地震テクトニクス研究グループ Seismotectonic Research Group 

Update History


Date Category Content
Publication Yasunori Sawaki, Yoshihiro Ito, Emmanuel Soliman M. Garcia, Ayumu Miyakawa, and Takuo Shibutani
Deep plutonic bodies over low-frequency earthquakes revealed from receiver-side Green's functions, Tectonophysics, Volume 892, 6 December 2024, 230536,(Open Access)
Conference 日本地震学会秋季大会(新潟10月21日‐23日)に参加しました.(内出, 椎名,寒河江,佐脇, Admore)
Joined the Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan in Niigata. (Uchide, Shiina, Sagae, Sawaki and Admore)
Conference International Workshop on Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes 2024(別府)に参加しました.(寒河江,佐脇)
Joined International Workshop on Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes 2024  (Beppu). ( Sagae, Sawaki)
2024-09-08 Conference 日本地質学会第131年学術大会(山形)に参加しました.(大橋,喜多,大森)
Joined the 131th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan (Yamagata). ( Ohashi, Kita, and Omori)
Publication Takahiro Shiina, Yuta Amezawa, Haruo Horikawa, Kazutoshi Imanishi, Takahiko Uchide, Deep crustal fluids and their relation to cutoff depths of crustal earthquakes in the North Ibaraki area of northeastern Japan inferred from reflected S-waves, Tectonophysics, Volume 885, 22 August 2024, 230415,
Conference 日本地球惑星科学連合2024年大会(千 葉 5月26日-31日)に参加しました. (高橋,重松,堀川, 浦田,椎名, 寒河江, 佐脇, Admore)
JpGU Meeting 2024 in Chiba on May 26-31 (Takahashi, Shigematsu, Horikawa, Urata, Shiina, Sagae, Sawaki, and Admore)
Manami Kitamura, Miki Takahashi, Norio Shigematsu, Slow failure during faulting and formation of a porous framework under hydrothermal conditions: Role of feldspar sintering in granitoids, Geothermics, Volume 120, 2024, 102995,
Qi Wang , Takamoto Okudaira, Norio Shigematsu, 2024, Dominant slip systems of quartz under lower amphibolite-facies conditions identified from microstructures and CPOs in quartz phenocrysts. Journal of Structural Geology, 105106,
2024-02-07 Publication Takayuki Nagata, Yusuke Mukuhira, Jingyi Sun, Hirokazu Moriya, Takahiro Shiina, Taku Nonomura
Polarization Analysis in Time–Frequency Domain by Complex Spectral Matrix: Application to Various Phases of Seismogram, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 62, 2024, 5903915,
2024-01-24 Conference AGU Fall Meeting 2023 on Dec. 11-13 in San Francisco (Shiina, Sagae, and Sawaki)
2023-11-02 Conference 日本地震学会秋季大会(10月31日-11月2日,横浜)(堀川,浦田,椎名,寒 河江,佐脇)
Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan in Yokohama on October 31 - November 2 (Horikawa, Urata, Shiina, Sagae, and Sawaki)
2023-09-21 Publication Thomas Yeo, Norio Shigematsu, Takuma Katori
Dynamically recrystallized grains identified via the application of Gaussian mixture model to EBSD data, Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 167, 2023, 104800, ISSN 0191-8141,
2023-09-19 Conference 地質情報展きょうと・日本地質学会第130年学術大会(9月15-19日,京都) (堀川,内出,Yeo)
Geological Exhibition Kyoto and the 130th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan in Kyoto on September 15-19 (Horikawa, Uchide, and Yeo)
2023-09-15 Conference International Joint Workshop on Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes on September 13-15 (Takahashi, Uchide, Sagae, Sawaki, and Yeo)
2023-09-01 Personnel 雨澤勇太産総研特別研究員が東京工業大学へ異動.
AIST postdoctorial researcher, AMEZAWA Yuta, moved to Tokyo Institute of Technology.
2023-06-09 Conference 人工知能学会(6月6-9日,熊本)(内出)
JSAI 2023 on June 6-9 in Kumamoto (Uchide)
2023-05-30 Conference 日本地球惑星科学連合2023年大会(5月30日-6月6日 千葉/オン ライン)(高橋,重松,堀川,内出,浦田,椎名,雨澤,寒河江,佐脇,Yeo)
JpGU Meeting 2023 in Chiba and online on May 30 - June 6 (Takahashi, Shigematsu, 8Horikawa, Uchide, Urata, Shiina, Amezawa, Sagae, Sawaki, and Yeo)
2023-04-01 Personnel 佐脇泰典産総研特別研究員が着任.
AIST postdoctorial researcher, SAWAKI Yasunori, joined.
2023-03-17 Conference Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes in Taiwan on March 13-17 (Uchide and Sagae)
2022-10-26 Conference 日本地震学会秋季大会 (10月24日-26日 札幌) (堀川,内出,浦田,椎名,雨澤,寒河江)
SSJ Fall Meeting on Oct. 24-26 (Horikawa, Uchide, Urata, Shiina,Amezawa, Sagae)
2022-09-17 Excursion Post-meeting Field Trip of International Joint Workshop on Slow-to-Fast in Nara(Shigematsu, Sagae, and Yeo)
2022-09-16 Conference International Joint Workshop on Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes in Nara on September 14-16 (Uchide and Sagae)
2022-09-08 Conference 2022年度統計関連学会連合大会 (9月4日-8日 東京) (内出)
Japanese Federation of Statistical Science Associations on September 4-8 in Tokyo (Uchide)
2022-09-06 Conference 日本地質学会第129年学術大会(9月4-6日,東京)(重松,Yeo)
The 129th Annual Meetng of the Geological Society of Japan on Sep. 4-6 (Shigematsu and Yeo)
2022-08-16 Publication Kohtaro Ujiie, Kazuya Noro, Norio Shigematsu, Åke Fagereng, Naoki Nishiyama, Christopher J. Tulley, Haruna Masuyama, Yasushi Mori, Hiroyuki Kagi
DMegathrust shear modulated by albite metasomatism in subduction mélanges. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23, e2022GC010569.
2022-06-14 Publication プレスリリース 日本内陸部のストレスマップを公開(内出)
Press release Detailed nationwide crustal stress field (Uchide)
2022-06-13 Publication Suguru Yabe, Yohei Hamada, Rina Fukuchi, Shunichi Nomura, Norio Shigematsu
Quantitative logging data clustering with hidden Markov model to assist log unit classification. Earth Planets Space 74, 93 (2022).
2022-06-11 Publication Norio Shigematsu, You Zhou, Hideki Hyuga, Yu-ichi Yoshizawa, Masanori Kido
Fabrication of dense albite aggregates by hot pressing. Prog Earth Planet Sci 9, 34 (2022).
2022-06-03 Conference 日本地球惑星科学連合2022年大会(5月22日-6月3日 千葉/オン ライン)(高橋,重松堀川,内出,浦田,椎名,雨澤,寒河江,Yeo)
JpGU Meeting 2022 in Chiba and online on May 22 - June 3 (Takahashi, Shigematsu, Horikawa, Uchide, Urata, Shiina, Amezawa, Sagae, and Yeo)
2022-04-01 Personnel 雨澤勇太産総研特別研究員・寒河江晧大産総研特別研究員が着任.
AIST postdoctorial researchers, AMEZAWA Yuta and SAGAE Kodai, joined.
2021-12-21 Conference AGU Fall Meeting 2021 (New Orleans & Online Everywhere)(Uchide and Urata)
2021-12-21 Publication Takuma Katori, Norio Shigematsu, Jun Kameda, Ayumu Miyakawa, Risa Matsumura, 3D fault-zone architecture across the brittle–plastic transition along the Median Tectonic Line, SW Japan: Fault-rock characterization, Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 153, 2021, 104446, (IF=3.571)
2021-11-01 Publication STAR-Eプロジェクト,地震本部ニュース2021年秋号( に掲載
STAR-E (Seismology TowArd Research innovation with data of Earthquake) Project was introduced in the autumn 2021 issue of the Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion News (in Japanese).
2021-10-25 Conference 日本地震学会秋季大会 (10月14日-16日 オンライン) (内出,浦田,椎名)
SSJ Fall Meeting on Oct. 14-16 (Uchide, Urata, Shiina)
2021-10-25 Conference 日本地質学会第128年学術大会 名古屋大会 (9月4日-6日 オンライン) (高橋,重松)
The 128th Annual Meetng of the Geological Society of Japan on Sep. 4-6 (Takahashi and Shigematsu)
2021-06-08 Publication Keisuke Yano, Takahiro Shiina, Sumito Kurata, Aitaro Kato, Fumiyasu Komaki, Shin’ichi Sakai, and Naoshi Hirata (2021)
Graph-partitioning based convolutional neural network for earthquake detection using a seismic array, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, (IF=3.639)
2021-06-08 Conference 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会(5月30日-6月6日 オンライ ン)(重松,内出,浦田,椎名,Yeo)
JpGU Meeting 2021 online on May 30 - June 6 (Shigematsu, Uchide, Urata, Shiina, Yeo)
2021-04-15 Outreach 地質標本館特別展「日本列島ストレスマップ-地震観測とAIで読み解く全国の地殻応力場-」(会期2021年4月27日~8月1日)
Special Exhibition "Stress Map of the Japanese Islands" at the Geological Museum (April 27, 2021 - August 1, 2021)
2020-04-01 Personnel 堀川晴央主任研究員・浦田優美主任研究員が着任.
Senior researchers, HORIKAWA Haruo and URATA Yumi, joined.
2021-03-31 Publication 今西和俊・内出崇彦・椎名高裕・松下レイケン・中井未里
中国地域の地殻内応力マップ,地質調査研究報告,第72巻,第1号,p. 23–40, 2021
Kazutoshi Imanishi, Takahiko Uchide, Takahiro Shiina, Reiken Matsushita and Misato Nakai (2021)
Construction of the Crustal Stress Map in Chugoku Region, western Japan. Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan, vol. 72 (1), p.23–40.
2021-02-10 Publication T. Shiina, T. Maeda, M. Kano, A. Kato, N. Hirata (2021)
An Optimum 2D Seismic‐Wavefield Reconstruction in Densely and Nonuniformly Distributed Stations: The Metropolitan Seismic Observation Network in Japan. Seismological Research Letters 2021. (IF=3.131)
T. Shiina,K. Katsumata, K. Yomogida, A. Kato (2021)
Attenuation contrast in mantle wedge across the volcanic front of northeastern Japan that controls propagations of high-frequency S-wave later phases, Earth, Planets and Space, 73, 33 (2021). (IF=2.736)
2021-12-21 Conference AGU Fall Meeting 2020 on Dec. 1-17 Online (Uchide and Shiina)
2020-11-19 Publication M. Mizera, T. Little, C. Boulton, D. Prior, E. Watson, J. Biemiller, J. White , Norio Shigematsu (2020)
Slow-to-fast deformation in mafic fault rocks on an active low-angle normal fault, Woodlark Rift, SE Papua New Guinea Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21, e2020GC009171 (IF=3.000)
2020-11-01 Conference 日本地震学会秋季大会 (10月29日-31日 オンライン) (内出,椎名)
SSJ Fall Meeting on Oct. 29-31 (Uchide and Shiina)
2020-09-10 Outreach 地震学夏の学校(内出)
Summer School of Seismology (Uchide)
2020-07-17 Conference 日本地球惑星科学連合2020年大会(7月12日-16日 オンライン) (高橋,重松,内出,椎名,Yeo) JpGU Meeting 2020 online on July 12-16 (Takahashi, Shigematsu, Uchide, Shiina, Yeo)
2020-04-08 Personnel Yeo Thomasリサーチアシスタントが着任.
YEO Thomas has arrived.
2020-04-01 Personnel 椎名高裕研究員が着任.
SHIINA Takahiro has arrived.
2020-03-31 Personnel 木戸正紀産総研特別研究員、香取拓馬リ サーチアシスタント、余君宇リサーチアシスタントが退職.
KIDO Masanori, KATORI Takuma, and YO Kun'u resigned.
2020-02-17 Personnel Berend Antonie Verberne研究員がRoyal Dutch Shell (Amsterdam)に異動.
Berend Antonie Verberne moved to Royal Dutch Shell (Amsterdam).
2019-12-19 Publication Pijnenburg, R. P. J., Verberne, B. A., Hangx, S. J. T., & Spiers, C. J. (2019).
Intergranular clay films control inelastic deformation in the Groningen gas reservoir: Evidence from split‐cylinder deformation tests.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124.
2019-09-30 Conference AGU Fall Meeting (12月9日-13日 サンフランシスコ) (内出)
AGU Fall Meeting on Dec. 9-13 in San Francisco (Uchide)
2019-12-03 Publication R.P.J. Pijnenburg, B.A. Verberne, S.J.T. Hangx, C.J. Spiers
Intergranular clay films control inelastic deformation in the Groningen gas reservoir: Evidence from split‐cylinder deformation tests
JGR Solid Earth,
2019-10-03 Outreach NHK高校講座 地学基礎 協力出演(高橋)
NHK High School Earth Science Course (Takahashi)
2019-10-02 Outreach つくばサイエンスアカデミー(重松,Verberne)
Tsukuba Science Academy (Shigematsu and Verberne)
2019-10-01 Personnel 大谷 真紀子研究員が東京大学 に異動.
Makiko Ohtani moved to the University of Tokyo.
2019-09-30 Conference 日本地質学会第126年学術大会 (9月23日-25日 山口大学) (重松,高橋,木戸,香取)
The 126th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan on Sep. 23-25 in Yamaguchi University (Shigematsu, Takahashi, Kido, and Katori)
2019-09-30 Outreach 地質情報展2019やまぐち (9月21日-23日 山口大学) (高橋,Verberne)
Geological Information Exhibition 2019 Yamaguchi on Sep. 21-23 in Yamaguchi University (Takahashi and Verberne)
2019-09-30 Conference 日本地震学会秋季大会 (9月16日-18日 京都大学) (増田,内出,大谷)
SSJ Fall Meeting on Sep. 16-18 in Kyoto University (Masuda, Uchide, and Ohtani)
2019-08-07 Visitor Mr. Milo Trainor Moss (Utrecht University)(August - October, 2019)
2019-07-23 Publication Koji Masuda, Takashi Arai, Miki Takahashi
Effects of frictional properties of quartz and feldspar in the crust on the depth extent of the seismogenic zone
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 6:50, (IF=2.676)
2019-07-20 Outreach 産総研一般公開への出展
AIST Open House
2019-07-19 Publication 今西和俊・内出崇彦・大谷真紀子・松下レイケン・中井未里,関東地 域の地殻内応力マップ,地質調査研究報告,第70巻,第3号,p. 273–298, 2019
Kazutoshi Imanishi, Takahiko Uchide, Makiko Ohtani, Reiken Matsushita and Misato Nakai (2019) Construction of the Crustal Stress Map in the Kanto Region, central Japan. Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan, vol. 70 (3), p.273–298.
2019-07-04 Conference GeoProc2019 (7月3日-5日 オランダ ユトレヒト) (高橋,Verberne)
GeoProc2019 on July 3-5 in Utrecht, the Netherlands (Takahashi and Verberne)
2019-06-16 Personnel 奥脇 亮 元JSPS特別研究員が筑波大学に異動.
Ryo Okuwaki moved to University of Tsukuba.
2019-06-13 Publication Ohtani, M., N. Kame, and M. Nakatani
Synchronization of megathrust earthquakes to periodic slow slip events in a single-degree-of-freedom spring-slider model
Scientific Reports, 9, 8285, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-44684-4 (IF=4.122)
2019-06-13 Publication Ohtani, M. and K. Imanishi
Seismic potential around the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi earthquake assessed considering the viscoelastic relaxation
Earth, Planets and Space, 71, DOI: 10.1186/s40623-019-1036-4 (IF=2.773)
2019-06-13 Publication Ohtani, M., N. Kame, and M. Nakatani
Nucleation of characteristic earthquakes in simulated cycles Involving deep huge slow slip events
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124, 2, 1822-1837, DOI: 10.1029/2018JB016156 (IF=3.48)
2019-06-06 Publication Verberne, B.A., Plümper, O., and Spiers, C. J.
Nanocrystalline principal slip zones and their role in controlling crustal fault rheology.
Minerals 9, 328, (IF=1.835)
2019-06-06 Publication Okamoto, A., Verberne, B. A., Niemeijer, A. R., Takahashi, M., Shimizu, I., Ueda, T., and Spiers, C. J.
Frictional properties of simulated chlorite gouge at hydrothermal conditions: Implications for subduction megathrusts
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, (2019) (IF=3.482)
2019-06-06 Publication Inelastic deformation of the Slochteren sandstone: Stress‐strain relations and implications for induced seismicity in the Groningen gas field.
Pijnenburg, R. P. J., Verberne, B. A. , Hangx, S. J. T., and Spiers, C. J.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122, (IF=3.482)
2019-05-31 Visitor Gregory C. Beroza教授(スタンフォード大学)
Prof. Gregory C. Beroza (Stanford University)
2019-05-30 Conference 日 本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会(5月26日-30日 幕張メッセ)(増田,重松,高橋,内出, 大谷,Verberne,奥脇,香取)
JpGU Meeting 2019 in Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan on May 26-30 (Masuda, Shigematsu, Takahashi, Uchide, Ohtani, Verberne, Okuwaki and Katori)


楊 敬藝 YEO Thomas
在籍期間 2020/04-2024/03 (リサーチアシスタント)
In office between April 2020 and March 2024 as a research assistant
雨澤 勇太 AMEZAWA Yuta
在籍期間 2022/04-2023/08 (産総研特別研究員)
In office between April 2022 and August 2023 as an AIST postdoctorial researcher
木戸 正紀 KIDO Masanori
在籍期間 2019/04-2020/03 (産総研特別研究員)
In office between April 2019 and March 2020 as an AIST postdoctorial researcher
香取 拓馬 KATORI Takuma
在籍期間 2017/04-2020/03 (リサーチアシスタント)
In office between April 2017 and March 2020 as a research assistant
余 君宇 YU Junyu
在籍期間 2019/05-2020/03 (リサーチアシスタント)
In office between May 2019 and March 2020 as a research assistant
Berend Antonie VERBERNE
在籍期間 2018/04-2020/02 (研究員)
In office between April 2018 and February 2020 as a researcher
大谷  真紀子 OHTANI Makiko
在籍期間 2016/04-2019/09 (研究員)
In office between April 2015 and September 2019 as a researcher
奥脇  亮 OKUWAKI Ryo Homepage
在籍期間 2019/04-06 (日本学術振興会特別研究員)
In office between April and June 2019 as a JSPS Postdoctorial Researcher