Introduction of Our Activities

Development and supply of matrix-type reference materials
 The present group is developing matrix-type reference materials which are useful for validation and quality control in environmental and food analysis, as well as technical education for analysts. These reference materials are produced by a management system based on ISO Guide 34, and metrological traceability for the reference materials have been established. Abilities for analysis of the present group have been confirmed to be equivalent to those of metrology institute of other countries through participation in international comparative tests and thus, the reference materials are internationally recognized. In the present group, development of basic technologies used for the development of new standard materials are also developing.
Development and advancement of techniques for elemental analyses
 In the present group, analytical technics and devices which are useful to ensure reliability of elemental analyses are developing. Co-development of analytical devises with private companies are also carried out. Currently, we are working on the following research themes.
・Development of new primary measurement cell for electrolytic conductivity lower than1 mS/m
 Electrolytic conductivity (EC) is utilized for evaluation of water quality in wide industrial field. EC of purer water (below 0.01 S/m), which is lower than tap water, is considered to be in high demand for measurement. NMIJ has a primary measurement cell, "Jones-type cell", which is suitable for measuring EC above 0.01 S/m; however, NMIJ does not have a measurement method for EC lower than 0.01 S/m with SI traceability. In order to break down the current situation, we are trying to develop new primary measurement cell with SI tracability, specialized for the measurement of EC lower than 1 mS/m.
・Development of Analytical Systems for the Characterization of Nanoparticles by Single Particle ICP-MS
 Single particle ICP-MS (spICP-MS) is a relatively new technique that enables determination of the particle number concentration and size of metal-based nanoparticles (NPs). It has been being widely used as a tool for the characterization of NPs in various NP-containing products, investigation of NP behavior in the environment, and so on. We are developing analytical systems (such as novel sample introduction systems) to provide more reliable and simple measurement of the particle number concentration and size of NPs by spICP-MS.

・Development and Application of an Automatic pH Adjustment Instrument
 The pH condition of the sample solution is one of the key factors influencing the results obtained by solid phase extraction. The optimum pH condition varies with the targeting element and the functional group of the resins. In many cases, the precision for pH adjustment requires a precise control of H+ concentration at a concentration level of 10−6 mol L−1. At the same time, it is extremely important to avoid contamination of targeting elements during the operation of pH adjustment. The aims of the present research are the development and the promulgation of automatic pH adjustment instrument enabling accurate and precise pH adjustment and avoiding contamination of targeting elements.