"Within-house and Between-house Variability in concentrations of VOCs and Carbonyl Compounds in indoor air for Risk Assessment – summer survey-"
1Naohide Shinohara, 2Toshiyuki Kataoka, 2KouichiTakamine, 2Toshiyoshi Nakamura, 2Katunori Motohashi, 3Kazuhiro Nisijima, 1Gamo Masashi
1National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
2Chemicals Evaluation and Research Institute, Japan
3Sigma-Aldrich Corporation
Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2006, Vol.1 pp.319-32 (2006)
To estimate the long-term exposure level for quantitative risk assessment, within-house and between-house variability in the concentrations of 39 VOCs and 4 carbonyl compounds were measured in 3 rooms and immediately outside 26 houses for 7 days in each season. Two types of within-house variability (day-to-day variability and between-room variability) and two types of between-house variability (I: on the basis of the levels averaged over the rooms in each house and over the days in the week; II: on the basis of levels in a room randomly selected in each house on a day randomly selected in the week) were estimated and are discussed. The results of this study suggest that for some compounds, within-house variability would be an important factor for the evaluation of between-house variability.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), Carbonyl compounds, Daily variability