, B557,
176 (2003).
2. H.
Toyokowa(AIST), H. Ohgaki, K. Kudo, N. Takeda, T. Mikado and K. Yamada: Laser-Compton Photon Radiography for
Nondestructive Test of Bulk Materials; Proceedings of SPIE, 4508,
202 (2002).
 Quantum Radiation Division