"Exposure and risk assessment of hazardous air pollutants in Japan

Haruyuki Higashino, Hiroshi Yoshikado, Yoshitaka Yonezawa, Junko Nakanishi 

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

SETAC Asia/Pacific 2006 (Beijing 2006/9/20)


The risks and consequences of exposure to hazardous air pollutants for human health have been assessed and the results have published as an exposure and risk assessment document that provides a scientific basis for the decision-making process of regulatory bodies with regard to chemical risk management in the national government. Target substances for the assessment include 11 chemicals which are on the list of Substances Requiring Priority Action published by the Central Environmental Council of Japan in 1996.


exposure, risk, atmosphere, model, HAPs

Research Center for Chemical Risk Management 

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology